record vacuum cleaners
312 Posts
so my pops is kind of a collector too. he just bought this record cleaning machine where you wet up the record with cleaning juice, and then spin it while the vacuum piece sucks up the juice and gunk. it doesn't do shit for records with scratches, but dirty records... oh my god. anyone else seen these?I used to just put vodka and 409 on a sock and scrub away. but from now on, I'm using this thing.
Vpi? Nitty Gritt? There's another one without a motor, forgot the name.
depends on model, features, etc.
$400 - pretty damn expensive.
I get my records cleaned with a dealer's Nitty Gritty for $1 a piece, not a bad deal.
This machine will change your collectro life.
Wasn't that on Folkways? "Sounds of The Sucking Hoover" - Dope record.
I am not endorsing Nitty Gritty over VPI.