The Requisite Expedit Photo
2,564 Posts
Finally swooped on a digital camera, so here's my version of the Expedit shot.Post yours!and here's my whole apartment setup:
sayin'. and he's got the old Star Wars AT-AT that I always wanted.
yeah where'd you get those???
Yeeah the AT-AT is sick
Way to floss "the Auction" ....nice room
2. Is that the soundtrack to DePalma's BLOW OUT?
3. Should I cop that Lucifer's Friend album if I can get it for $6?
4. "the goo"????
are you a 40 year old virgin?
How did I know I was gonna catch wreck for that
but the cover is a bangathon.
it's a norwegian fusion record.
YES! it's really dope hard rock with some beats.
i don't know either.
fatback, are you a comedian?