favorite COWBELL???
2,396 Posts
has this been done already?well for those thats not into cowbells n thangs, it goes clonk klunk or clinck...im not talkin bells underneath some music steez, im talkin crazy ass open naked cowbelling, once or twice or maybe a whole bar ???so where they at?a favorite of mine is located on the curtis knight down in the village lp.its
those cowbells on honky aint to naked as i recall,... theyre in there together wit the drumbeat...right?
im talkin wide open shit!!!
It starts with the cowbell, then the break,,,,,
ok zimms, yeah right on, and btw i always pick up those coverversions too, same with dizzy, spinning wheel, and of course good old superstition, has to be some of the most covered drumbreaks.
this is exactly why my beyond mobius didnt hit the dumpster, incredible how much difference there can be from 75 to 76!
and btw, those cowbells are the lighter kind, not very recommended.... (the first mobius definitely is though!!! )
R*s, what the hell are you talking about?
iwaz talkin shit holmes (as usual)
actually, bout the cedar walton low rider (cowbell) version on beyond mobius rca 1976
not sure bout the SOD what about the POZ ?
"Time Has Come Today" by the Chambers Brothers
...that cowbell is runnin' butt nekkid free!
Aaah yes, I just fed that cowbell and the "TIME!" vocals to my sampler a couple of months ago. Been having a Chambers Brothers revival lately.
Nice 'the streak' ref.
boogity boogity, etc.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Thes.
"Mississippi Queen" should have been the first thing that came to mind
dude when has a cowbell ever been drowned out? you can hear that shit for miles.
cowbell on show and ag's "fat pockets" is my shit.