Engagement Strut



  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    I took the day off from work (without her knowing), picked a setting and stone and had the ring put together, and was waiting with champagne and flowers in our apartment when she got home. She had to follow a series of signs to the back room where I was behind the door. Surprised the hell out of her!

    wasn't McDonalds mad when you had to take the day off?

    Dude, you're like a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe...

    Fuck off already.

    MMm. I had high hopes for a good zinger.

    I got a zinger.

    You may play through sir...

    It's more performance art than literary though.

  • I took the day off from work (without her knowing), picked a setting and stone and had the ring put together, and was waiting with champagne and flowers in our apartment when she got home. She had to follow a series of signs to the back room where I was behind the door. Surprised the hell out of her!

    wasn't McDonalds mad when you had to take the day off?

    Dude, you're like a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe...

    Fuck off already.

    MMm. I had high hopes for a good zinger.

    I got a zinger.

    You may play through sir...

    It's more performance art than literary though.

    I await it eagerly, nonetheless...

  • I took the day off from work (without her knowing), picked a setting and stone and had the ring put together, and was waiting with champagne and flowers in our apartment when she got home. She had to follow a series of signs to the back room where I was behind the door. Surprised the hell out of her!

    wasn't McDonalds mad when you had to take the day off?

    Dude, you're like a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe...

    Fuck off already.

    MMm. I had high hopes for a good zinger.

    I got a zinger.

    You may play through sir...

    It's more performance art than literary though.

    nothing to deep because Im not that smart.

  • I haven't yet but I intend to next summer...it will be a surprise, I've got it all planned out. The ring will most likely be something like this:

    dude if you're gonna get her four rings you should just go ahead and get her this:

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Not that I'm married or anything... But I was engaged once. I did it on a trip to NYC. I took her to that huge boulder overlooking the lake near that boathouse restaurant in Central Park. It was pretty nice. Eventhough we had to run back to our hotel when it stated raining. It was a warm day in June, so it was kinda fun.

    Good luck!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    if i do it, it will be at universal studios....when jaws pops out of the water.
    dood, if you do that, yer girl's gonna pop yer jaw outta the water.

    Plus, ain't that how they got hitched in Mall Rats???

    HA, cue weezer "Suzanne"

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    if i do it, it will be at universal studios....when jaws pops out of the water.
    dood, if you do that, yer girl's gonna pop yer jaw outta the water.

    Plus, ain't that how they got hitched in Mall Rats???

    ya that was the reasoing.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    if i do it, it will be at universal studios....when jaws pops out of the water.
    dood, if you do that, yer girl's gonna pop yer jaw outta the water.

    Plus, ain't that how they got hitched in Mall Rats???

    ya that was the reasoing.

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    This was my boss' method. Pretty awesome and ridiculous at the same time. I made the site and blog for him. Watch the music video. Priceless


    DJ Ferrari
    pretty rad dude.

  • my wife and i had been together (living together, too) 6 or so years...finally we decided we better get married...
    one night we went to first avenue to see antibalas!!! of all things, and after the show before we left i had to piss, so went upstairs where the pissas at...low and behold, onea them hippy ladies was packin her table of chintzy rings, so i thought i'd guy one $5!! and used that to properly propose...totally on the fly, yo...

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts
    To all the married struters. How did you propose? Not trying to steal anyone???s ideas. I already have most of it planned out just wondering how others have done it.

    Partially planned and partially not...

    Being from OC, we went up to LA to spend the day and to go see an exhibit at the LA County Museum of Art. We hit Melrose first to do some shopping and then grabbed some lunch as well. Kept it this way so it would seem like any other time we went to LA, i.e., casual. After Melrose, we ended up going to The Grove, which is a newer/outdoor shopping mall and after spending an hour there we hit up this little cafe. As we walked in I noticed they had wine and managed to sneak away for a sec to order two glasses of chardonney (sp?). The waiter brought the wine which surprised my girl since we weren't planning on drinking. A few minutes later I brought out the ring and proposed. We still went to the museum and I capped off the night with a gandola ride in Long Beach... Best part about it was that she was COMPLETELY surprised. Little casualness, little planning and a little spontaneity worked out well for me......

    As far as the ring... ya man - color and quality fo' sho......

  • It was Christmas night and we were sitting in bed. My wife loves Sade and you know the line "Everyday is Christmas....." well I just knew it was the right moment. I said will you marry me? And then she asked me if I would marry her. She said yes then I did. We went and got the ring toghether and we picked out a ring that had two pearls in it, a light one and a dark one. It represented yin and yang to us. We were feelin it cause we balance each other out. She's gotta be in on the decisions and lucky for me she ain't down with diamonds. It was a lot of planning all the details with her.

    We got married the next August and it went down hella dope. We were like the ultimate wedding planners. We ended up having two receptions that were off the hook. The first was at Jose Rizal Park over looking Seattle, potluck style in the afternoon. My wife's side had the Filipino food on lock, and on my side there are a lot of Alaskan Commercial Fisherman, so Salmon and King Crab in full effect. The young hommie DJed at the park and I basically let him borrow all the joints and packed the crates for him. People were lovin all the good food and music. The dope part was we saved madd cake cause the rental for the park was like $80 and everybody brought a dish. Plus the young hommie DJed as his wedding gift(which I returned the favor this last summer). The next reception went down on a boat that crusied Lake Union and Lake Washington. That was hella tight. My man Valentine DJed the event and killed it.(Valentine is like the dopest barber in Seattle, ask Big Chan on this one) Basically the music all day was old school funk, soul, jazz, and grooves. There was dinner and cake on the boat. We kicked it so hard that day. We had family from all over there. They came from the Phillipines, Chicago, Alaska, California, Vancover B.C., Texaz, Oregon, Hawaii. We really gave them a good show of what Seattle was all about. The dope thing was I think the whole wedding cost around $7000. We did a lot of stuff ourselves(invations, the dresses, the dj hook up, wedding give aways were a mix CD I made) my wife is a designer. So we saved hella loot(My pops buddys were all sweatin it cause I know their daughters were all gettin ideas). The boat seemed like hella baller status but it actually ended up being cheeper then renting out a hall. We didn't really decorate cause the view was off the hook. I guess the best part was with planning the wedding is we are both creative people and we just poured that creativity into the event.

    I lucked out when I married my wife cause she is my best friend. Put your all into it and don't look back.

    One more thing, the honeymoon was off the chain. Puerto Vallarta!!! It helps that I used to sell time share(more $ saved). But that's another story.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    1) http://www.daveloveselizabeth.com/ is pretty awesome in a totally geeky way. I'm loving it.

    2) My wife and I basically had the, "so...we have a kid now. I think we might as well get married, what do you think?" "Ok."

    No engagement ring - respect due to people who go through with that, but I just find the whole convention way overwrought and overblown. Not to mention $$$. Especially with a kid, we're like, "Hmm...we could blow thousands on a piece of jewelry...or put money away for education."

    3) This wasn't an engagement or anything but one of the most bonker stories I've heard went like this:

    My friend Alex wanted to do something special for his girlfriend's upcoming birthday. So he invited her to go scuba diving at a nearby beach. While scuba diving, they're looking at different things around the ocean floor when he points to this big shell and motions to her to pick it up. Underneath the shell, in a waterproof bag, is a pair of tickets to one of her favorite bands who are playing later that evening.

    Basically, Alex went down to the beach the evening BEFORE, scuba dived to the bottom and picked a location he could easily find again. Crazy.

    Of course, this is the same dude who did something similar by burying a cooler full of picnic food and drinks at a beach and then came back the next day when he and his girlfriend dug it up as a "surprise."

    Mind you: dude was like...18 when he did this shit.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    You married guys are seriously little dude. I'm never gettting married because an old lady will just hold back my game. I'm married to the records, man.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    I'm engaged! Shit is fun!

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    moderhatter dogpile!

    Danno I am down with your steelo.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    I took her back to the scene of a disasterous date: Point Reyes.

    Disasterous DATE:
    My wife and I got stuck on the beach by the tide and ended up having to scale Sea Cliffs and trudge through bramble at 8 at night with no moon. We made it back to the parking lot around 11pm.

    I remember looking at her bottom while we were scaling the cliffs. I also thought she was raw for scaling the cliffs and not complaining about it and acting all helpless. It was then that I thought I would marry her. That and when she attacked that the biggest guy of 4 that were jumping me one New Years.

    I took her back to Point Reyes to the same beach (with a tide chart) and popped the question. I had also called her boss and gotten her the day off the next day and had booked a b&b that night nearby. IT was nice to EXTEND the moment a little.

  • You married guys are seriously little dude. I'm never gettting married because an old lady will just hold back my game. I'm married to the records, man.

    Damn dude, don't you know that our wives married us to get at our record collections. The more raers you come up on the more likely your gonna be a victim.

  • if i do it, it will be at universal studios....when jaws pops out of the water.
    dood, if you do that, yer girl's gonna pop yer jaw outta the water.

    Plus, ain't that how they got hitched in Mall Rats???

    ya that was the reasoing.

    Hate to break it to you, but their is no more "Jaws" ride at Universal (at least in CA). Better find a new plan.

    So, I've been told to go for size in diamonds, because that's what people notice the most and like to show off. No one walks around with those one eye-magnifying glasses picking out flaws in the diamond. Am I wrong?

  • everything you need to know about diamonds.

  • I don't mean to sound like a hater, but diamonds are the most over-valued stone on the market.

    tell that to the girl you finna marry!!

  • When it comes to proposing, women appreciate a little bit of romance. The surprise element goes a long way -- pop the question when they least expect it, and they will love it. Hell, if you even pop it when they ARE expecting it, they will still love it because you actually had the guts to make a lifelong commitment.

    I surprised my wife by proposing on her birthday. She already had an idea what the ring looked like -- I asked her what she liked. Here's another thing that works amazingly well -- ask her what she likes, and do/get exactly that. It's like magic, works every time.

    Took her to where we had our first date, in Old Town Alexandria, across the river from DC. I had the ring with me in a shiny red box -- I told her her present was in there. We were sitting on a bench watching people go by... I don't even remember what we were talking about... I ask if she was ready to see her present, and when she opens it and sees the ring, I ask her to marry me. I wasn't expecting this, but I got choked up just asking her. She said 'yes', we had dessert, and 6 months later, we got married. That surprise element worked really well... and she still talks about it.


  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    everything you need to know about diamonds.

    For those bothered by blood-tainted source(s) of diamonds - here's an alternative -

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Cousin,

    I proposed by asking my fiancee to come over for dinner. I made her an exquisite dinner, and then I gave her a romantic card and flowers. Inside the card, I wrote the question, and I quote: "By the way, will you marry me?". She said yes, and we were married the day after I graduate from my doctoral program. We figured it would be good timing since all my relatives were up in Akron already.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I proposed in bed on the morning of her birthday, we woke up, I made breakfast in bed & then gave her the ring & asked her to marry me. Got a very teary eyed yes. It was cool.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    if i do it, it will be at universal studios....when jaws pops out of the water.
    dood, if you do that, yer girl's gonna pop yer jaw outta the water.

    Plus, ain't that how they got hitched in Mall Rats???

    ya that was the reasoing.

    Hate to break it to you, but their is no more "Jaws" ride at Universal (at least in CA). Better find a new plan.


    im still golden, florida was the plan in the first place
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