You Know You Have a Digging Problem When..........



  • You always mention the value of a record before or quickly after when you're asked how much you spent by your wife/significant other..

    "I only spent $30, but it's a $200 record".

    The story of my life....

  • - You spend a full hour examining which one of the two copies of a certain record you will give/trade to/with a "friend" and after the deal you still worry.

    - When there aren't many new arrivals you start checking out stuff like kiddie records.

  • djrdjr 511 Posts
    - You spend a full hour examining which one of the two copies of a certain record you will give/trade to/with a "friend" and after the deal you still worry.

    Or when you find a 2nd copy of something to sell, and you have a hard time parting with it.....

  • You spend years and tons of money, drama, and effort assembling a 10 piece band just so you can hear your favorite records played live.

  • djrdjr 511 Posts

    Everyone gives you cash for your birthday and the holidays,
    as they know the only thing you want is cash for more records.

    When your wife asks you "What record do you want?" when your anniversary rolls around.

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    + You're on your lunch break with only 5 dollars and you skip a meal just so you can buy some records you see on the way to the sandwich spot.

    Yo... I make a sandwich every day and have lunch at my desk so I can 1) save money for records and 2) use the break to go digging.

    Ridiculously funny and real shit in this post. I think Raj pretty much covered it all.

    DJ Ferrari

  • + You have popsike plugin search bar in Firefox

    Holyshit! Popsike has a Firefox extension! Baller!

  • Everyone gives you cash for your birthday and the holidays,
    as they know the only thing you want is cash for more records.

    When your wife asks you "What record do you want?" when your anniversary rolls around.

    The one I hear all the time: "You're so hard to buy for..."[/b]

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    -you give directions according to how close or far it is from _________ record store

    -you quietly move a record from your BF???s/GF???s shelf to your shelf because ???they don???t listen to this anymore???

    -there are 45 centres in the spare change tin, in coat pockets and the tools drawer

  • + When you take pictures of records using your cellphone camera so you can look them up or listen to them at home.

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    - 99% of the time, you can tell what year a record was released just by looking at the cover.


  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    - 99% of the time, you can tell what year a record was released just by looking at the cover.


    Some folks think I'm lying when I tell them a record is a reish without even touching it (and I'm thinking c'mon- look how glossy that sleeve is, isn't it obvious??)

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    You think of records as currency... as in you value everything else you buy by how many records you could get for that dollar amount.

    'Ooh, that shirt is pretty nice, but it's like 5 records. Too much.'

    'Man drinks are expensive at this bar. A gin and tonic is like 2 records.'

    'Boy real estate is expensive in the bay area. A down payment is like all my records.'

    DJ Ferrari

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    + Axelrod is a household word

    Great thread RAJ!

    + when you own more records than times you've kissed a girl (getting there, no wait, I'm guilty)

    + when you become hermit-like and only call your friends to compare record finds, talk records, or sign up for the record show. (yes, I am guilty)

    + you go to your favorite spot more than once a day to anticipate that arrival that might have walked in the door during lunch (I am so busted)

  • + you go to your favorite spot more than once a day to anticipate that arrival that might have walked in the door during lunch (I am so busted)

    - When store owners feel sorry for you.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    -You keep a constantly rotating hold stack at almost all local spots (which they hold indefinitely since you always come back for them eventually)

    -All local record store employees know you by name

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    - When store owners feel sorry for you.

    - Minutes are at a record store and random dude brings 123 records. Store owner is checking them out and you spot "Caito", argentinian bossa raer. You keep flipping the whole heavy metal section waiting for the owner to finish. He buys the records cheeeap, like 0.30 pesos each (US$ 0.10). You tell the owner "I could use that Caito". You can clearly see he's ashamed to quote a price after you just saw him buying the record for 0.30 pesos. He goes "10 pesos", feeling sorry for you. You go "OK", and leave the store in silent Titanic Di Caprio mode "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD"

    arms wide open and all
    The Bizarre

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts

    + you go to your favorite spot more than once a day to anticipate that arrival that might have walked in the door during lunch (I am so busted)

    - When store owners feel sorry for you.

    Or, on the flip side of that, you're almost singlehandedly keeping a store afloat.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    He goes "10 pesos", feeling sorry for you. You go "OK", and leave the store in silent Titanic Di Caprio mode "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD"

    arms wide open and all


  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    + When you spend too much time looking for records and for information on records, and too little time listening to them.

    The Bizarre

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    - When store owners feel sorry for you.

    - Minutes are at a record store and random dude brings 123 records. Store owner is checking them out and you spot "Caito", argentinian bossa raer. You keep flipping the whole heavy metal section waiting for the owner to finish. He buys the records cheeeap, like 0.30 pesos each (US$ 0.10). You tell the owner "I could use that Caito". You can clearly see he's ashamed to quote a price after you just saw him buying the record for 0.30 pesos. He goes "10 pesos", feeling sorry for you. You go "OK", and leave the store in silent Titanic Di Caprio mode "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD"

    arms wide open and all

    Caito y algo mas? Please to send to Canada. I dig that record. I found my first copy in some guy's basement in Bariloche.

  • + you know the store owner is a dick but you still gotta go get them records.

    + store owners put aside records that they think you'll like because they know your taste.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Caito y algo mas? Please to send to Canada. I dig that record. I found my first copy in some guy's basement in Bariloche.

    Nope Danno, this is just "Caito", pink cover. Know it?

  • you have $150 in your bank account but won't hesistate to spend $20 of it on records

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    you have $150 in your bank account but won't hesistate to spend all of it on records

  • you have $150 in your bank account but won't hesistate to spend all of it on records

  • you have overdrawn $150 in your bank account to spend all of it on records
    The Bizarre

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    OK... I'm back

    + A bad trade destroys a friendship (or are they really your friend?)

    + Bags Unlimited sends you a Happy Holidays card

    + You have 5 bidding accounts on eBay and all of them are from Germany to mask bid history

    + You buy sealed records because they are sealed and they are a buck

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    * you go to the post office every other day of the week

    * you talk about soulstrut in the real world

    * your girlfriend asks, are you struttin again?

    * you look up old artists in the phonebook

    * you buy dupes all the time for other strutters

    * you are waiting for the postman to bring you records daily

    * you hate moving cuz your vinyl weighs more than all of your furniture combined

    * you set your alarm to bid on a record at 4 in the morning (not me, my friend haha)

    * you dream about records that don't even exist

  • You own a record store... mostly so that you can spend your entire life around records...

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