Help me kill mice.

Seriously, these little fuckers have gotten to smart to go into the traps I set. I tried to be nice - I used those "live traps" first. nope. Then I started setting the real ones - got a few of 'em, but now they wise to me. I'm about to wile out & get some of those damn glue traps. I used to think those were the apex of man's cruelty to animalkind, but I'm gettin' pissed here. they are have god damn little mouse parties while I sleep.Does anyone have any good advice/murder fantasies about mice?
they just fall asleep then and I can sweep them up into a shoebox and take them to that one neighbor that yells at the kids.
not a bad idea....
Well, it's more like a bungalo. no real neighbors, but we're near fields. I'm not sure how possible it is to stop them from getting in.
they leave mice terds & chew things.
oh whoops- wrong thread ,sorry
butt pirate!
thta's what I thought! Bitch ass mice stopped falling for it. I even used BACON!
why all the hostility you homophobe? jeez
It's to mask my antisemitism, DUH!
You tried these yet? I found out we had a mouse in our basement last year. I wasn't really wanting to use the normal spring-loaded trap because I didn't really want to have to touch a mouse carcass. I tried these D-Con No View/No Touch traps and sure enough I caught the little fucker in one night. Basically you put in the bait (cheese, peanut butter, whatever) through the bottom, twist the top until it sets, and gently set down the trap. The mouse smells the bait, walks in through the hole on the side, and once it gets to the middle I guess it presses a lever or something and the thing uncoils and I guess crushes the mouse inside the trap. It's got a little indicator that tells you if the trap has gone off, which doesn't necessarily tell you that it caught a mouse but just that the trap deployed for one reason or another. I found that sometimes they just set themselves off since they're spring-loaded but mostly they just stay set until a mouse sets it off. If a mouse is in it you'll feel the weight and you'll know you caught one.
Like I said, I don't know if you've tried these or not but I used them and it worked pretty well.
Sounds like they got LOTS to eat then. Gotta be the neighbours or something feedin 'em well.
Seriously, we had a mouse problem when I was a kid, Mom ended up going with the sticky sheets, some gruesome shit. I'd say use it as a last resort as it's a nasty way to dispose of these little guys, but it does work. Cat's work too, still kinda nasty but you could argue that it's natural I guess.
grind it to dust / little pieces
get a mars bar
flatten it
mix the two
roll little chunks of the mixture
wash hands
just rub it's pussy on a trap.
If they get wise to that,
you have gay mice.
You need a combination of stuff - mouse poison and traps. Glue traps are brutal but they do work. Snap traps also work well, although I did end up decapitating two squeakers which was pretty revolting to clean up. Secret of baiting the traps is to use really tiny amounts - it's just the smell that attracts them, you don't have to set out a meal. A little chocolate smeared onto a trap worked well...
At a different place we used sonic repellers to get rid of the rats - one under the floorboards and two in the house. Seemed to work pretty fast. You can tell I've lived in some nice places.
so after the sonic traps to defer them didn't work, plugging up holes failed, and traps that went off with no provocation, we used the sticky glue traps. They work very well, and it is gruesome and horrible. They do work incredibly well however. Break down and use them.
we got mouse poison and sprinkled it EVERYWHERE we knew he could get in or had been... thus he had to walk through the poison to get ANYTHING
he was still comin in and chewin on shit and waking us up every night... so i took the trap... set the bait.. and covered the ENTIRE trap in popcorn and poison to disguise it.. and figuring if he grabbed the popcorn that would be poinsed too.
anyhow caught him the first night with the poison mountain trap...
worst mouse cath of all time was this time the lady above us had a mouse and somehow chased it into OUR apartment... the thing was running around our bedroom all confused.. my cat had NO interest in catching it either... so im running around trying to catch this lil fucker and he somhow starts climbing up the curtains.. STRAIGHT up .. just nutty.. he gets to the top and start running back and forth across the curtain rod... shoe in hand i gave him a nice smack and that was the end of that.
worst thing about mice is my wife screams like an unconsolable lil girl at the slightest glimpse of one of them...
i just borrowed my hommie's 2 cats for a week and they decapitated one moue after torturing it for an entire day (i had to eat my cereal and brush my teteh while they batted the fucker all over my apartment)
havent seen a mouse for a month. scent , i guess.
now in the high school where i work, i run a food room. so there are definitely mice all over the damn place. i aint having it. so we gotta keep the room mad swept and extra cleaned. i dont even trust that shit to the cleaning staff. i mop my damn self with hot ass water.
twice a week i lay down glue traps right by shelves that they might get a desire to climb. i catch all these little baby mice and sometimes they are still squirming on the traps. usually i come into work the next day and they are dead, eyes bulging out, a pile of shit on the trap next to them. no more shit on shelves or food that got nibbled.
if theyre still live, you put em in a bag and crush them or sufocate them. crushing is probably nicer to the mouse.
cosiggy. cats love mice. a good hunter as well.