Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central


  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i'm not really familiar with it... how can i be down?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Not when you're white!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    IT'S FUN!

    Especially drunk Frat boys!!!

  • IT'S FUN!

    That's racialist. I'm an equal opportunity ass-beater.

    No ayo.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    IT'S FUN!

    Especially drunk Frat boys!!!

    the blonde ones cry in this weird high pitch tone that makes me both smile and cringe.

    I still need an answer to my quesiton

    whats more important to you guys

    lunch or auto insurance?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Actually, as a youth, my experiences getting my ass whooped were very forward thinking.

    on 3 different occasions i got the shit kicked out of me by a black kid, a mexican kid, and a white kid.

    The mexican kid beat me for being a smartass.

    The black kid beat me up because it was easy.

    The white kid I actually got along with well enough, but he was a bully and he was bored.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Remind me not to play hackysack in your neighbourhood.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I think I once made a guy lose an eye.*


    I did catch a bloody nose from a 300 pound Rican a few years back though. Arguing over hip hop can spark a fair one real quick.

  • "Don't shoot till you see the whites."

    "Of their eyes?"

    "Who's eyes? Don't shoot till you see the whites, period. Point blank. End of story."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • If a bunch of 17 year old hoods rat pack you and you decide to fight back and swing hella hard and sock some dude in the jaw it will shock the hell out of them.


    Yes, I've learned this recently. It's pretty much a downward spiral from this point on....

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    If a bunch of 17 year old hoods rat pack you and you decide to fight back and swing hella hard and sock some dude in the jaw it will shock the hell out of them.
    sometimes i cruise the local elementary schools to garner the same effect... you should see the look on their faces when you knock one of those lil' tikes the fuck out!

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I know, Southern redneck dudes were some die-hard muthafuckas. I was kickin' this guys ass in high school, I mean, goin' to his ass, right? I blacked both his eyes and he was still saying, "Fuck you, nigger. You ain't shit." I said, "Alright, I got ya nigga right here" (holding the dukes up, ready to give him some more). Then, dude ran at me (charged), and I caught him with a picture-perfect, straight right to the nose (broke it). Blood slattered everywhere while he fell to the ground, and I came with the kicks until they pulled me off dude.

    I give dude credit 'cause he kept coming. More than I can say for this G.I. dude I had to knock out a few years later (big 6'4", racial slur screaming mofo). At Hardee's, words were exchanged, he walked up and pushed me. I caught him flush with a right-cross to the jaw, he went down, kicks commenced, end of story. Stacks had the 2-fisted power back then.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    I know this goes without saying and is too obvious. But Big Stacks...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I know this goes without saying and is too obvious. But Big Stacks...

    I've never met him but I picture big stacks looking like a slightly younger Lawrence Fisburne from Higher Learning (sans accent).

    Mr. Stacks (no joke) you should write a book. You got some crazy stories told from such a level headed perspective that its mindblowing.

    I appreciate your whole catalogue

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    I know, Southern redneck dudes were some die-hard muthafuckas. I was kickin' this guys ass in high school, I mean, goin' to his ass, right? I blacked both his eyes and he was still saying, "Fuck you, nigger. You ain't shit." I said, "Alright, I got ya nigga right here" (holding the dukes up, ready to give him some more). Then, dude ran at me (charged), and I caught him with a picture-perfect, straight right to the nose (broke it). Blood slattered everywhere while he fell to the ground, and I came with the kicks until they pulled me off dude.

    I give dude credit 'cause he kept coming. More than I can say for this G.I. dude I had to knock out a few years later (big 6'4", racial slur screaming mofo). At Hardee's, words were exchanged, he walked up and pushed me. I caught him flush with a right-cross to the jaw, he went down, kicks commenced, end of story. Stacks had the 2-fisted power back then.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak


  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody of the "Describe Your Local Black Experience" thread, which is also probably just a joke and not the racist statement which it may appear to be. Although I am indeed a virulent racist, I do not advocate the beating of whites. Spitting in their food when you have them over your house for dinner is quite sufficient.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    best thread on soulstrut right now

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i mostly used to run with samoans and filipinos and had a lot of beef with the irish kids in the sunset district. djing parties and schools in different neighborhoods always brought drama. so there were always fights.

    i remember nights of getting run out of little house parties by a dozen irish dudes with bats. jumping in the car ('77 monte carlo) and breaking the fuck out of there. my boy was running his mouth to some chick at another party and got chased through the party. he was hopping fences while we ran outside to get the car to pick his ass up before he got stomped.

    there were a lot of times wed run up on them at their little beach drunk fests and work them over. another time over on santiago, my boy used to hold this sock with a metal ball in it. poured glue on it and ran it in broken glass and used that to smack kids in the head. left a few dudes really damn bloody. had a big fight outside of st ignatius that spread out to the street with a few dozen dudes wilding out. its really bad when you stomp someone on their own stairs.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Man, where I grew up it was mostly groups of mixed race kids fighting other groups of mixed race kids. There were some all white groups that would get pounded for trying to be nazis on some ignorant white supremist shit. Also there was some of that east/west/south/north-west-east side stuff with groups of maoris trying to be gangsta, but even most of those groups had white kids in 'em too. We were't racially motivated to smash people, just if you weren't a local or you were acting like a fool you would get taken down a peg or 3. We were just stupid kids, but being a smallish beach town you would sort of be down with most people anyway (unless the were psycho) because you all went through school together and mutually hated the cops. I was at a party once though where the kid whose house it was couldn't hold his liquor & was going crazy saying his dad was gonna come down & waste us because he was black belt bla bla blah. Anyways, the old man came down to see about the commotion & started acting all tough like he was gonna fight high school kids (seriously, what the fuck). Long story short, one of my associates popped him in the face & laid him out cold, the son started freaking out even more & crying & we all jumped the fence & bailed, it was pretty classic at school the next week "wah ha, your Dad's real tough, getting laid out by a high school kid, so black belt" that kid never lived it down, so classic. But yeah, I didn't really get the whole "start beef with other people who have different skin tones to you" stuff until I moved to the city & you get big polynesian gangs that don't fuck around.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.
    you for real?

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.
    you for real?
    yessir, i think its time we began to have some conversation about race up in here...
    i'm leaving work now but you all proceed without me.
    play nice

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.
    you for real?
    yessir, i think its time we began to have some conversation about race up in here...

    i'm leaving work now but you all proceed without me.
    play nice
    i dont see any sort of racism in this thread. aint no one going "yo i beat dude's ass (nh) cos he was white!!"

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.

    people taking pride in beating up anybody is a sad thing. There are times in life where a man has to resort to violence. This is an unfortunate reality. But to dwell on those instances, to go into detail about's a downer & only makes the world an uglier place.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    DISCLAIMER: For those headz who may not know the deal, please do not take me seriously- this thread is just a parody ...

    the other thread was a joke, probably made in poor taste, but it was a joke.
    this thread has turned into something disgusting.
    it's not phill's fault. its the people who took it seriously.
    a lot of dudes describing, with what seems like pride, the times they beat up white people - and doing it in all seriousness.
    congrats, i'm sure this type of discourse really goes far into advancing race relations.
    you for real?
    yessir, i think its time we began to have some conversation about race up in here...

    i'm leaving work now but you all proceed without me.
    play nice
    i dont see any sort of racism in this thread. aint no one going "yo i beat dude's ass (nh) cos he was white!!"

    yeah i don't see any superficial racism either, and i REALLY don't want to instigate another one of "those" threads.
    i feel the tone some people took with their responses needs to be checked.
    imagine a thread, "DESCRIBE YOUR EXPERIENCE BEATING UP ----- PEOPLE" and people taking it seriously.
    shit just seems wrong.
    if you disgree, cool. discuss it peacefully, apologize if you think your comments may have been out of line, or just keep it to yourself
    cuz there's been way too much bickering about this recently.
    (Brian, this is directed to anyone reading, not you personally)

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    I'm white and sometimes when i don't feel good about myself, i punch myself in the face...that totally counts right?
    sweet...i'm down dudes, i'm totally down...

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