We Are In Trouble.

BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
edited October 2005 in Strut Central
Earthquake kills 20,000 people? Right after massive flood destroys New Orleans, Right after Tsunami kills over a hundred thousand people? THis has got to be the craziest year for natural disasters ever, and its not nearly over yet! Perhaps the big boss upstairs is not at all pleased with the way we've been running things. Perhaps We have fucked up the earth enough with global warming and everything else that its going to fix itself whether we survive or not. Either way, im pretty positive some shit is bout to go down. and What do you guys think?


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts

  • Gaia Theroy (no ehyo).

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Gaia Theroy (no ehyo).

    is that the one that says earth is having its revenge on us? I think thats possible.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    i really thought the world was invincible prior to SARS, i couldn't fathom how something like that was capable in this day and age, people would freak the phuck out if you coughed in public and all these disasters...damn

  • Gaia Theroy (no ehyo).

    is that the one that says earth is having its revenge on us? I think thats possible.

    Thats it.
    Mothert nature is gonna fuck us up man, she is a real bitch when she gets pissed off.

  • Mothert nature is gonna fuck us up man, she is a real bitch when she gets pissed off.
    holy moses. what a load to lay on someone.

  • we deserve it. we're greedy and ignorant as fuck.

    i heard somenoe predict that we're gonna have tons of ice storms this winter, and it makes sense due to all the global warming nonsense.


  • i don't even have my liscence- my student card has 2 years left to run out (even though i left uni 4 years ago) and until that time it is cheap as shit to get around on public transport, and walk/ride where i can. All my friends fucking drive to the corner shop thats 2 blocks away, makes me sick.

  • yes
    co-sign. history repeats itself.

  • a volcano erupted in San Salvador as well.

    Two die in El Salvador volcano eruption
    El Salvador's largest volcano, dormant for more than a century, shook the ground as it woke up on Saturday, hurling out hot lava rocks, killing at least two people and forcing more than 2,000 to flee.

    The Santa Ana or Ilamatepec volcano, located 66 kilometres west of the capital, rumbled and belched thick plumes of smoke that reached more than 15 kilometres into the sky just after 8:30am (local time).

    Military emergency sirens blasted, calling for an immediate area evacuation of the hamlets in the coffee growing area, and soon after the volcano began hurling glowing lava and ash from its crater.

    The volcano "has begun to expel magma on the side of the town of San Blas, while the ash is being carried by a south-south-westerly wind," the University of El Salvador vulcanologist Francisco Barahona said.

    Officials with the National Emergency Committee said that by 1:00pm (local time), 2,250 people had been evacuated from the danger zone.

    Hot lava rocks belched out by the volcano ranged from the size of a football to the size of a car, an AFP journalist on the scene reported.

    At least seven people were injured by red hot lava rocks spewed into the air by the eruption, the national police said.

    Two people were killed when 200 residents were evacuated from the hamlet of Palo Campana, located just two kilometres from the crater, said Interior Minister Rene Figueroa.

    Residents fled aboard trucks when a flood of boiling water from an underground lake rushed down from the crater from three directions.

    Interior Ministry officials declared a red alert in a four kilometre radius around the volcano. A lesser "yellow alert" was issued for adjacent areas.

    Some 20,000 people live in the area surrounding the volcano.

    President Antonio Saca called on El Salvadorans to remain calm, describing the eruption as one of "moderate magnitude".

    The country's civil protection forces have been deployed and are operational, he said.

    Mr Saca said he understood many people had never seen a volcano erupting and would like to get close to observe the phenomenon.

    "This is not a game," he warned. "This could represent danger since we are not discounting another eruption."

    At 2,381 metres above sea level, the Santa Ana volcano is the highest point in El Salvador. It last erupted in 1904.

    The volcano has been rumbling for days, and on Friday some 30 families living in the area were evacuated after columns of sulfuric smoke rose from the crater.

    The nearest town - Santa Ana, population 100,000 and some 40 kilometres from the volcano - was not affected, officials said.


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  • aegisaegis 261 Posts
    Who need public transportation when the soon to be melted Artic holds a quarter of the world's undiscovered oil? Driving more SUVs=> more oil=> bigger SUVs

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    it really sucks that mother nature has to do it in individual disasters rather than one fell swoop of mankind. The human race ain't ever gonna stop unless gaia does some serious spring cleaning. my guess is that we will find some real evil ways in the future to stay on top, and well keep rotting this fucking earth way into the year 3000. sorry if i sound cold but if you take a step back we are some ugly fucking creatures

  • if you take a step back we are ugly

  • lucerolucero 425 Posts
    mother nature has always had her turns for the worst, there is nothing new about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis or hurricanes .. or human borne diseases, ever heard of the black plague?

    yes, the human impact on the planet is cause for concern, but to approtion that 'impact' carte blanche responsibility for the series of natural disasters this year veers towards the looney - unfortuantely earthquakes in developing countries such as turkey, pakistan and iran will often have high fatalty counts due to the shoddy quality of buildings in those areas - they all collapse, I doubt there are robust 'planning regulations' in these places, just people scraping by in the hope that tomorrow might be better

  • Gaian Ecological Birth Pains. Turning Human Beans into Earth stains.

    I feel like the Earth is trying to say it in any way it can. Wake the Fuck up PLease. For your own sake as much as any thing else. Boils , blisters ooze and pus. Tumors. Even MaMa can only take so much abuse. The Earth supports us no matter how selfish and parasitic we become, unconditional. But after Take, Take, Take......What is there really left to give. cHILL THE FUCK OUT Earthlings. Don't treat your momma like a whore. She's willing to die for you. Don't make her have to.

    Drunken Post at 10:49 pm; but I stand behind every word of it. I want my kids to see the dawn.

  • hcrunkhcrunk 116 Posts
    So call me a hippie but...

    A few things I try to do while on mother earth-

    Recycle daily.
    Don't drive and pollute the air.
    Don't eat meat.
    Love my neighbors, family, friends, fellow strutters

    I know this world seems all bad sometimes but it's not. Just remember that.

  • So call me a hippie but...

    A few things I try to do while on mother earth-

    Recycle daily.
    Don't drive and pollute the air.
    Don't eat meat.
    Love my neighbors, family, friends, fellow strutters

    I know this world seems all bad sometimes but it's not. Just remember that.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    feelin it

    driving rapidly past autumn trees make this shit worthwhile
    and the hamilton escarpment at dusk
    happy canadian thanksgiving

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    thank you

  • Bring it. I'm ridin' this gravy train until the wheels fall off.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • lucerolucero 425 Posts

    if you look at the world on a global timeline, the last 250 years have had more environmental damage than probably ever before combined...
    & what country came to mainfestation in that time?

    as I understand it, Industrialisation was initially driven by England (thee old empire)

    sure there are other first world countries & bigger populations that pollute & consume,
    but none so careless for the rest of the world around it & it's own ecosystem,
    and none more dastardly & narrowminded...

    umm, no and yes .. China and India are the only countires with bigger populations than the US and neither of them is a 'first world country '

    maybe its because the rest of the world bows to americans feet & gives them whatever they want that they feel so invincible..

    uhh no, the power of the US derives predominantly from its military capabilities, something which was actively pursued as a policy direction after WWII

    but the US would rather debate things like whether queers should be able to marry each other & threaten the world with innuedos of embargos & military force than address and fix any real problems like the environment,
    one that they almost solely helped create the bulk of,

    all because they dont want to take an economical loss,
    shit global warming doesnt even exist according to republicans,
    and this is the gift you give to the rest of the world?
    4 more years of the same shifty bullshit?

    yeah, u might be able to kill 50,000 iraqis to get their oil so u can perpetaute this immoral existance the united states & it's people continue to live at the expense of our world,

    but the thing is, in dire straits.. money wont save your life...
    see new orleans for example,
    and scientists had been predicting it for over 2 years,
    makes you wonder what else scientists are predicting will actually come to fruition, doesnt it?

    I pretty much agree with this part, but the example you use re: money is wrong - money could have fixed the levee system in NO, but that budget (or Fema's as I understand it) was cut .. in general though, money won't necessarily fix environemtnal problems (depleted uranium - hello?)

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    if you look at the world on a global timeline, the last 250 years have had more environmental damage than probably ever before combined...
    & what country came to mainfestation in that time?

    as I understand it, Industrialisation was initially driven by England (thee old empire)

    Trues as this may be, the US currently uses 25% of the world's energy, but only supports 5% of its population. (http://www.peakoil.ie/newsletters/639)

    The United States is also the world's largest single emitter of carbon dioxide, accounting for 23 percent of energy-related carbon emissions worldwide. (U.S. Department of Energy) (http://www.solarenergy.org/resources/energyfacts.html)

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    Desperate fraternity in sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a civilisation. In the [twenty-first] century, death terrifies men less than the absence of real life. All these dead, mechanised, specialised actions, stealing a bit of life a thousand times a day until the mind and body are exhausted, until that death which is not the end of life but the final saturation with absence: this is what lends a dangerous charm to dreams of apocalypses, gigantic destructions, complete annihilations, cruel, clean and total deaths.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Desperate fraternity in sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a civilisation. In the [twenty-first] century, death terrifies men less than the absence of real life. All these dead, mechanised, specialised actions, stealing a bit of life a thousand times a day until the mind and body are exhausted, until that death which is not the end of life but the final saturation with absence: this is what lends a dangerous charm to dreams of apocalypses, gigantic destructions, complete annihilations, cruel, clean and total deaths.
    Where did you get this quote from?

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    bird flu is poised to wipe out millions... soon

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    Desperate fraternity in sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a civilisation. In the [twenty-first] century, death terrifies men less than the absence of real life. All these dead, mechanised, specialised actions, stealing a bit of life a thousand times a day until the mind and body are exhausted, until that death which is not the end of life but the final saturation with absence: this is what lends a dangerous charm to dreams of apocalypses, gigantic destructions, complete annihilations, cruel, clean and total deaths.

    the WORST thing that can happen to a civilization?
    funny, i'd think self destruction & death by own design are worse, woudlnt you?

    do you really think peoeple want the hinderance of global warming, pollution, economical fallouts, nuclear warfare, diseases, outbreaks and overall fear of the future looming over their heads by choice?

    this is such an inductive and hasty conclusion to suit a complacent mentality...
    not to mention rhetorically stated,

    and what an oxymoron to suggest these types of destruction have any sort of "charm" by any strech of the word charm's definition...

    suggesting people are sick in the head & desperate for fraternity rather than addressing their actual concerns with any merit is oftely convienient for a mainly objective, complacent person, dont u think?

    choosing to ignore & not address these issues is no better than condoning & adding to their existance,

    obviously the things that seem to be poised to doom us as a species & degenerate us morally as a society were not concieved with the intention to do so...
    they merely have come back to haunt us, to put it lightly.

    the "charm" as, whoever said it (bill o'reilly?), is the fact it puts a proper perspective on things as they are today,
    rather than a cheerful, PC, optimistic one that doesnt address any real dangers & possibility of descention against our own favor..

    are people that concur lacking their own critical thinking & judgement?

    explanations & theories corroborated with evidence and citings tend to take more realistic precedence than just hoping & saying everything will be ok.
    the "don't rain on my parade" mentality that keeps so many in the dark in so many facets of life will do nothing more than merely perpuate these issues existance until their boiling point,

    ignorant optimism is nothing more than wishful thinking.

    Plaese to find another outlet for your babbling.

    [color:white]K, thx. [/color]

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    mother nature has always had her turns for the worst, there is nothing new about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis or hurricanes .. or human borne diseases, ever heard of the black plague?

    yes, the human impact on the planet is cause for concern, but to approtion that 'impact' carte blanche responsibility for the series of natural disasters this year veers towards the looney - unfortuantely earthquakes in developing countries such as turkey, pakistan and iran will often have high fatalty counts due to the shoddy quality of buildings in those areas - they all collapse, I doubt there are robust 'planning regulations' in these places, just people scraping by in the hope that tomorrow might be better

    I agree completely.
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