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I spent days 3,4, and 5 after the World Trade Center collapsed digging for bodies at Ground Zero, then went back maybe a month later for a couple more days. Besides the bodies, body parts, and constant burning flesh smell which I smelled in my sleep for a few weeks afterwards it was upsetting seeing personal items of the people who were in there and wondering if they died or not. The first trip I didn't really accomplish much, but the second trip myself and another younger brother of a firefighter who died found a hole where we were working, looked into it and realized we were on top of a roughly 40 foot deep void in the rubble. I shone a light in and took a deep whiff and all you could smell was decomposed bodies (couldn't see them though) Apparently the next day they lowered someone in and pulled out the remains of a few people.<br /><br />Other than that, I was in a small riot after a football game and got punched so hard my tooth came through my lip. And another brawl ended up with a good friend's face split open by a razor.