Lost Appreciaton (TVR)

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
So on fire right now. That is all.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    lost is

    todays ep was "oooohhh snap"


    what is that shit from? Daymn.

  • i googled and found some ill links

    here are some other interesting ones.



    that first link was from this website's message board.

    yeah i nerded it up.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    I've never seen the show nor do I know what it's about, but in case you didn't notice, run your cursor over the yellow "all flights cancelled" message for a little hidden note.


  • ugh, how do y'all watch these tv dramas?

  • ugh, how do y'all watch these tv dramas?

    honestly ,i never got into anything like that.

    watched a show at my boys house in passing and got hooked. got back to town rented the whole season and watched that thing.

    i don't know what happen but its on every wed's

    And now i google it and dork out. thats my and im out!

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Hurley was playing raers on the hi-fi in the "bunker". Geronimo Jones or something like.

  • Cosign!

    Lost is awesome, i usually hate TV dramas but stuff like Lost, Carnivale and OZ really makes tv enjoyable, although i always buy this stuff on some cheap dvd or watch on computer, those effin commercials is i almost forget what it is i'm watching when that shit comes on, really irritating..


  • Hurley was playing raers on the hi-fi in the "bunker". Geronimo Jones or something like.

    hah yeah i forgot about that. i think the record they ended up playing was pousette dart band or whatever. thats what it looked like it said.

    sayid was not feeling it.

  • Pousette Dart Band - Amnesia it was...

  • Did you notice the LaFace 12" he had in his stack?

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    this show was cool for awhile but I lost interest towards the beginning of the season with all the episodes where absolutely NOTHING happened, it's pretty clear they're going to drag this out for like 10 seasons X-Files style and no one will care anymore by the bitter end.

  • Did you notice the LaFace 12" he had in his stack?

    haha! i saw this. i noticed that it was either an ARC or columbia red label record in a laface sleeve, though.

  • this show was cool for awhile but I lost interest towards the beginning of the season with all the episodes where absolutely NOTHING happened, it's pretty clear they're going to drag this out for like 10 seasons X-Files style and no one will care anymore by the bitter end.

    I started to get into it, but they always ask more questions then they answer and I get the feeling the writers don't even know how its going to end.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    i keep hearing fools jocking the fuck out of this show. i guess i should netflix the first season.

  • i keep hearing fools jocking the fuck out of this show. i guess i should netflix the first season.

    yo, you can also download most of the shows through itunes for something like $2 a piece. like some others have said, i too have found myself losing interest this season, thinking it's been spreading itself too thin, not giving us enough information...until last night. finally, some contact with the others, and then last last question by jack to ana lucia...

    i'm sure many of you already know about this and it could prolly even be its own thread, but anyone looking to see some real crazy tv should check out the TWIN PEAKS dvd's as created by david lynch and company. shit is strange and crazy compelling, no doubt, but also hilarious and just over-the-top on all levels.

  • wonkawonka 84 Posts
    Hands down one of the dopest shows on TV right now.

    Mr. Echo is

    Check out Lemon Red's Lost blog...some good shit in there


  • Hands down one of the dopest shows on TV right now.

    Mr. Echo is

    yeah Echo aka Adebisi is indeed

    Michelle Rodriguez is dope as well.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

    Michelle Rodriguez is dope as well.

    except for being the worst actress in the history of time...yeah.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    yeah Echo aka Adebisi is indeed

    Michelle Rodriguez is dope as well.

    I'm a convereted Michelle Rodriguez hater. Deal with it. She is radikal now.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I tried watching this with my bro a few times (he's a fan) and while parts of it are mildly interesting it TOTALLY DROVE ME AWAY bigtime... especially the whole 'numbers' thing... if it was a broad numerological theme I'd be with it, but THE EXACT SAME NUMBERS THING is so unbelievable I just can't take the show seriously, sorry

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    deal with it
    lost mythology runs deep
    go to abc.com and peep out the totally nerdy podcast, it held it down on my flight over
    deal folls

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    i too have found myself losing interest this season, thinking it's been spreading itself too thin, not giving us enough information...until last night. finally, some contact with the others, and then last last question by jack to ana lucia...
    I felt so frustrated from the lack of answers from the last episode that the question in the end you refer to didn't do shit for me. The show has just stopped in it's tracks and the producers are just banking on that people have the patience to stick with it. The killer is that I'll watch that shit regardless of what's going on because I always tell myself I have nothing better to do.

    Fuck 'Lost'. If they don't give me some answers soon I'll consider thinking about not watching it anymore.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    can somebody post a detailed plot breakdown of "The Hunting Party" aka last night'e episode. I was getting drunk.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I think X-Files is a good comparison but dudes, X-Files didn't get really, really wack until Scully got preggers (baby = jump the shark classic). That's about 8 seasons worth of pretty compelling television.

    Is "Lost" the best thing ever? No. It's not fucking with:
    The Wire
    The Shield
    The Sopranos
    ...but notice those are all cable shows. Lost, in my mind, is one of the best dramas on network television. Is it unbelievable? Yeah sure, but c'mon, like "Twin Peaks" and "X-Files" were the height of realism?

    but whatever, no one's obliged to like it.

    Just to reiterate though: that show is so on FYYYYYRRRREEEEE right now.


  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    can somebody post a detailed plot breakdown of "The Hunting Party" aka last night'e episode. I was getting drunk.


    The others are getting mad that the castaways are fucking with their raers.

  • Lemon Red's Lost blog...

  • I think X-Files is a good comparison but dudes, X-Files didn't get really, really wack until Scully got preggers (baby = jump the shark classic). That's about 8 seasons worth of pretty compelling television.

    Is "Lost" the best thing ever? No. It's not fucking with:
    The Wire
    The Shield
    The Sopranos
    ...but notice those are all cable shows. Lost, in my mind, is one of the best dramas on network television. Is it unbelievable? Yeah sure, but c'mon, like "Twin Peaks" and "X-Files" were the height of realism?

    but whatever, no one's obliged to like it.

    Just to reiterate though: that show is so on FYYYYYRRRREEEEE right now. aaannd


    well said.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    i just got the first disc on netflix and watched it straight through. now i'm fiending like a crackhead for the next discs to arrive in the mail.

  • i just got the first disc on netflix and watched it straight through. now i'm fiending like a crackhead for the next discs to arrive in the mail.

    i know how you feel mang.
    did the same when i first watched them. wait till the itching sets in.

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