what's the worst violence you've witnesse or been



  • Saw a stabbing in Atlanta (guy lived) and had a 9MM put to my head in DC (I lived).

    The only violence I've seen associated with records was when my best friend Rick and I smashed all of his Kiss records when we were 15. That and I almost come to blows at the flea marker a few years over a (we thought) raer crate.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I was also shot at in Beecher. The fucked up thing is that the dude that was with me at the time said something like "I hope I am never shot at again"

    About 10 years later he was shot in the neck and is paralyzed from the neck down.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I was also shot at in Beecher. The fucked up thing is that the dude that was with me at the time said something like "I hope I am never shot at again"

    About 10 years later he was shot in the neck and is paralyzed from the neck down.

    Track him dowm. Make him say "I hope JLo doesn't win the lotto"

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I was also shot at in Beecher. The fucked up thing is that the dude that was with me at the time said something like "I hope I am never shot at again"

    About 10 years later he was shot in the neck and is paralyzed from the neck down.

    Track him dowm. Make him say "I hope JLo doesn't win the lotto"

    hahahahahaaha oh man. is that funny?

    but doesnt JLo have enough money?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    I'm worried. Will a Maradona pic become the official graphic "sabadabada" answer to my posts???

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Speaking about beat downs...

    Is it just me or does Andy look like he wants to tear Ali G a new one?

    Video Here

    On topic, I've seen a few gun things and baseball bat stuff.

    But like I've said on here before. Nothing was as hard as seeing my unkle get stabbed over a Diana Ross record. Ms Ross does not bring any joy to my heart...

  • I am amazed that with all the years I spent in the hood, all the f**ked up places I've been and situations I have been in, I have never seen any really REALLY bad violence, as in somebody getting shot right in front of me or something. Seen plenty of scary beatdowns, though, and seen bodies laying on the sidewalk covered with the white sheet after they'd been murked. I have been shot at a couple of times just because I was hanging out with the wrong people (one time the bullet so close that I swear I felt it whizzing by my ear as I ran away). I have had to pull out on people twice and had every intention to do the deed- thank god those people saw that I was not playing and acted like they knew, or I probably would not be here typing this and living a happy life right now. Ahhh, how I miss the good ol' days...

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    i saw a kid commit suicide. i was walking up a hill towards a building i had a class in, and as i hear a crash sound coming from the building i look up and see a chair flying out of a window of the top floor and falling to the ground. next thing i know, theres a kid jumping head first out of the window and then an instant smack and small rocks flying everwhere. i get closer to the building and see he never hit the ground, but actually the awning covering the front doors. the awning was full of small pebbles, but was actually padded. they rushed him to the hospital and he ended up living, sad thing is he got stuck with a laundry list of fines/charges. shit definately changed my day.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    I was also shot at in Beecher. The fucked up thing is that the dude that was with me at the time said something like "I hope I am never shot at again"

    About 10 years later he was shot in the neck and is paralyzed from the neck down.

    Track him dowm. Make him say "I hope JLo doesn't win the lotto"

    hahahahahaaha oh man. is that funny?

    but doesnt JLo have enough money?

    From what I understand, her mom won the lotto or some shit.

  • i saw a kid commit suicide. i was walking up a hill towards a building i had a class in, and as i hear a crash sound coming from the building i look up and see a chair flying out of a window of the top floor and falling to the ground. next thing i know, theres a kid jumping head first out of the window and then an instant smack and small rocks flying everwhere. i get closer to the building and see he never hit the ground, but actually the awning covering the front doors. the awning was full of small pebbles, but was actually padded. they rushed him to the hospital and he ended up living, sad thing is he got stuck with a laundry list of fines/charges. shit definately changed my day.

    Was this at MIT?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i saw a kid commit suicide.
    and he ended up living. shit definately changed my day.
    chris, seeing someone commit suicide, and then live is def some shit!

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    sad thing is he got stuck with a laundry list of fines/charges.

    Commiting suicide is actually illegal. So if you manage to live, you get fined. How is fining someone going to make anyone feel better about life? damn.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    i saw a kid commit suicide.
    and he ended up living. shit definately changed my day.
    chris, seeing someone commit suicide, and then
    live is def some shit!

    i didnt want to ruin the story from the beginning.

  • Options
    I spent days 3,4, and 5 after the World Trade Center collapsed digging for bodies at Ground Zero, then went back maybe a month later for a couple more days. Besides the bodies, body parts, and constant burning flesh smell which I smelled in my sleep for a few weeks afterwards it was upsetting seeing personal items of the people who were in there and wondering if they died or not. The first trip I didn't really accomplish much, but the second trip myself and another younger brother of a firefighter who died found a hole where we were working, looked into it and realized we were on top of a roughly 40 foot deep void in the rubble. I shone a light in and took a deep whiff and all you could smell was decomposed bodies (couldn't see them though) Apparently the next day they lowered someone in and pulled out the remains of a few people.

    Other than that, I was in a small riot after a football game and got punched so hard my tooth came through my lip. And another brawl ended up with a good friend's face split open by a razor.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts

    Other than that, I was in a small riot after a football game and got punched so hard my tooth came through my lip.

    mmy one friend fell one time on his face, and he had braces. the same thing happened except his braces came through his lip.

  • I did witness a huge brawl at an Outlaws/Molly Hatchet concert at the Omni in Atlanta in 1979. Unfortunately I was tripping at the time so the fight (during intermission) which involved about 20 rednecks seemed like armageddon to me. I still haven't recovered. Never trip at an Outlaws concert!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I spent days 3,4, and 5 after the World Trade Center collapsed digging for bodies at Ground Zero,

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    Damn some extreme stories in here, luckily haven't experienced much like this myself. Worst violence I saw is this black dude getting beat to shit (and unconscious) by 2 skinhead bouncers outside a club and the police arriving afterwards only to take in the dude and let the skinheads walk. I testified against the bouncers at the policestation the next day but it didn't help.

    Me and my friend got jumped by 5 dudes a couple weeks ago while going home after a night out cause they thought we were laughing at a car accident that happened a mile earlier or something. My friend took some punches and I got kicked a couple of times but we both managed to get away miraculously, luckily too cause it was 5 am and there was no-one on the street anymore.

  • one summer i had nowhere to sleep so i had to stay with my uncle. he lives in baldwin village AKA "the jungle" in L.A. This is in 92-93 so gang violence in l.a is hot right now...

    anyway, to make a long story short i can't smoke cigs in my uncle's spot so i gotta step outside even at 3am. so i step out at 3am but i stay in the lobby of the apt buidling and it's dark so you can't really see in. i see a group of young gentlemen conversing about whatever but the talking gets louder and now sounds like an argument.

    not but 2 seconds later i look out and see a dude pointing a gun at one of the other dudes... baka baka baka 3 shots point blank and dude just drops. everyone fleas the spot and i go back upstairs shook out of my fucking mind and unable to sleep the rest of the night.

    after that night i rarely stayed at my uncles. he now lives at la brea @ expo and likes it, not much better in that respect imo.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    I don't know if this is considered violence, but I run a economy brand name motel we have a lot of people who stay long term.

    One of our long term guests is a middle aged women staying in a room with her bed ridden mother. The women says she is sick, and drives her car up to the desk, and has the desk clerk come out to take her money, she also has some of the housekeepers go next store to the waffle house to get like 5 plates of food every once in a while, other then that she never leaves the room, never has maid service, just leaves towels and sheets outside the door for clean ones to be left by the door... Well one day I get a call at about 7am and I'm told the police would like to talk to me. They are wanting to know all about the daughters renting history etc.. She had called the ambulance that morning, I guess her mother had died in the room. The police goes on to tell me they are thinking of pressing charges against the daughter because when the mother was brought to the hospital she had open bed sores that where as big as your hand and they where infected. She was also covered in her own waste. And looked like she had not eaten in weeks. The room that she was in was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. There were about 15 1 liter bottles of aquafina bottles full of urine on the desk, the bed that her mom was in was covered in urine and feces, there where adult diapers all over the floor, there was trash piled higher then the beds. The thought of the smell still makes my stomach turn to this day. They took the daughter to the hospital, apparently she was also very sick, and "didn't even know who she was" when she saw the doctors, but she knew exactly who she was when she called me the next day, to get her money back for the rest of the week she wouldn't be staying...

    We had to empty everything out of that room, beds carpets etc... the tub was covered in blood, the toilet was covered in, well I sure you know what.. and I have never seen that many roaches in one place... we bombed that fucker 6 times and there where still hundreds of them, you could see them all over the window after you bombed the room. Even after painting, re-carpeting, and cleaning top to bottom, I can't spend more then 5 mins in that room...

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    Luckily I have not seen anything/been involved in anything major. My brother though when he was 14, witnessed a serious car accident right across the street from our house, as he walked home from school. Big car doing about 40mph, driver not paying attention, hits little car as it pulls out of car park side street. Little car bursts into flames, 2 occupants in the back seat who were not killed instantly/knocked unconscious, burned to death trying to escape. The car only had 2 doors at the front, so no one could get out. My brother who was about 50 yards away, was fucking shook for months after. The nice policeman interviewing him just told him not to think about it. Genius.

  • wow

  • ...game over, man......

    game over

    *is EXTRA careful going home from work*

  • watching the Second Tower fall from the Promenade in Brooklyn. I just remember saying to my homegirl as debris was falling on us "These are dead bodies" I totally flipped out and moved to Orlando Dec. 11 2001.
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