Hey Canadians (Politics Thread NRR) Oh what a week



  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Dude, Canada has water, oil, land, beef, grain, and steel. We're fucked.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Dude, Canada has water, oil, land, beef, grain, and steel. We're fucked.

    I've dealt with it already and just let it go... Just as long as the give us Alba I'm down...

  • Dude, Canada has water, oil, land, beef, grain, and steel. We're fucked.

    If you start to see huge shipments of lube at border crossings, brace yourselves...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Dude, Canada has water, oil, land, beef, grain, and steel. We're fucked.

    If you start to see huge shipments of lube at border crossings, brace yourselves...

    HAHA.. No doubt...

    One thing that does have me interested in, is during this next round of serparation that is coming up in our country. US & Quebec separatist... I could see some major back door dealings going on this round. Quebec resources (including Quebec's major hydro power) might look pretty damn tempting to an administration and their future needs.

  • Was going to respond to this thread earlier, but I can see it's already been hijacked...

  • One thing that does have me interested in, is during this next round of serparation that is coming up in our country. US & Quebec separatist... I could see some major back door dealings going on this round. Quebec resources (including Quebec's major hydro power) might look pretty damn tempting to an administration and their future needs.

    Seriously, though, do you really think the fallout from Gomery is going to have such a huge impact on the future of Quebec? The referendum of 95 alienated quite a few people in Quebec, including all minorities - if you remember, Parizeau did this alone with his xenophobic concession speech. And really, this week has seen no new facts about the scandal, simply Gomery filing a report of what we all already knew. I'm skeptical that another major era of separatist push will come about...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    One thing that does have me interested in, is during this next round of serparation that is coming up in our country. US & Quebec separatist... I could see some major back door dealings going on this round. Quebec resources (including Quebec's major hydro power) might look pretty damn tempting to an administration and their future needs.

    Seriously, though, do you really think the fallout from Gomery is going to have such a huge impact on the future of Quebec? The referendum of 95 alienated quite a few people in Quebec, including all minorities - if you remember, Parizeau did this alone with his xenophobic concession speech. And really, this week has seen no new facts about the scandal, simply Gomery filing a report of what we all already knew. I'm skeptical that another major era of separatist push will come about...

    I don't really think the fallout from gomery will do this. I'm more looking towards other parties pushing this along. This might not be what they want. But it will end up happening. It's not just Quebec I'm worried about. Looking towards a mix of this, with other provinces (IE: Alberta) and think about where this is all going...

    Look towards the Liberals using Parizeau's comments to try to downplay any separtist moves. But I'm almost sure we are headed to something huge down the line.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    It's not just the Gomery inquiry, but events as a whole. The Gomery inquiry has just allowed a venue for expression (i.e. elections). And looking at all the events happening recently, especially in BC and Quebec, it's going to make for a very interesting government come Feburary. The next minority government could be as bad as Germany.

  • The next minority government could be as bad as Germany.

    What exactly do you mean by this???

  • It's not just Quebec I'm worried about. Looking towards a mix of this, with other provinces (IE: Alberta) and think about where this is all going...

    I'm not really too worried about Alberta. Yes, they have had there issues with Ottawa, but with Klein's gov't issuing this $400 luxury cheque to everyone, it's his way of telling Albertans "we're special, see?" Alberta seceding is about as likely as Lucien Bouchard returning to politics. And BC? They have enough trouble simply galvanizing their own province. I don't think separatism will necessarily be the issue down the line, but more along the lines of how conservative of a gov't will be needed to restore a majority gov't.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    The next minority government could be as bad as Germany.

    What exactly do you mean by this???

    i think he's refering to the recent fiasco?

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts

    With less liberal seats, and more conservative, NDP, and PQ. How will they form a majority government? The NDP, PQ, and conservatives will be very hostile towards the Liberals, even moreso than they are now and especially since they will lose seats.

    It's all up to the PQ, who will either side with the Conservatives or the NDP. The NDP and conservatives obviously have different ideologies, and especially after the finance bill the conservatives are very hostile to the NDP.

    deadlock, deadlock, deadlock.

  • The NDP will be very hostile towards the Liberals

    They've been quite the fencesitters in this respect, though...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    The NDP will be very hostile towards the Liberals

    They've been quite the fencesitters in this respect, though...

    the NDP? in what respect?

    Layton, though a little too gameshow host for me, knows what he wants and is asking for it in a very straightforward manner. i don't think there are too many gray areas in the NDP platform. i like Layton's style more and more - he's not pretending that deals are not being made. when the Liberals needed the NDP support, Layton said "sure - but put aside money for the environment". this kinda shit happens everyday, no stopping it - but i prefer it out in the open as much as possible.

  • Making deals with the opposition to help them remain in power is not exactly an act of hostility, is all I was getting at...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    It's not just Quebec I'm worried about. Looking towards a mix of this, with other provinces (IE: Alberta) and think about where this is all going...

    I'm not really too worried about Alberta. Yes, they have had there issues with Ottawa, but with Klein's gov't issuing this $400 luxury cheque to everyone, it's his way of telling Albertans "we're special, see?" Alberta seceding is about as likely as Lucien Bouchard returning to politics. And BC? They have enough trouble simply galvanizing their own province. I don't think separatism will necessarily be the issue down the line, but more along the lines of how conservative of a gov't will be needed to restore a majority gov't.

    I'm not implying that Alberta will ever try to break off. Just that the continued talk about it will continue to push major separation issues in the province of Quebec (The only place that it could really happen). The Gomery Report isn???t bringing down country. But it's the spark separatist in Quebec have been looking to get things rolling again.

    Anyone see Chr??tien talk yesterday? I???ll give him one thing??? The dude can shit talk with the best of them??? The whole time with a smile on his face. Or whatever the fuck it is, his face does when he talks.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    did you hear him swear? dude rules - he's not perfect, but i can't help but like him.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    I was gonna comment on chretien's bad ass responses however fucka-retired politician he got away with it. Just like Galiano...whatever happened to him after he already had at least 10 years of prime scheming secrured and that ambassador job..fuck him

    But the parliament response from Harper/Duceppes made this point come back to me:
    Jesus is this we want to through youout/reelection thing weak. It was so when they tried it the first time and it flopped (within a week...um will se about it..) Why try to restart it again. Being oassive is bad..being unpassionately pissed and making unsuccesful threats is worse

    Finally on the subject of parliament shame. Do you guys ever watch the Q&A od assemble nationale at night on tele-quebec. Funny, but so frustrating. Keep on dodging questions (3 time) ans the guy that is support to mediate has no control its like a class room. And all that fucking clapping...sad

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    OK, I have seen it all now...

    I'm sorry people. But Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes. He has a few times now brought up a number of times that the liberal government was corrupt to it's core, but now is not willing to have an election because he wants to make a deal? Making deals over your convictions? I dunno... How do you take the higher ground, when you do stuff like this?

    And yes missbassie... I can't help but put away my feelings of wanting to slap Jean across the face and instead put up a poster of him on my wall labeled "Mutha Fukkin' Pimp of the Year!"

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    [quote Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes.
    when i used to go to the UofT gym to workout I would often see Layton there rockin it.

    one time though...

    went to get a quick steam after the workout... sat down was just chillin.. i think there were about 4 people in there... layton comes in naked as the day he was born.. no towel NOTHING... dude doesnt just come in and take a seat though.. he proceed to stand i nthe middle of the room, do a bunch of stretchs and such... then instead of sitting down on the nearest empty spot he climbs up to the highest level and stands there with his arms over his head...

    shit was too much

    i got out of there with the quickness.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    OK, I have seen it all now...

    I'm sorry people. But Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes. He has a few times now brought up a number of times that the liberal government was corrupt to it's core, but now is not willing to have an election because he wants to make a deal? Making deals over your convictions? I dunno... How do you take the higher ground, when you do stuff like this?

    And yes missbassie... I can't help but put away my feelings of wanting to slap Jean across the face and instead put up a poster of him on my wall labeled "Mutha Fukkin' Pimp of the Year!"

    He said he was waiting before responding... and also he may be looking for what will be most effective. I'm sure canadians are not down with another election...and like ive said this ranting boasting and calling for elections(although valid) is ineffective. However Jack should be more siding with the others not to exclud himself cause thats good for no one.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    OK, I have seen it all now...

    I'm sorry people. But Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes. He has a few times now brought up a number of times that the liberal government was corrupt to it's core, but now is not willing to have an election because he wants to make a deal? Making deals over your convictions? I dunno... How do you take the higher ground, when you do stuff like this?

    I see it a little differently. I think Layton is looking at the bigger picture and for him to make deals is serving the party???s convictions more so than calling an election. Are voters going to punish Martin for what Gomery has said is Chretien???s fault? I???m not sure how much the political landscape would change if we were to have an election in the next little while. The NDP has more to gain and will serve its constituents better by asking for delivery on the issues they care about. As someone who voted NDP (shocking, i know)I???d prefer deals and delivery than some bullshit election which just wastes money. As well, it???s better for Layton to sit back and not commit and see how the Bloc and the PCs will play it in the next little while.

    I also think Layton has other motives ??? dude has to be bombastic and bring the party to the forefront. A few years ago no one other than few pinkos in sailor hats and second-hand sweaters gave a shit about the NDP ??? Layton has to play and play hard to make the party visible and a contender.

    I don???t think the Liberal party is corrupt to the core ??? but I do think they???re getting lazy and a little too comfortable. Chretien was the last major player to put in a real day???s work fighting the good fight.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    OK, I have seen it all now...

    I'm sorry people. But Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes. He has a few times now brought up a number of times that the liberal government was corrupt to it's core, but now is not willing to have an election because he wants to make a deal? Making deals over your convictions? I dunno... How do you take the higher ground, when you do stuff like this?

    And yes missbassie... I can't help but put away my feelings of wanting to slap Jean across the face and instead put up a poster of him on my wall labeled "Mutha Fukkin' Pimp of the Year!"

    He said he was waiting before responding... and also he may be looking for what will be most effective. I'm sure canadians are not down with another election...and like ive said this ranting boasting and calling for elections(although valid) is ineffective. However Jack should be more siding with the others not to exclud himself cause thats good for no one.

    aKa seeing what kind of deal he can make for the things he wants... Dude, you can call it whatever you want, but if this was any other party besides the Liberals, all of the parties would be calling for the government to step down.

    For the amount of chanting I've heard from Jack talking about respectability in politics and how he's above all that, I sure don't seem to see him acting like he practices what he preaches.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    Dubious: Scary moment...

    OK, I have seen it all now...

    I'm sorry people. But Jack Layton has totally lost all respectability in my eyes. He has a few times now brought up a number of times that the liberal government was corrupt to it's core, but now is not willing to have an election because he wants to make a deal? Making deals over your convictions? I dunno... How do you take the higher ground, when you do stuff like this?

    I see it a little differently. I think Layton is looking at the bigger picture and for him to make deals is serving the party???s convictions more so than calling an election. Are voters going to punish Martin for what Gomery has said is Chretien???s fault? I???m not sure how much the political landscape would change if we were to have an election in the next little while. The NDP has more to gain and will serve its constituents better by asking for delivery on the issues they care about. As someone who voted NDP (shocking, i know)I???d prefer deals and delivery then some bullshit election which just wastes money. As well, it???s better for Layton to sit back and not commit and see how the Bloc and the PCs will play it in the next little while.

    I also think Layton has other motives ??? dude has to be bombastic and bring the party to the forefront. A few years ago no one other than few pinkos in sailor hats and second-hand sweaters gave a shit about the NDP ??? Layton has to play and play hard to make the party visible and a contender.

    I don???t think the Liberal party is corrupt to the core ??? but I do think they???re getting lazy and a little too comfortable. Chretien was the last major player to put in a real day???s work fighting the good fight.

    I understand your thoughts MB, but saying it's not Martins fault is not right. It's the Liberal parties fault. And he is the head of that party. I'm not saying he stole any money (Eventhough he was finace minister the whole time this was going down). Just the fact that a big portion of the money that was stolen from the tax payer, went to the Liberals election campaigns for the last few elections, tells me something... And I don't think anyone can not admit, that if this was any[/b] other Canadian party, there would be a shit storm for the party to step down.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I understand your thoughts MB, but saying it's not Martins fault is not right. It's the Liberal parties fault. And he is the head of that party. I'm not saying he stole any money (Eventhough he was finace minister the whole time this was going down). Just the fact that a big portion of the money that was stolen from the tax payer, went to the Liberals election campaigns for the last few elections, tells me something... And I don't think anyone can not admit, that if this was any[/b] other Canadian party, there would be a shit storm for the party to step down.

    I agree - it???s never one person???s fault when things of this magnitude happen.

    But who is supposed to ask for them to step down? When it comes down to it ??? it???s up to the voters and although there has not been enough time for this to all sink in ??? if folks don???t want a re-election ??? then they don???t.

    I???ll be honest ??? the report is bullshit to me.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    I???ll be honest ??? the report is bullshit to me.


    canadian politics has got the tune in turn on drop out on lock down.. the second they shart running floor speeches im out "will the right honourable member from kicked in dick alberta please shut up"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    I understand your thoughts MB, but saying it's not Martins fault is not right. It's the Liberal parties fault. And he is the head of that party. I'm not saying he stole any money (Eventhough he was finace minister the whole time this was going down). Just the fact that a big portion of the money that was stolen from the tax payer, went to the Liberals election campaigns for the last few elections, tells me something... And I don't think anyone can not admit, that if this was any[/b] other Canadian party, there would be a shit storm for the party to step down.

    I agree - it???s never one person???s fault when things of this magnitude happen.

    But who is supposed to ask for them to step down? When it comes down to it ??? it???s up to the voters and although there has not been enough time for this to all sink in ??? if folks don???t want a re-election ??? then they don???t.

    I???ll be honest ??? the report is bullshit to me.

    Well, with the way things are set up. There can't be a call for an election, unless Jack is on board (Funny, the guy with no real power, is the most powerful man in the country on this issue).

    The reason people don't want an election is simple. It's because the masses don't really care. Whatever... Hockey is back right?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I understand your thoughts MB, but saying it's not Martins fault is not right. It's the Liberal parties fault. And he is the head of that party. I'm not saying he stole any money (Eventhough he was finace minister the whole time this was going down). Just the fact that a big portion of the money that was stolen from the tax payer, went to the Liberals election campaigns for the last few elections, tells me something... And I don't think anyone can not admit, that if this was any[/b] other Canadian party, there would be a shit storm for the party to step down.

    I agree - it???s never one person???s fault when things of this magnitude happen.

    But who is supposed to ask for them to step down? When it comes down to it ??? it???s up to the voters and although there has not been enough time for this to all sink in ??? if folks don???t want a re-election ??? then they don???t.

    I???ll be honest ??? the report is bullshit to me.

    The reason people don't want an election is simple. It's because the masses don't really care. Whatever... Hockey is back right?

    I disagree about people not caring. I care and I don't want an election.

    And the Leafs losing 8-0 to the fucking Senators means that hockey is NOT back.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    I understand your thoughts MB, but saying it's not Martins fault is not right. It's the Liberal parties fault. And he is the head of that party. I'm not saying he stole any money (Eventhough he was finace minister the whole time this was going down). Just the fact that a big portion of the money that was stolen from the tax payer, went to the Liberals election campaigns for the last few elections, tells me something... And I don't think anyone can not admit, that if this was any[/b] other Canadian party, there would be a shit storm for the party to step down.

    I agree - it???s never one person???s fault when things of this magnitude happen.

    But who is supposed to ask for them to step down? When it comes down to it ??? it???s up to the voters and although there has not been enough time for this to all sink in ??? if folks don???t want a re-election ??? then they don???t.

    I???ll be honest ??? the report is bullshit to me.

    The reason people don't want an election is simple. It's because the masses don't really care. Whatever... Hockey is back right?

    I disagree about people not caring. I care and I don't want an election.

    Of course you don't want an election. Cause the last thing you want is Mr. Harper being PM. Your feelings (Like a lot[/b] of people) are that the Liberals could steal any amount of money and use it to suit their own needs, just as long as Mr Harper does not become PM.

    And the Leafs losing 8-0 to the fucking Senators means that hockey is NOT back.



  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts

    An election will be held within 30 days of the second Gomery report, which will be released in April. It was a commitment Martin made last year.

    1. Another Liberal minority supported by NDP. (likely)
    2. Liberal majority (probably not)
    3. Conservative minority government (unlikely)

    Number one is probably gonna happen, and it'll look a lot like today's federal politics. Give it two or three years and then the Liberals will be a majority again, for better or worse. A referendum on Quebec will happen again in ten years or so, unlikely before then.
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