Internet Relationships: What the Deal Is?



  • semi-prostitutes.

    What are those?

    Money may be a factor.

    So are rides home.


    Gummi bears.


  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    quality of people's Myspace profiles

    you must be looking at a different myspace than me.

    95% of people have unique color schemes and ESURVEYZ on their pages. this is not a good look to me.

    It is the 'self-taken side-profile vanity-shot' that always gets me laughing. But its everywhere!! I thought that shit was just for teenage-wanna-be-model-bitches, but there are dudes doing it too! essshhh!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Gummi bears.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    quality of people's Myspace profiles

    you must be looking at a different myspace than me.

    95% of people have unique color schemes and ESURVEYZ on their pages. this is not a good look to me.

    I was referring to the poor quality.

  • slavinslavin 577 Posts
    ah.. okay. well then yeah i agree with you.

  • funny story, i have had one relationship in the past with someone that I basically knew through a messageboard. i wasn't on the prowl but when dude came out to sf for some work related biz, i suggested we go to a baseball game since we were both baseball fans and then we hit it off. it was long distance so there was already a challenge with getting to know each other for real - emails and phone conversations are still not enough and it felt real phony after a year even though we would visit each other. i still felt i didn't really know dude too well and there were all these put-ons like name dropping all these bands too impress me and shit, just everything about him seemed so calculated and labored. it was really strange. i started to not like his personality because everything about the way he interacted with me seemed so premeditated and selfconscious and there were all these little things that were a turn off like intentionally posing with a cigarette for every damn photo to look cool to like spewing all this radical leftwing rhetoric but buying ish at walmart and driving an suv. i'm not even strict or judgemental on that shit if people want to fire guns or buy expensive gas, but he just seemed arrogantly intolerant and would say all these things about "yuppies who drink starbucks and listen to npr" and i saw all these blatant contradictions and thought he was a fraud. i think it was because the internet is so distant in nature that i wasn't able to see these things at first.

    so we broke up in a rather ugly way and i had no desire to continue any kind of communication with him because it just got to a point where i found him completely unappealing even on a friendship level. unfortunately, there was still the messageboard and dude would contantly try to engage me in somekind of dialogue on the board for about a year and a half. he would try to bait a response either by subtly dissing me or complimenting me and i just continued to ignore him and these transparent games. if he wanted to talk to me he should have just called right?

    anyway, so i recently got banned from the board because i offended the emorap overlord and wounded his ego. the whole thing is pretty comical and i couldn't care less about the banning - i wont get into that. but the ex-dude waits until after i get banned to openly express his contempt for me. how's that for a certified little dude move? he called me a wizard though which i think is pretty funny.

    long story short, my one experience with romance from the internet was something i regret and i have absolutely no desire to do that again.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts

    he called me a wizard though which i think is pretty funny.

    wizard? awesome


  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    he called me a wizard though which i think is pretty funny.

    "Wait a minute...this isn't a Wizard, it's a Willard!"

    Sorry, I had to. Still, getting called a wizard is pretty freaking awesome.

    Anyway, two of my friends married people they met off the interweb, and it seems to be working out nicely for them, so more power to 'em.

  • SAYIN'

    i like wizards.

    what an odd diss

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts

    now I just meet them on porn sets...

    "Mom, Dad... I'd like you to meet Candi Champagne. She's the sweetest girl in the world... and she can fit her mouth over a pop can. I think we're soulmates."

    Ya - I say whatever works. There's gonna be good and bad with any scenario (in person, online, etc.). If that's what helps you, then go for it. I know a couple who met online and are now married (happily) - I say "do yo' thang!"

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    the emorap overlord

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I say whatever works. There's gonna be good and bad with any scenario (in person, online, etc.). If that's what helps you, then go for it. I know a couple who met online and are now married (happily) - I say "do yo' thang!"

    me too - i know of two couples - one married, one on the verge of - i've never seen them as happy as they are now.

    one of the couples - the dude is one of my oldest friends and the religious aspect of his life was one thing that he could never find a right match for. now, he's engaged to a woman who is on her way to be ordained. at least, some details can be dealt with right away online.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    "Thanks for shopping with us. Would you like to order a brownie with your new relationship" MacLove

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    1) I think DJ Daze needs to break down his "I find women to date by hanging at porn sets" strategy a bit more. Do you like in San Fernando Valley or something? You just walk down to the neighbor's house and chill while they're filming some Vivid video or what?

    2) My wife and I initially met online when she emailed me to ask some questions about a piece I wrote. We corresponded, long distance for about 2 years, fell completely out of touch for 2 years, then got back in touch when she moved to the Bay...three years later, married with baby. It's pretty crazy, all things considered.

    3) I also met one of my earlier girlfriends (who's still one of my closest friends) through a similar way as well as a woman I had a short but intense fling with about 10 years back. This has already been noted, but meeting a person through correspondance often times speeds how intimately connected you can become with someone because you're far more likely to share things about yourself over the safety of the the internet then in an awkward, first-date scenario.

    4) That said, I couldn't agree with Audrey more: it can be HELLA awkward to meet someone for the first time after you've had an intensive online "relationship" prior. I know of some complete horror stories of people who seemed like soul mates online...only to meet in person and have everything melt the fuck down. One of my female friends met this guy via Friendster, they chatted online, then on the phone for two months, then she invited him to visit and it was a complete and utter debacle that ended up with him literally in tears.

    I have no problem with men who cry, but for my friend this was as fast and utter a mood killer as possible and she couldn't wait for him to go back home. Ouchie.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    he called me a wizard though which i think is pretty funny.

    Damn, I was searching for a pic of you Audrey to put in Gandalf's place. But my searching powers suck!

  • the emorap overlord

    Sage Francis ?

  • Another thing that comes to mind, is when you meet someone online, often they will want to have and "email relationship" or IM or whatever. DON'T FALL INTO IT! If they won't meet you face to face after 2 weeks forget it.

    Just like people say, you could have a very close and supposedly intimate relationship over email, and then meet only to find there is no chemistry and you've wasted a whole lot of time. All it takes is meeting for coffee or something brief that can end soon or carry on if it feels right.

    You can usually tell if there's an attraction almost immediately in person. I think people who won't meet you are hiding something, seeing many other people, or just aren't interested in you.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    isn't soulstrut an online dating community?

  • Meeting someone on the internet is totally fine. I've met total psychos at bars that played nice only to reveal psycho tendencies later, I've met great girls in the oddest of places and real weirdos by starting conversations in shops or on the train or wherever. I've met really cool women on the internet, of course my fair share of psychos, and one really cool, sweet, chill girl that could've been the one, if there wasn't a "the one" in my life already.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    isn't soulstrut an online dating community?

    BAN ME

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    1) I think DJ Daze needs to break down his "I find women to date by hanging at porn sets" strategy a bit more. Do you like in San Fernando Valley or something? You just walk down to the neighbor's house and chill while they're filming some Vivid video or what?

    you musta missed the announcement...I'm a driver for my friends adult talent agency now. All I do is hang out with porn chicks anymore...and contrary to Grafwritah's littledude-esque statement, these are girls that get tested every 2 weeks for stds.

  • you musta missed the announcement...I'm a driver for my friends adult talent agency now. All I do is hang out with porn chicks anymore...and contrary to Grafwritah's littledude-esque statement, these are girls that get tested every 2 weeks for stds.

    Not that there aren't nice girls doing porn, but the fact that they need to get tested every 2 weeks is freaky to me. Plus the well publicised incident a few years back where a grip of pornostars turned up with AIDS even after testing.

    So how is being weary of girls in a very, very, very high risk occupation "little dude-esque"? Especially when there are 99.999999% of the rest of girls that are considerably safer (for you)?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    you musta missed the announcement...I'm a driver for my friends adult talent agency now. All I do is hang out with porn chicks anymore...and contrary to Grafwritah's littledude-esque statement, these are girls that get tested every 2 weeks for stds.

    Not that there aren't nice girls doing porn, but the fact that they need to get tested every 2 weeks is freaky to me. Plus the well publicised incident a few years back where a grip of pornostars turned up with AIDS even after testing.

    So how is being weary of girls in a very, very, very high risk occupation "little dude-esque"? Especially when there are 99.999999% of the rest of girls that are considerably safer (for you)?

    the reason they test every 2 weeks is because the DNA test for HIV is accurate within 2 weeks. It's also because L.A. is mostly non-condom so no work. And it wasn't "a grip" of people that turned up with HIV a few years back it was 4. one dude that went to Brazil and shot a non-condom shoot there and came back and worked before he was due for a new test, 2 girls got it from him. The fourth was a completely unrelated case of a tranny dude that got it in his personal life. Hardly "a grip" and the whole industry shut down for 2 weeks because of it.

    And do you REALLY believe that 99.99999999% of the girls out there are really safer than these girls? you're nuts dude. Every time one of these chicks pops positive for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia it's from some dude or chick they fucked with outside of the industry. How many people do you know in the outside world that stay on top of their sexual health on a bi-weekly basis? not many I would combine that with the fact that there's a shitload of girls and guys running around with STD's that don't even know it because they don't get tested and they don't have symptoms...well that blows your percentage straight out of the water.

    so yeah it's little-dudeish in that you're pretty misinformed. if you were speaking of breaks you'd be asked to

  • the reason they test every 2 weeks is because the DNA test for HIV is accurate within 2 weeks. It's also because L.A. is mostly non-condom so no work. And it wasn't "a grip" of people that turned up with HIV a few years back it was 4. one dude that went to Brazil and shot a non-condom shoot there and came back and worked before he was due for a new test, 2 girls got it from him. The fourth was a completely unrelated case of a tranny dude that got it in his personal life. Hardly "a grip" and the whole industry shut down for 2 weeks because of it.

    But that's the point, who know what they do in the interim.

    And do you REALLY believe that 99.99999999% of the girls out there are really safer than these girls? you're nuts dude.

    No, not literally 99.9999999%. A large majority. But no, not all.

  • This thread is giving me flashbacks of past soulstrut porn girl e-beefings.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    How many people do I know that are in a 10 person anal gangbang on a bi-weekly basis?

    Isn't that what happens when you reach 5000 posts?

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    I actually "met" my fiance thru a friend who gave me her AIM name, and I just started chattin with her almost daily. Eventually we met in person, though I had a girl at the time. Later down the line, here we are, happy, having a baby living together in the big citay.

  • How many people do I know that are in a 10 person anal gangbang on a bi-weekly basis?

    Isn't that what happens when you reach 5000 posts?


    I'm afraid to ask what happened to hcrink at 10,000.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    How many people do I know that are in a 10 person anal gangbang on a bi-weekly basis? None.

    Look, you can do whatever you want, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that pornstars are not a high risk catagory. Anybody who sat through 6th grade sex ed can tell you that multiple unprotected sex partners bustin nuts in every orifice on a weekly basis is high risk. I'm also no more interested in non-pornstars who engage in the same activity, tested or untested.

    I realize you're just exagerrating for effect, but just to pull your slightly skewed vision of porn back to the middle...there are girls that only do girl/girl and solo stuff. there are also girls that don't do anal. There are lots of girls with various "don'ts" on their lists. and there are TONS of people in the industry that don't fuck people outside of the industry.
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