a ? for Canadians (NRR)

OK you north of the border folks, please help me understand your taxes. From what I've been reading in guide books it looks like I'm gonna be up against a couple different ones. The way I understand it is, there is GST ~7% PST ~7% and then an additional 10% alcohol tax. The way it seems to break down is if I'm in a regualr store or Grocery buying non alcoholic stuff I'm gonna be looking at PST and GST coming in at a combined ~14% tax on my goods. It seems like if I'm at a liquour store I'm gonna be paying PST, GST and Alcohol tax for what amunts to a whoping ~24% tax. The only break it seems you get is in a restaurant or Bar there is only GST and Alcohol tax so your food would get taxed at ~7% and your booze at a combined ~17%. Have I got it straight? Man, if so I can certainlly see how you guys have "free" healthcare...

but i can also smoke weed while walking down the street
americans save your reciepts and get yer taxes back when you cross the border.
As well, there are certain goods which are exempt from GST or PST. In certain provinces Milk, Bread, etc is not taxed.
In Alberta, there is no PST. But their premier also has no high school diploma and is a drunkard who throws money at hobo's
Depends on where you go in the country.
Ontario you'll pay GST - 7% & 8% PST
But if you go to say Alberta you'll just pay 7% I believe. No proviuncial tax right?
where are you going?
you are eligible to get some of what you are charged back.
tax refund for visitors
more tax refund info
PST and GST explained (somewhat)
Well, technically we don't have "free" health care. We pay for it.. Just with taxes. One thing tho with it being "free". It also means you'll be waiting for months to get alot of things.
The taxes are probably even higher. It's just that they are hidden taxes.
sorry - i meant on top of the price tag. i think booze off the shelf is totally reasonably priced.
The price hike is really noticable on aged single malts or bordeaux first growths.
but dude you're on vacation, live a little, try some of the microbreweries up there.
i was going to suggest the same thing.
Cept for wines... And you can get ur liqur anywhere if ur in Quebec.
you can get liquor at the depaneur in PQ
or a private wine/beer store. i'm not really sure about British Columbia - by privately owned they might mean that the place has to be exclusively for booze as opposed to a privately owned corner store.
Vancouver is probably the most expensive for drinks in bars. Get ready to drop $5 for a pint with tip. A dollar or two more if you're at a club.
It's worth the visit.
A great Native American restaurant - real local cuisine - is Liliget Feast House - $20-$25/plate. Tons of other great restaurants are along Davie St., and a little cheaper than that.