White people - define yourself!

OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
The term ???white???; people, girls etc. gets thrown around a lot on this here soulstrut. And I just wandered what your definition of being ???white??? was. Personally, for all the white people on the board, and more generally as a collective term. (racial stereotypes aside.)As a European I???m sure it means something different to me, as it does to an American. I mean, where do you draw the line. Who???s white enough? Or who isn???t. I don???t know how much some of you know, or understand European history, and geography. Is there some geographical point where people stop being white. Now I know I'm opening a can of worms here, and I???m sorry if this turns into some horrible mess. But it seems odd the amount people who are happy debate, classify, empathise, celebrate ???blackness??? (for want of a better term) But when the word ???white??? gets a mention, it often as a tern of ridicule. Even though the majority of people on soulstrut are white. Just that maybe some people would be better off, looking at what they are and not what they aren???t.They say only a fool looks at the finger, that???s pointing at the moon.But if you don???t see the finger you???ll never find the moon.


  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    don't fuckin call me whitey, honkey...

    it's a pretty useless term when you're getting to know someone...

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I let my superman action figure do the race talking

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts


  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    how do we know that's not a light skinned black man ?


  • how do we know i didn't take the pic myself?

    NO indeed.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I don't use a washcloth and I love to eat pussy.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Shit really doesn't matter. We're all fucking eachother. One day we will all be the same colour. It won't be anytime soon, but it will happen.

    Then we can all hate eachother for more trivial reasons. Like what alien sports team you support or what kinda spacecraft you drive.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    We're all fucking eachother. One day we will all be the same colour.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    "That's Fire!"[/b]

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    straight up racialist, booyakasha! respect.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I'm pretty goddam white. Thats about all I know.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    The term ???white???; people, girls etc. gets thrown around a lot ...

    (racial stereotypes aside.)

    i think in cases you refer to, it's being used in a stereotypical, american 'white' sense. and yes it's usually used derogatory. i'm guessing white folks don't like the 'goofy white guy' stereotype and this is a way to combat it..

    like: i'm white, but not 'white'.

    btw, is this thread racist?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    i'm guessing white folks don't like the 'goofy white guy' stereotype

    I think it's pretty funny, actually.

    Like when edpowers posted, "take it easy blacks...we were just joking but you guys are taking it too far," I laughed out loud because I imagined it in that mocking, exaggerated "white guy" voice.

    Other than that, race conversations on this board are pretty embarassing. Everyone's on some "Well, I think...," me me me sort of BS. Honestly, if you aren't subjected to racism on a regular basis don't automatically expect people to give a shit about your personal opinion on the issue.

    I also get a kick out of people trying to regulate what others should or shouldn't get offended by. Guess what, fuckers! You only get to decide what is offensive to you! No one else is subject to your views, so don't get your panties in a bunch when someone is offended by something that you aren't.

    (grin graemlin added to indicate that I am not actually angry while posting this)

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    i think years ago, when there were various waves of euro style immigrants coming in, those (euro types) that were already here (who had arrived a bit earlier) looked at the new groups as "not us" - even though the basic appearances were the same (whitey), the languages and cultures were noticeably different (italians, poles, germans, etc). But in the ensuing 100 years of mixing it up, English language domination, and homogenization of US culture, those (noticable) differences are all but gone. Leaving whitey as basically Euro descended folks, now mixing it up with the later waves of asian, latin american, african folks. (of course there has been plenty of cross pollination with all groups all along, indians, blacks (vis-a-vis slaves and otherwise) - im drawing way too broad strokes to make a not very detalied response - no disrepect to anyone intended nor implied)

  • tennis and ginger ale.

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    i think only "Europeans" would answer kindly to your racialistic question...so let me get down. Americans have been taught some lies since the beginning so i guess it's time for some edutainment...

    First of all, shame on the U.S. government for asking your race everywhere you go. City Hall applications, Social Security applications, etc...You always gotta mention your race. Dont tell me it helps to establish statistics or whatever. Human nature is way more devilish. Anyway...To ask someone what race he is is pure comedy. One reason being that the word race is subject to discussion. Races, nationality, species, gender, all those are not the same. IF we ALL agree on the definition of the word "race" then maybe we could start again. But what y'all define as "race" is mostly never a race.

    Causasian. Not a race. Read back your Ethnology 101 and see how the Caucase is a russian region. It so happen that an old myth tried to establish the Caucase as the place of birth for White People. If you believe that, then i can't help you...you need a background check plus a therapy. But if you agree that all whites couldn't come from Russia, then you are now ready to accept that you are not caucasian, or that the word don't define you. A causasian would logically be white, but a white is not a caucasian...That dont work. This is a legacy from theories that was thrown in school manuals in the 1950's. Historians wanted to battle the theory that White people comes from Africa too. So they brung that fake ass theory that White comes from the Caucasian mountains. Lots of people stuck to it since it was profitable to think that we come from Russia ( and not from africa). So please, next time you'll get asked if you're Caucasian, say no...(unless you really come from Ukraine and you live in Odessa).


    Not a race. Read back...no wait. Take a fuckin Globe and see how the World is displayed. For your info, hispanics just mean that the dialect you speak is rooted to spanish (the language). So yes, people in Mexico are hispanics. BUt in Bresil, they're not. The root of the language is Portugual. That's called lusophone (lusitania is the old latin name for portugual). So you now see that you can be from South America without being hispanic.

    Now i used the word Latin. Again, it have nothing to do with race. Shit, read back all the damn manual in the World. 80% of the french language is latin-rooted. Greek and Latin are the two main sources for the Europeans civilisation. Greeks and Latins are whites. Greeks are from Greece and Latin was from Italy (both country didn't exist at that time, but geographically that's where they was so you can situate them on a map). In europe, we call "latins" all the people that leaves near the Mediteranean border...They are white as fuck.


    This is NOT a race damit. Spain is a country. Spanish is the language they talk. Portugual is near Spain. That was TWO different kingdom back then. Colombus was sent by a spanish queen...granted, he landed in the land y'all call Columbia (the south american, noriega, number one coke exporting country). He never discovered shit since people was there before (another lie but whites always did that...with hip-hop they did that too...).

    Amerigo Vespucci "discovered" America. Not columbus. Amerigo gave America his name. Props. He was Portuguese. Not spanish. Lusophone if you want...So please fire that statue in Columbus University and put some portuguese flag instead. South Americans wasn't supposed to be "spanished up". It's called colonization. They wasn't supposed to worship Maria. Colonization. Same goes for Africa. Voil??.


    It's not acceptable. What about you're just American. A black man don't do black music. He does music. Well then you ain't Afro-American. You are american. That won't avoid you racial profiling, but at least, when your application form is on the pile on that big desk, the white dude that treat your case won't know you're black (unless your name is Lakeesha Brown)...

    And from my own experience, the term Afro was good in the 90's. People was still a bit proud to be related to Africa. Nowadays, i don't feel like Africa is trendy anymore...People call 'em "booty scratcha" in front me, "tong wearing mofockers", "jungle fuckin baboons" and all types of shit...Coming from a black man's mouth, it hurts....but the American propaganda is strong and efficient so i'm not blaming anyone...myself, i have my downtime where i could hate chinese or jews for no reasons. Anyway...Afro-American don't fit.

    So what do we have...A Q&A that looks like crap. All the races they propose you on the paper are not races. And you're supposed to close your eyes on that and fill in the blank anyway. I officially ask for a massive boycott.

    And while we at it, could we please stop calling people leaving on the European continent "europeans"...This word don't mean shit to describe us as a "people". We are not people over here. The concept of "people" is pretty much different.

    White people from Ireland are so different from White people from Greece. They share common grounds (like they are scared of blacks the same way) but they can't be called the same "people". Any other white man is not "my people"...I don't care about any other white man but me actually. The concept of "people" is played-out anyway. It won't lead you nowhere to think that you are a part of a "people"...

    And to leave on a good notes, Indians are from India. Not Hindus (thats a religion). Indians. The Americans are the one you call Indians. The reason being that this dumbazz Columbus was heading for India but he was so much of a bad captain that he took the opposite way and landed in a place he tought he discovered...Why...because they never saw real indians before. So when they saw the native americans, they called them Indians thinking they was in India.

    There's no Indians in America basically. Another Myth. Indians are in India. Keep that in mind and tell it to your kids so they won't perpetrate.

    damn im drunk...

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    no it's not me but the Nation was and still is a part of this shyt...360?? is in my avatar!!!lol...i always had love for them tho'. Even if some qualify them as a sect, a dissident organization, even if i couldn't join due to lack of melanin, i still like some of the teachings.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    "That's Fire!"[/b]

    Make this a graemlin or you're

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Why would you start eating watermelon when you know you're getting your picture taken?

  • why wouldn't you? watermelon is good.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    I'd tap. And I'd tap that watermelon.

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    They say only a fool looks at the finger, that???s pointing at the moon.
    "don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory." the best quote from enter the dragon imo!
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