Challenge to Beatmakers

My Smooth Jazz post got me thinking. Do you think it's possible to make dope beats from this!!
Or any other Kenny G record for that matter? I'd like to see what some of you producers can flip using only Kenny G records. Post them up. This should be interesting.

Even better. Any suggestions?
Baker Street
Ok well how about this. Whoever decides to take on this challenge can pick a song they think they could flip and post up the original Kenny G cut they flipped adn their beat. What do you think?
not sure if youre aware of this, but we've had two things like this in the past.
heres my contribution to the last one:
only thing that isnt from that record is the cymbals.. the other drums is from that record! not that good but whatever.
i dont have the files left from the leo sayer one... anyone got those? i need to hear soulmans thing again!
No I was unaware of that. Well let's get it on. I think Kenny G is a good challenge.
Not Found
The requested URL /beats/devil_mcdoom--whipped_c.r.e.a.m.mp3 was not found on this server.
Beat off! Beat off!!!!! Fuck yeah!!![/b] 'Bout time we had another one of these (although Kenny G's gonna be a challenge, my guess is that you're going to have to look elsewhere for drums)
OK, my packrattedness comes to the rescue:
The Flipped Cream Files (36.56 MB)
Contains Flipped cream entries from: Ako, Izm707, Pacman, Dizzy Bull, Mike, Asprin, McDee, Quay, Mike Ale,
Also included, Grafwritah and Asprin's Leo Sayer Beatoff entries. I wish I had Soulman's, but if my memory serves me correctly he posted this as a Real format and I didn't have the techonolgy at the time to capture and convert said format. If anyone has this plaese to reposte?
Kenny G (feat. Daryl Hall) - Baby Come To Me
Looking forward to hearing the creations... Strictly
Um. Wow.
*predicts mad filters and plugins will be used*
waow ... this is my first kenny G listening experience ... hope this was the last
Let's check it out.
That's ill.
That is nice. We got one! What song did you sample from?
Thanks all! I just chopped up the baby come to me that was posted!