Organizing a record show

My business partner and I are thinking about organizing a DC record show, possibly two a year. The only show in the area right now is in Arbutus (Baltimore). Any of you guys have any experience in setting one of these up? Looking for estimated meeting room costs in a hotel? Other costs? Helpful hints? Thanks in advance!
I've been praying for someone to get a show together round here. I'm willing to help in anyway just in case. If you can make this happen you'll be my hero.
-Get a space that fits your needs. If you can fill out a big jammy, then do it. If you can't (I would doubt you can't in DC), get a smaller venue.
-A hotel is always good, but look at other options such as firemen's halls, ethnic community centers, and Elks club/Lion's club type joints. Make sure the space does not:
*Have problems with temperature control
*Smell like a million cigarettes
*The owners of the space will pre-empt you when the show is winding down with something else they have going/trying to kick you out ASAP.
*Has access to bathroom facilities
-Don't make it only records. The more mediums you add, the more customers will walk through the door.
-Have a wide spread of types of dealers that sell. High, medium and low end dealers make a show successful. All high end will limit clientele, all low end will make dudes get Soulstrutty about the quality of raers at the show and flea market comparisons.
-Do not recruit live entertainment unless the crowd they will bring GUARANTEES a flow over of people who would buy records, cds, dvds, etc. It will eat valuable $ for little return.
-PROMOTE IT TO THE FULLEST. Leave no telephone pole unbannered, leave no website unturned, leave no periodical untouched.
And tell me when you're gonna do it.
Sayin sayin sayin
Tysons Corner? That ain't DC! I'm talking about in-town. I'm also not going to charge $7 a head, a dollar or two tops.
Sorry for all the questions but I've been to exactly three of these things in my life (shocking I know).
this is all very true. A few points from my end. At this stage I WOULD do a Vinyl only show (which i do here in T.O by the way), and make it much smaller. The days of large turnouts at a record show are over. Even Austin sees a small attendance after the dealers are counted for. Speciality is where it's at. Definitely have some good high end dealers if possible, and some low end guys are great as they should always have at least 1 or 2 Rares that are beautifully underpriced and give everyone something to talk about later (wow...risco connections for $3.00...golly gee!!!!). Finally, do promote your ass off, but do not invest a fortune in print ads or radio. Flyer, flyer, flyer, flyer, and oh yeah...Flyer. Word of mouth is your biggest ally, so make sure that Miguels cousins Grandmother even has one, because her nephew is a crazy record head and she'll let him know. After all that, tell me cuz i might even come down.
As we both know N*al, the Tyson's show is twice as close as the B-More one (also not actually in DC), so don't front sucka!
Seriously though, tell me what I can do to help.
Involving fingernails-mcgee aka Rick would certainly be an option though I'm not sure if the guy does shows anymore.
I would doubt it but he may be able to put you in touch with folks you may not otherwise be in touch with. Can't hurt to ask. And I think he prefers Barefoot
McGee, last of the eccentric brick-and mortar record dealers.
we just call him toenails
good luck with the show n**l, dc needs a good one.
my friends & I call him "Splinter"
I'd definitely make it to this show though. keep me posted.