Does it ever smell like poo where you live?



  • Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.[/b]

    Which one day of the year does it not smell like shit in Texas??

    and is it considered a holiday?

    Where's the "You're Jealous" graemlin?? Or should that be "Your Jealous"???

    Huh? I was working under the assumption that the other 364 days the state smelled like Republicans and Creationists. Make you want to dive into a pile of shit for relief...

    Of all the odors I've smelled in my life, nothing compares to the greasy haired, dandruff infested, shower once a month whether he needed it or not, 40+ year old, livin' with Mom, stank breathed, idiot savant matrix # reciting record collectro.

    So take a shower already....

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    the absolute worst is the smell of shit and fear and death coming from the slaughterhouse at Niagara. i've gone to parties at the row houses across from there. i don't know how people live there...depending on the wind direction, you can smell it all the way at Queen by Trinity Bellwoods Park.

    so so true

    nothing worse than being trapped in a full street car stinking to hi heaven with bums shuffling betwween the ossington mental hospital and sherbourne crack corner and then adding the rancid slaughterhouse stank on top.

    so so wrong.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.[/b]

    Which one day of the year does it not smell like shit in Texas??

    and is it considered a holiday?

    Where's the "You're Jealous" graemlin?? Or should that be "Your Jealous"???

    Huh? I was working under the assumption that the other 364 days the state smelled like Republicans and Creationists. Make you want to dive into a pile of shit for relief...

    Of all the odors I've smelled in my life, nothing compares to the greasy haired, dandruff infested, shower once a month whether he needed it or not, 40+ year old, livin' with Mom, stank breathed, idiot savant matrix # reciting record collectro.

    So take a shower already....'s only been 22 days since the last one!!! Water is expensive here in Mom has no sense of smell!!

  • Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.

    this is where i live-
    i make a living in one of the refineries.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.

    this is where i live-
    i make a living in one of the refineries.

    Does it smell bad there??

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

  • Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.

    this is where i live-
    i make a living in one of the refineries.

    Does it smell bad there??

    yes, but i'm immune to it.

  • My family used to have a cottage up in northern Ontario, and one of the closest significant towns (Espanola, for curious Ontarians!) had a large paper pulp mill. That shit stunk the whole town up!! It's a very sulphur-ish smell like that of egg farts. And if the wind was right we could smell it faintly at the cottage, which is like a 15 minutes highway car ride away.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    Live by a couple of chocolate factories.

    ive smelled some pretty disgusting chocolate factory towns...

    but if i were actually at a place that smelled like cadbury eggs id be happy

    sometimes if you are up on your roof working on the cooler or somethin' You'll catch a whiff of pew, it's just the bathroom sewer vent...

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    South Korea stinks like shit (especially in the summertime). There is so much swine out there, ugh.

    CousinLarry said that Richmond smells liks shit. I drove thru there this past summer and that was the only place that I traveled thru that stunk like rancid feces.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    mine does now. i just walked my two dogs and stepped in shit with BOTH feet. people need to clean up after their pets.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I let my dawg poo freely.
    I live near our local sewage works. On a hot day when the wind blows south we get the unmistakable aroma of poo mmmmmm.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    i dont live there, but somewhere near Coalinga CA on the I-5 is the biggest stinkiest 'burn your nostrils with the pure ammonium in the air' cattle ranch in the USA (so far as i can tell), that we like to call Cowschwitz. were talking square MILES of cattle and their many many turds. windows up, vents closed, and you still gotta hold your breath for 5 straight minutes at 85 mph. A horrible place, why do we do this?

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    I let my dawg poo freely.

  • Beaumont, Texas is one of the worst smelling cities I've ever been to. First time there I was in a Grocery Store and I asked the cashier "What's that weird smell outside" she replied with "What smell??" I realized that it smelled like ass there 24/7/364.

    this is where i live-
    i make a living in one of the refineries.

    Does it smell bad there??

    yes, but i'm immune to it.

    I'm from the town where LoudWizard makes gasoline and my/everyone else's grandfather would say, "That's the smell of money."

    It's also the smell of cancer, I'm afraid. Jefferson County has the highest cancer rate in the nation (at least it used to).

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    It's also the smell of cancer, I'm afraid. Jefferson County has the highest cancer rate in the nation (at least it used to).
    Did North Jersey take the title?

  • A while back my toilet began to stink while I actually clean it regularly. So I called a plummer and said my toilet smelled like a sewer.

    He: "Is there a sink in your toilet?"
    Me: "Eh, yeah."
    He: "Do you use it?"
    Me: "Nope, I can't wait to get out of that closet after I'm finished so I wash in the kitchen."
    He: "So you pile up magazines on the sink in the toilet?"
    Me: "Eh, yeah."
    He: "Well, than that's it"
    Me: "Get outta here! Do you really think I piss all over those mags?"
    He: "Ha ha, go figure it out. Ciao"

    I pondered and pondered and than realized that the sinks reservoir dried up over the years because it's never used. I had an open connection to the sewer!

  • And that was the story of how my toilet smelled like a sewer. Good night to you all.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Yeah man like all the time! I asked around and there is a sewage plant one block away. Here is the best part though: They built this complex for kids called the "Family Fun Center" directly on top of the plant and you can smell the shit very bad!!! This is where the city wants families to go have fun.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    My apartment smells like cat shit all the time these days.

    My new roommate has a cat whom I swear takes like 23 shits a day. It is beyond belief.

    Before she moved in, when it was just my cat, I had to change her box like seriously once every two weeks - and even then it was like, just to keep it real, not because it was even near full. She's mad neat and you don't even think to change the box cause it never smells. This new cat, you have to change the box EVERY DAY, sometimes he gets crap all over the outside of the box itself, and it's like "hurry up! jesus christ it stinks!!" every single night.

    I come home from work every night, open the door, and the first thing I get is the deep funk of day-long feline fecal matter.


  • finally, some hard hitting in your face no holds barred questioning of yesteryear.

    ah the poo smell. well, i grew up in that stretch of the i-5 that smells like butthole. its not so bad. the smell is usually confined to within about 5 miles of a cow concentration camp. and there are a few but the largest one is along the i-5.

    there's a chicken farm along the 99 that smells even worse but you have to get off the freeway to enjoy that one.

    me and my friends used to have cow shit fights where we'd take a hardened piece of cow shit and throw it at each other like a doo doo frisbie. then i got hit in the face and a lil chip of cow poop got in my eye and i got really grossed out and we never threw them at each other again. we'd just throw them at cows. that was fun.

    it smells like shit around fairfax and 6th.

    cross the bay bridge and take the 580 exit and youll pass the east bay mud water purification center. it always smells like shit right there too.

    i brings the knowledge. how's everyone?

  • oh. i have a question.

    you know that new mariah joint? i swear she says "just like a cow gone commercial"[/b] but my homegirl has the cd and she says its "like a calgon commercial"[/b] neither makes sense. but id like some clarification.

  • oh. i have a question.

    you know that new mariah joint? i swear she says "just like a cow gone commercial"[/b] but my homegirl has the cd and she says its "like a calgon commercial"[/b] neither makes sense. but id like some clarification.

    Calgon is a air freshener manufacturer. Their slogan is something like "Calgon, take me away!"

    And dude... your memories/reminiscing/NRR stories are always

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Before she moved in, when it was just my cat, I had to change her box like seriously once every two weeks - and even then it was like, just to keep it real, not because it was even near full. She's mad neat and you don't even think to change the box cause it never smells. This new cat, you have to change the box EVERY DAY, sometimes he gets crap all over the outside of the box itself, and it's like "hurry up! jesus christ it stinks!!" every single night.

    I come home from work every night, open the door, and the first thing I get is the deep funk of day-long feline fecal matter.

    I've always wondered how smelly old people get to the point of being so inundated with cats that they don't even notice that their jacket is soaked in cat urine.

    Thank you for clearing that up for me.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Calgon is a air freshener manufacturer. Their slogan is something like "Calgon, take me away!"

    It's actually a bubble bath - the ads used to have a Mom standing in the middle of this swirling vortex of hubby wanting dinner, kids spilling shit on the carpet, screaming baby, mother-in-law at the door, etc...and she would be like

    "CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY!" and we would cut to her in the bathtub, luxuriating in the sudsy bubbles Calgon provides, presumably as her domestic situation continued to degrade horribly just beyond the bathroom door...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    I've always wondered how smelly old people get to the point of being so inundated with cats that they don't even notice that their jacket is soaked in cat urine.

    Thank you for clearing that up for me.

    This actually reminds me of the time in the mid-90's, where I had this job working outside all the time, and the company bought me this 2-piece rubberized rainsuit for working in the downpours we would have. At the time I was living with this couple who had a cat that would piss/spray on things. Well, apparently, the little rat had let go all over my rainsuit while it was in the closet...but it didn't really become noticable until it got good and wet, and the water soaked in, hours after I had been at work, and the most powerful smell of cat piss EVAR started radiating from my body...people were running away from me...I had to leave work for the day and go home and soak for hours in a tub to get - most of - the stench off of me.
    Not a good day.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    who shit on the coats? i mean somewhere in the vicinity, in or around all the coats.

  • only place i've ever been that smelled like poo is LONDON. despite this it's still one of my favorite cities. peace, stein. . .

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    only place i've ever been that smelled like poo is LONDON. despite this it's still one of my favorite cities. peace, stein. . .

    ah, just curious, why does it smell like poo in London?
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