Sellers shipping with ONLY Priority Mail
887 Posts
Don't you hate the sellers that there only option is 6 dollar Priority Mail. I hate it when they don't have the Media Mail option.How fuckin hard is it to send Media if the buyer wants. I hate it when a record is only 2-5 bucks but then comes Priority shipping and kills the deal. Not hating on Priority at all but when you don't give buyers the option, kinda wack.
A lot of times, if I'm on the fence about a record, that'll exact thing will decide it for me.
this is another matter entirely. those fuckers should be shot.
Ya but I think you'll lose some buyers with that. Just respond with a reason why it hasn't arrived it can't take longer than responsing to a thread. Also about emailing the can work with some sellers but I am talking about the sellers where in the description it says, DON'T ASK ABOUT MEDIA MAIL UNLESS YOU ARE ORDERING $1000 DOLLARS WORTH OF RECORDS.
Back when I used to sell, I only did Media mail if the winner requested it.
I prefered Priority because you knew if there was any problem in 2-3 days. I got tired of people asking me where their media mail-shipped LP was when there was no way to tell when the stuff would arrive. I never had any problem shipping Priority.
Usually doesn't take more than 7 days. The most I think it has taken for me is 9 days because 7th day was either on a Sunday or a holiday that came before a Sunday.
ALSO...I hate this even more...when sellers ship Priority and you both live in the same state. No purpose in sending Priority as Media or any other service will send it in 2-3 days MAX.
I would hate it when buyers would complain about this. It's the same principal, it can still take a long time media mail. But ususally, as long as the buyer was polite about it, I would gladly ship whatever they liked. But a lot of buyers don't even bother to put themselves in the dealer's shoes for even a second, and love to act like dicks right off the bat. It's those folks whom I LOVED to tell "no, sorry, read the listing."
Or when previous moaners have rattled the seller so much that the seller doesn't use cardboard stiffeners cos it takes the average weight of the parcel up by said couple o'bucks.
I received my first broken-in-transit LP last week, ever. No stiffeners.
'Nobody wants to pay the extra cost'
I'm about to start selling regularly myself and would prefer to keep things Priority- as has been said, the whole transaction gets completed quickly and if there's any problem it isn't dragged out... but I would certainly allow media if someone requested it...
Sucky. I prefer shipping Priority though. FREE PRIORITY TAPE CONNEX
Oh, and if you are whining about $3 extra dollars on eBay for much quicker shipping, you are official lil dude status.
two records I sold this this week via paypal were for $250 and for $317 respectively (one private sale, one ebay). Paypal took a total of $18. Not a big deal in the scheme of things (I paid a total of $25 for both records) but still, dudes need to massage their achey man pussies.
I'm saying, nothing to whine about here.
I wish more sellers would quit whining about paypal and more buyers would quit whining about everything else.
I still have the memory of a buyer who complained so bitterly about my $6 priority mail fee(I was at the time experimenting with raising it from $5 to $6 because I was spending so much $$ on mailers and packing and generally short a straight .50 on each package NOT including mailer costs,etc)that I offered to let him out of the deal on at least 2 occasions in the DAY's time it took from him winning the LP to when I shipped it. And then dude gave me positive feedback but wrote something like "OUTRAGEOUS SHIPPING FEES".
Then there was the guy who cussed me out in an email before even bidding because I wouldn't hand deliver the LP to him when he was in DC on business. It ain't that type of party, hommie.
Cost of doing bizness I guess, but anyone who works or has ever worked in a record store knows the same high maintenence cats who waste your time and think that because they buy $5 in product at a pop they are entitled to the VIP treatment(whatever they feel that is) are also buying $3 LPs on eBay and expecting their LPs delivered by limo for the media rate.
dude who bought this record had to pay $31 for global express mail
I agree, but to play devil's advocate - there are times when you'll have $200+ worth of mailing to do & it's hard to come up with it before funds have transfered to yer bank account.