we had mice all summer in our apartment...get the d-conn poison pellets...keep putting them out where you see the mice like to hang mostly (hole in wall, lots of turds) they eat those things on the regular...keep the supply fresh for them...takes a few weeks, but we havent seen sign of them fuckers in months.
there is a poison out there that makes the claustrophobic. the pro's tend to use it but it's nice because it causes them to die in fields as opposed to your house.
At my old spot I had a mouse problem. I just threw out a few traps and said fuck it. but my moms freaked when I told her about my roomate screaming like a bitch when one jumped out of the toaster so she called some pest guy to come to my house and kill them. Dude used Doritos as bait and within 30 minutes we had caught 3, the fourth was dead after hour. Never saw them again.
inclosed traps work real well because it makes the mouse feel safe.
Dog, Get your flute out (not your skin flute???) and play that Bobbi Humphries joint and have them follow you out of the house then close the door..
Glue traps work best use the rat size this way they get stuck fo sho, make sure you place them in the corners near the walls and make sure you know where they come in and out of so you can get them.... And when your done step on them or put another glue trap on top so they get done quicker.... Not cruel, remember mice and rats carry disease if you don't get them first they get you with airborne poop could get scary and give me all your records... That will do the trick... Peace doggie! Or just kill them mice,...
i dont like to see them suffer, but fuck...i dont want them shitting and pissing all over my living space and workplace. fuck that. if they were potty trained i wouldnt mind all that much
Dog, Get your flute out (not your skin flute???) and play that Bobbi Humphries joint and have them follow you out of the house then close the door..
Whenever there's heavy construction in my hood, it seems a mouse will appear in my apt. I simply lay down glue traps and have patience. Shit works. I'll be drunk late at night watchin' a flick, then outta nowhere Mickey darts through the room. Trap placement iz essential.
Glue traps - I'm not quite cold blooded enough yet, but I think cleaning up after one more mouse party might do it.
i had just moved into my friend's parents condo, and they had mice problems. So we set up a couple glue traps and the old-fashioned kind that snaps in the kitchen, and the next morning there'd be like 3 babies caught on the glue trap (still alive) and a big one's tail sitting on the other trap.
Don't even get me started on how squeamish i was getting when disposing of those live babies....... definitely not a pleasant way to wake up in the morning.
I used to live in a house that had mice. One night they got into the mushrooms that my hippie roomate had under his bed. They wrecked the fuck out of our cabinets for the next 48 hours (it sounded like they were holding the Vermin Olympics in there) and the hippie was pissed cause he thought that we got high on his supply. NOT COOL MAN.
they had some mice isuues over at my moms crib. they got the glue traps. i was over there chillin' and they said "hey we got one" my step brother was like "cool i'll just get him off and let him loose in the back yard" well this was not the case at all. after trying to get him loose for 5 minutes my step brother procedes to rip the poor mouses leg off as he pulled him away. very sad and grusome. peace, stein. . .
Jesus, I'm glad I don't live in the USA, you got mice everywhere!
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
I had rats and mice under my deck recently. I tried traps and they didn't really work. They managed to keep eating the peanut butter off of them without setting the traps off. So someone else recommended these poison pellets and they managed to kill them all. After about a week or so I killed about 7 rats and mice. Every single one of them came out from under the deck looking for water before they died. The trick is to keep the supply of pellets out so they keep filling up on them every night. If they aren't eating from one of the boxes try it in another location til you see evidence of them eating.
Damn, this thread is so fucking funny. I have a mouse problem. I've tried glue traps but I catch everything but the mouse. Shit, I was caught in the glue trap the other day.
I haven't seen that little fucker lately, which is good. When he was around, he/she used to chew up my boxes of popcorn and granola bars. Glad he/she's gone.
Side note: I have a bad ant problem. Them little bastards roll thick. Deep like an army. I found some ants all up in my Goldfish crackers. Ughhh.
Glue traps - I'm not quite cold blooded enough yet, but I think cleaning up after one more mouse party might do it.
Sonic thingees - do these work?
burning down the house - hahaha!
At my old spot I had a mouse problem. I just threw out a few traps and said fuck it. but my moms freaked when I told her about my roomate screaming like a bitch when one jumped out of the toaster so she called some pest guy to come to my house and kill them. Dude used Doritos as bait and within 30 minutes we had caught 3, the fourth was dead after hour. Never saw them again.
inclosed traps work real well because it makes the mouse feel safe.
Glue traps work best use the rat size this way they get stuck fo sho, make sure you place them in the corners near the walls and make sure you know where they come in and out of so you can get them.... And when your done step on them or put another glue trap on top so they get done quicker.... Not cruel, remember mice and rats carry disease if you don't get them first they get you with airborne poop could get scary and give me all your records... That will do the trick... Peace doggie!
It sucks when they get half-on and spend the night running with the trap attached, but they get tired and eventually get totally stuck.
It's a rodent not a person, don't know how much compassion you need to show it.
Whenever there's heavy construction in my hood, it seems a mouse will appear in my apt. I simply lay down glue traps and have patience. Shit works. I'll be drunk late at night watchin' a flick, then outta nowhere Mickey darts through the room. Trap placement iz essential.
i had just moved into my friend's parents condo, and they had mice problems. So we set up a couple glue traps and the old-fashioned kind that snaps in the kitchen, and the next morning there'd be like 3 babies caught on the glue trap (still alive) and a big one's tail sitting on the other trap.
Don't even get me started on how squeamish i was getting when disposing of those live babies.......
What can I do to get rid of people I don't want? I'm thinking glue trap. Do they sell them in 6ft x 6ft squares?
I haven't seen that little fucker lately, which is good. When he was around, he/she used to chew up my boxes of popcorn and granola bars.
Side note: I have a bad ant problem. Them little bastards roll thick. Deep like an army. I found some ants all up in my Goldfish crackers. Ughhh.