Justin Timberlake buying up Sun and Stax?



  • This is the wackest shit I have ever heard in my life. Justin Timberlake has no buisness buying Sun or Stax! Those studios are 2 of the last historical places left in Memphis. He could afford to build his own studio here and have it be 5 times as big as either studio. That's great if you think that dude makes good music but, damn, take that shit somewhere else. Dude might be from here but he is not a Memphian! If he was he wouldn't try and ruin the city's greatest landmarks. Go ahead and quote and hate on me, but as the only lifelong Memphian on this site I give Justin Timberlake a big "FUCK YOU" for even thinking he and his shitty music deserves to even set foot in those studios.


  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i heard he was gonna get a triton and a protools system installed at sun and use it just to work on the Beats.

    he's gonan use the live roo mat stax to rehearse the dancers

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    Let me ask this. What if it was ME who went and got the capital and bought them?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Let me ask this. What if it was ME who went and got the capital and bought them?


    Prince should do it.

  • Seems like alot of people are projecting their own attachments to times, things, and places onto Justin here. How can you try to say what his intentions are. I personally have never kicked it with Mr. Timberlake, so I have no Idea what his musical Ideals and Values may be. It is obvious that he has made steps in the last few years to leave the boy band persona behind and make the transition to a more grown, sophisticated image. But that is not really relevant. Regardless of his artistic integrity, Dude saw an oppurtunity and took it. It's not like he is partnering with Walmart or some corporate demon to infiltrate the rrecording industry. Seriously, if he didn't buy it, guess what? someone else would probably come along and fuck up your cherished memories of these iconic record labels anyway. Wait and see what he does with this, before you start bitching about what will or won't happen. I swear, some people get all full of venom over people that are succesful.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    This is the wackest shit I have ever heard in my life.

    You need to get out more, Shing. This is like waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy down the list of wack shit.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    Plus I can't hate on dude anyway. He's already transcended his boy band persona and put out a damn good R&B record with "Justified."

    Speak on it. Anybody that tries to deny Justin's evolution and the fact that he has put out some quality music is just hatting.

    "seniorita" please.

    justin is bringing out some real angry hatt-filled hatting hatters.

  • i heard he was gonna get a triton and a protools system installed at sun and use it just to work on the Beats.

    he's gonan use the live roo mat stax to rehearse the dancers

    This is exactly the kind of shit I pictured when I read the headline. I have the feeling he'll have a bit more respect for the legacy than that, but still, shit made me cringe.
    I can see both sides of the argument here though, and only time will tell if it's gonna be a good thing.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    i heard he was gonna get a triton and a protools system installed at sun and use it just to work on the Beats.

    he's gonan use the live roo mat stax to rehearse the dancers

    dubi - i'm guessing/hoping that this is a joke used to illustrate how ridiculous it is to think that by purchasing these labels, timberlake will "ruin" their legacy. if so, word, haha.

    like, i heard he's giving cameron the engineering studio to use as her makeup room. proactiv please!

  • whatever...it just seems very suspect to me. Y'all dont live here, this town was built on indiependent studios and grass roots level music, it is what made the music revered from this town so great and revolutionary...I just dont see his buying up Stax and Sun as "revitalizing" Memphis, this is the equvilent of Starbucks coming and running the little coffee shops outta business(yes I know they arent labels anymore, but the metaphor still applies). Only real estate agents and JT and his interets will make money. Y'all are against gentrification of ya'lls neighborhoods, right? Well this is artistic gentrification in my eyes this stage in the game... until more info and plans are made available...just sounds like a bad idea so far.

    as far as living in the past...again, whatever, I listen to old music, because it kicks the shit outta new stuff..I fucking hate that, "get with the times man" argument about music...modern RnB writing, singing, production sounds like utter shit to these ears...I mean, we live in a time where a bum note can be corrected by a button.....fuck this is a tired ass argument and I am staying out of this thread...

    your attitude is real corny dude.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    i heard he was gonna get a triton and a protools system installed at sun and use it just to work on the Beats.

    he's gonan use the live roo mat stax to rehearse the dancers

    This is exactly the kind of shit I pictured when I read the headline. I have the feeling he'll have a bit more respect for the legacy than that, but still, shit made me cringe.
    I can see both sides of the argument here though, and only time will tell if it's gonna be a good thing.

    How would rehearsing show biz shit in a place that has probably seen countless other showbiz rehearsals disrespectful????

    I would understand people's ire if Justin was ruthlessly outbidding Carla Thomas or Steve Cropper for these places/catalogs, but so far no one has indicated that there is anything of the sort transpiring.

    To paraphrase another hypebolic thread: what is really happening?[/b]

  • I would understand people's ire if Justin was ruthlessly outbidding Carla Thomas or Steve Cropper for these places/catalogs, but so far no one has indicated that there is anything of the sort transpiring.

    To paraphrase another hypebolic thread: what is really happening?[/b]

    original reply deleted by Funky McVay.

  • i heard he was gonna get a triton and a protools system installed at sun and use it just to work on the Beats.

    he's gonan use the live roo mat stax to rehearse the dancers

    This is exactly the kind of shit I pictured when I read the headline. I have the feeling he'll have a bit more respect for the legacy than that, but still, shit made me cringe.
    I can see both sides of the argument here though, and only time will tell if it's gonna be a good thing.

    How would rehearsing show biz shit in a place that has probably seen countless other showbiz rehearsals disrespectful????

    I would understand people's ire if Justin was ruthlessly outbidding Carla Thomas or Steve Cropper for these places/catalogs, but so far no one has indicated that there is anything of the sort transpiring.

    To paraphrase another hypebolic thread: what is really happening?[/b]

    Don't get it twisted.

    I have no problem with him, or anybody, using the place for the creation/rehearsal of any sort of music.

    But musicians, performing together in a room, and captured live to tape is a beautiful thing. That should be respected. If he wants to build a whole new floor with a 20000 foot dance-rehearsal space and 1000 tracks of Protools, cool. But to completely overhaul the place with no regard for what made those old records sound so amazing would be a travesty.

    I'm hoping he shows love to local artists as well. I've never been down there, but I'm sure there's still an amazing cache of talent who are still working day jobs.

  • old school playas to new school fools

  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts
    I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    Some of you folls are hillarious. Dude could be spending that money on maybachs and shit, as far as i can tell hes doing a basically good thing that im sure comes from a geniune love for music.

    and Justified was the best r&b album that year, hands down. Dude can sing his ass off, and despite some ridiculous lyrics, the songwriting was pretty damn decent, and some of the production was rideeeculous.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    this thread is corny

  • Only if the stars align, say catalog's Nashville owners

    By Michael Lollar
    October 4, 2005

    Sun Entertainment Holding Corp., the Nashville company that bought Sun Records in 1969, has been talking about a possible sale that could bring Sun back to its Memphis roots.

    Sun chairman Shelby Singleton and his brother, Sun president John Singleton, said Monday they met earlier this year with Memphis Music Foundation president Rey Flemings, who told them the foundation is interested "in bringing Memphis music back home."

    Shelby Singleton said Flemings told them he represented a group of roughly a dozen Memphis investors that would include pop star Justin Timberlake. Singleton said that Sun would be for sale "if the price is right." That would mean a minimum of $35 million, he said.

    Flemings said Monday he did meet with the Singletons, but he denied indicating that Timberlake was part of an investment group. Ken Sunshine, a New York spokesman for Timberlake, said it is "not true" that the pop singer plans to invest in a repurchase of Sun or its catalog.

    John Singleton said he understood during Flemings's visit to Nashville that Timberlake would be an investor. "We got that impression, that he was part of a group."

    Flemings said he does not represent Timberlake and denied being involved with "any ongoing" negotiations.

    The Singletons said other musicians have expressed interest in Sun, including U2's Bono, who recorded tracks for Rattle and Hum with the band at Sun in Memphis. Bono is a partner in a California investment company, Elevation Partners, which has talked to Sun owners about a sale, Shelby Singleton said.

    "There are a lot of people who have come around and kicked the tires, but nobody has brought any money."

    The record label sold the early Sun recordings of Elvis Presley, including his first releases, "That's All Right" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky," but it still owns recordings by Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison and Carl Perkins. "(Sun is) a one-of-a-kind, the Mona Lisa of rock and roll," Shelby Singleton said.

    Knox Phillips, son of Sun founder Sam Phillips, said the Phillips family retained a 20 percent ownership when the Sun catalog was sold to the Singletons for $1 million in 1969.

    "I have not been involved in any discussions about this," Phillips said. "Over the years, there have been many different people who have been interested in buying the catalog, from Robert Plant to the Rolling Stones, wealthy people who would like to own a piece of Americana."

    Copyright 2005, commercialappeal.com - Memphis, TN. All Rights Reserved.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    this thread is corny

    What? This thread is great!

    "This is the worst thing I could imagine happening! Ever!"

    "Justin Timberlake is a carpetbaggeaur!"

    "I am a real Memph Man!"

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Two separate things going on here:
    1. He buys up Sun and Stax - he's not going to get richer from that score so I'm guessing there are more altrusitic/personal reasons for his interest in buying them. I'd rather a musician owned them than Sony BMG and actually I think he has integrity and some genuine respect for that music.

    2. He builds a fuck-off studio complex in Memphis. That's the issue. How that plays out remains to be seen and the fall-out for other smaller studios has to be balanced against the benefits his new studio brings to Memphis, if any. Watch that space.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.


    Besides, JT couldn't be any worse than the previous owner of Sun, Shelby Singleton...after he reactivated the Sun name in 1969, he kept reissuing the same old Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Charlie Rich sides in heinously ugly packages. It's no accident that the better Sun compilations came from other companies like AVI, Rounder and Charly.

  • I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.


    Besides, JT couldn't be any worse than the previous owner of Sun, Shelby Singleton...after he reactivated the Sun name in 1969, he kept reissuing the same old Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Charlie Rich sides in heinously ugly packages. It's no accident that the better Sun compilations came from other companies like AVI, Rounder and Charly.

    Once again, pickwick drops the knowledge. WRACKOGNIZE.

  • I'm sorry but if you lived here this news would make you sick. Timberlake is like the new MC Hammer...sure he's all big right now but his hype will be dead in a few years. I'm know that's a bold statement but look at the history of commercial music from the past 20 years. Folks think they are the shit right now but down the line they laugh at themselves for ever even listening to them. My question is why does he need Sun studios or Stax to make is commercial dance records. That is a local studio that local bands depend on and it would crush this city if you tried to record there but were denied because Brittnay Spears was recording there that day. And the Pro-Tools thing...that's the first thing I imagened when I read this thread...make the control room at Sun "state of the art"...yeah,that's exactly what it needs.

    And by the way...Timberlake is not from Memphis...he is from Millington,TN and he lived here for a year with his grandmother when he was like 8. Why the fuck would he care about this city's musical heritage? This doesn't just go for Timberlake...if fucking Prince was trying to do the same thing I would feel the same way. Why does "anyone" feel they need 2 of the greatest studios of all time to record commercial-headset-overdubed-new kid on the block-dance rutine-13 year old girl screamin' crap.

    I don't care if you guys think I'm a hater when it comes to something as stupid as a teen idol trying to buy the last bit of heart and soul this city(which I love with all my heart)has. In my opinion, this will never actually happen. Some older people here would rather see Sun studios burned down than see something like this happen.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    And by the way...Timberlake is not from Memphis...he is from Millington,TN

    (20 mins outside of memphis)

    That is a local studio that local bands depend on and it would crush this city if you tried to record there but were denied because Brittnay Spears was recording there that day.

    Why does "anyone" feel they need 2 of the greatest studios of all time to record commercial-headset-overdubed-new kid on the block-dance rutine-13 year old girl screamin' crap.

    good for you that you love memphis and all, but YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.


    Besides, JT couldn't be any worse than the previous owner of Sun, Shelby Singleton...after he reactivated the Sun name in 1969, he kept reissuing the same old Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Charlie Rich sides in heinously ugly packages. It's no accident that the better Sun compilations came from other companies like AVI, Rounder and Charly.

    Once again, pickwick drops the knowledge. WRACKOGNIZE.

    Charly didn't pay dues to anyone for those issues. Boots, in effect.

  • good for you that you love memphis and all, but YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

    Explain. What is it about Memphis that you know that I don't?

  • good for you that you love memphis and all, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT CAUSE I DON"T LIVE THERE.

    Explain. What is it about Memphis that you know that I don't?


  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.


    Besides, JT couldn't be any worse than the previous owner of Sun, Shelby Singleton...after he reactivated the Sun name in 1969, he kept reissuing the same old Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Charlie Rich sides in heinously ugly packages. It's no accident that the better Sun compilations came from other companies like AVI, Rounder and Charly.

    Once again, pickwick drops the knowledge. WRACKOGNIZE.

    Charly didn't pay dues to anyone for those issues. Boots, in effect.

    But US Sun wasn't reissuing the more obscure recordings by Sonny Burgess, Rufus Thomas, Billy Lee Riley, etc., like Charly was. It's fucked-up that they didn't pay the artists, but Singleton was just SITTING on this prime stuff. He was just reissuing "Great Balls Of Fire" and "I Walk The Line" over and over - how else were we to get the records by the lesser lights like Burgess and them? Without having to fork over an arm and a leg?

    Also, I should mention that Charly wasn't the only label reissuing the Sun catalog. Sure hope Rounder and the now-defunct AVI paid the artists. (Recently Collectables has been putting this stuff out again...Lord, I don't even wanna think about it!)

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    good for you that you love memphis and all, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT CAUSE I DON"T LIVE THERE.

    Explain. What is it about Memphis that you know that I don't?


    first off...

    And by the way...Timberlake is not from Memphis...he is from Millington,TN

    pretending like dude isn't from memphis cuz he lives 20 mins outside of town aint' cool.

    secondly, the idea that memphis would be "ruined" if an artist wanted to go in to record one day but britney was taking up the room makes me stupider just thinking about it.

  • I'd rather have him do something interesting with the legacy & future of those labels than just another Stax remix project by Fatboy Slim or sumthin.


    Besides, JT couldn't be any worse than the previous owner of Sun, Shelby Singleton...after he reactivated the Sun name in 1969, he kept reissuing the same old Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Charlie Rich sides in heinously ugly packages. It's no accident that the better Sun compilations came from other companies like AVI, Rounder and Charly.

    Once again, pickwick drops the knowledge. WRACKOGNIZE.

    Charly didn't pay dues to anyone for those issues. Boots, in effect.

    But US Sun wasn't reissuing the more obscure recordings by Sonny Burgess, Rufus Thomas, Billy Lee Riley, etc., like Charly was. It's fucked-up that they didn't pay the artists, but Singleton was just SITTING on this prime stuff. He was just reissuing "Great Balls Of Fire" and "I Walk The Line" over and over - how else were we to get the records by the lesser lights like Burgess and them? Without having to fork over an arm and a leg?

    Also, I should mention that Charly wasn't the only label reissuing the Sun catalog. Sure hope Rounder and the now-defunct AVI paid the artists. (Recently Collectables has been putting this stuff out again...Lord, I don't even wanna think about it!)

    True indeed about Singleton, he could have handled it a little better.

    I foresee Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee JT remixs. Man, "Great Balls Of Fire (club mix '05)"
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