Most hatted adjectives



  • and the winner is...


    Hackneyed and classist!

    You know... when I hear older suburban housewife types use "funky" to describe something in the same way their daughters would describe as "ghetto" is kinda makes me think that both terms are fairly racist in origin too.

    Mom - "He drives this funky little car..."
    Daughter - "His car was sooooo ghetto..."

    But you are so funky, Cashless!

  • and the winner is...


    SERIOUSLY! worst evar

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    and the winner is...


    Hackneyed and classist!

    You know... when I hear older suburban housewife types use "funky" to describe something in the same way their daughters would describe as "ghetto" is kinda makes me think that both terms are fairly racist in origin too.

    Mom - "He drives this funky little car..."
    Daughter - "His car was sooooo ghetto..."

    But you are so funky, Cashless!

    I just thought of another one that we used to use back in the 80's, soulful. Anyone with a jheri curl, a shower cap under a hat and activator in a crown royal bag was soulful. proto-ghetto steez.

    black on black hate

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts
    When used to describe house music: Sexy, Sophisticated

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