Ebay scam # 676543

HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central


  • What a miserable prick. I wonder if he framed this.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I was looking at this for a while before I realised.


  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I was looking at this for a while before I realised.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    I don't know what's better - this:


    or this:

    CLASSIC videos from the best British band on planet earth!

  • Not that anyone here would be foolish enough to do this -- but just a heads up incase. A friend of mine recently sold a track bike frame for 1500.00 on Ebay. So today he gets a message from some guy thanking him for the second chance offer and he just wanted to make sure that the Western Union info was correct -- but he sold the frame and somehow some guy in London sent this poor bastard a second chance offer on said bike frame. So he kindly informed him that the frame actually DID sell and that by looking at the item loc. - Va. - he should have known that in no way would he be selling the frame from London on a second chance offer. Just saying - this guy was about to wire 1500.00 to some guy in England for a frame that didn't exist...just sayin' - look over those second chance offers carefully.


  • I'm not to hip w/ eBay, but what's wrong w/ the Jamiroquai and Mystidious Misfits auctions?

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts

    Thats quite common on ebay. Not usually that blatantly over idoitic on the shipping though.

    There are a lot of items that are put on in the UK for about say ??8, and then state their location as Hong Kong and put the postage as ??17 or something like that.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    I'm not to hip w/ eBay, but what's wrong w/ the Jamiroquai and Mystidious Misfits auctions?

    Yeah, got to say that Jamiroquai has made some amazing videos although I don't think I'll be bidding here.... Never heard of Mystidious.

  • Thats quite common on ebay. Not usually that blatantly over idoitic on the shipping though.

    There are a lot of items that are put on in the UK for about say ??8, and then state their location as Hong Kong and put the postage as ??17 or something like that.

    this guy isn't trying to scam anyone but ebay. when you sell there you pay a portion of the final value of the auction to ebay. about 2.5%. he's just trying to keep ebay from gwtting that money. shit like this shows up all the time.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    Mixtapes is the shit. Heard the lead MC got shot in Oakland for his gold chain. True? What's the rest of their work like?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    He said "don't sleep!"

  • funkisnot dead is right...I e-mailed the seller and he did it to get over on e-bay/fees. Not really a great look, but I guess I can understand on some level.

    Nonce is two mc's Sach and Yusef Afloat who was murdered in LA. "Yusef Afloat Muhammad, rapper with The Nonce, was found dead alongside a Los Angeles freeway in May 2000 at roughly age 28."

    Sach is still doing music solo, and recently released 2 discs of Nonce-era material. PM me if you need info about that. We've done some stuff with him. I loved most of their output (Bustops 12", World Ultimate LP), but particularly the Sight Of Things EP. I'll get you a yousendit.

    Mixtapes is the shit. Heard the lead MC got shot in Oakland for his gold chain. True? What's the rest of their work like?

  • Since we're on about the Nonce, any info on these?

    Live and Direct 12"

    Turnin' it Out 12" both on Wild West '99. Was that some of the stuff you're speaking of Anasarka?

  • taza yeah those were both 12" off the sight of things. but i was referring to this:

    check out my blog (don't we all have one) for more info behind that release and why it's supposedly raer, plus other trivia.


    ps-lynn ness just did a 12" with sach, it would be interesting to hear his stories..

    Since we're on about the Nonce, any info on these?

    Live and Direct 12"

    Turnin' it Out 12" both on Wild West '99. Was that some of the stuff you're speaking of Anasarka?

  • wish i had that sight of things and picnic song single. and there's that one other old ass single you can't find also. what was it?

  • It's all about "Who Fall Apart?"

  • I think "From the Ground Up" was the other old 12" I was thinkin of.

  • I think "From the Ground Up" was the other old 12" I was thinkin of.

    yo...yeah! i've never seen a copy of from the ground up ever. there's also a clear mixtapes remix 12".
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