Certified Little Dude Moves:



  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    So, I'm imagining the soundtrack as I read this post...I personally hear Prodigy's Breathe blasting on 10+... I see Matrix-like images of a lawyer sporting a pink shirt squaring off with a demure and broke looking latin dude cluthing a latin record in his hand...what do you guys see?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    I outbid a strutter on ebay just today and have been outbid by other strutters in the past. Its just part of the game. That said, it's still weak that Rey would do that after Faux asked him to hold off. What record was this anyways? Faux, I say you start leading him astray and big upping crappy latin lp's.

  • flunkflunk 230 Posts

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    what do you guys see?

  • That's pretty fucking lame. I'd be pissed. Jon, that was really petty and displayed a childlike inability to allay your desire to immediately attain this record. Upon further consideration, I'd say not a good look. Can't knock the hustle? Nah son, game recognize game. Typical soulstrut toy who wants the rarest titles before the best music.

    When you just throw money up at shit you don't know, you're not a collector - you're an impulse shopper. I know women with more restraint at a shoe sale.

    And if complaining online about shit isn't cool, we should make Adam wash Raj's floors or something.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    hey there are lots of latin records to go around. i'm bidding on this:

    don't esnipe me on it.

    ok not really, but just trying to throw some 9.99 jawn humor in if i can. this thread has officially made me late for work...

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    Prestige -- please change your avatar. That's fucking gross.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Prestige -- please change your avatar. That's fucking gross.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Prestige -- please change your avatar. That's fucking gross.

    motherfucking , I don't care how well adjusted dude is or that he might be defying social norms/society's inability to accept obese people...change that shit...please? else I will think of vomitting in my mouth everytime I think of you...

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    Prestige -- please change your avatar. That's fucking gross.

    true, if it was an animted gif and you blocked the guys head, more people would be down

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    true, if it was an animted gif and you blocked the guys head, more people would be down

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    I do agree with JP, but not as much with Zigzag's post. Rey catches all kinds of heat here from people - some has been jokes, but he gets put on blast a lot. The alias thing is a little played out, but if its how he gets his kicks, fuck it. Dudes hassle him because of his way of life. How many threads have gone up about his parents credit cards? That shit is lame. I like folks on this board, but you know you might need to take a break from soulstrut if you can get excited about how some other dude on the other side of the country spends his or other peoples money. I don't know if he's got a million bucks or 10 bucks & frankly I couldn't give a shit. He gets disrespected all the time & then people are surprised when he does something that might be considered uncool? Grafwriter talked some smack about rey & I didn't see people say, "yo, that's my dude." Mark deleted the thread cause it was uncool & nobody said shit. Weak. If you treat a guy like he's an asshole, don't be surprised when he acts like one.



  • ooh, you let 'im call you 'Arsenio'!!

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    Little Dude in the game of life.

  • Yo,

    I do agree with JP, but not as much with Zigzag's post. Rey catches all kinds of heat here from people - some has been jokes, but he gets put on blast a lot. The alias thing is a little played out, but if its how he gets his kicks, fuck it. Dudes hassle him because of his way of life. How many threads have gone up about his parents credit cards? That shit is lame. I like folks on this board, but you know you might need to take a break from soulstrut if you can get excited about how some other dude on the other side of the country spends his or other peoples money. I don't know if he's got a million bucks or 10 bucks & frankly I couldn't give a shit. He gets disrespected all the time & then people are surprised when he does something that might be considered uncool? Grafwriter talked some smack about rey & I didn't see people say, "yo, that's my dude." Mark deleted the thread cause it was uncool & nobody said shit. Weak. If you treat a guy like he's an asshole, don't be surprised when he acts like one.



    haz, rey has done his fair share of going at people here, don't act like the dude is a saint, the dude has his supporters as well, the guy can handle himself hes an adult and if he ever get into a situation in which he can't use that rich sense of humor of his to get out of it, there is always mommy's visa

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    I am curious. Faux how did Rey respond when you asked him to lay low?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Faux... you're acting like this is the last copy on earth. It will pop up again and you will win it at a fraction of the cost. Let Reynaldo breath.... oh and make sure you check out my upcoming auctions.

  • Faux, I say you start leading him astray and big upping crappy latin lp's.

  • I am curious. Faux how did Rey respond when you asked him to lay low?

    "Atiriri inyui mwi haria muke haha"[/b]

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I am curious. Faux how did Rey respond when you asked him to lay low?

    "Noooooooo, it's ours and we wants it"

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Guys, for the last time: that's not the record. This is definitely a five-star jpeg, though.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    And if complaining online about shit isn't cool, we should make Adam wash Raj's floors or something.

    Damn, I tell a dude who has a history of insulting others when they come with issues to the board to stop whining over something as petty as a piece of wax and I get knocked too? Sometimes people here really lose sense of the reality of a situation.

    Seriously WHO THE FUCK CARES[/b] its only a record, I'm sure there will be more copies available eventually. and probably for cheaper, and in the end impulse buy or not, Rey was just willing to spend more dough to get whatever album y'all are talking about.

    Faux:[/b] Youre a grown man and to come on here to start a thread with the intent of putting someone on blast for outbidding you is really just sour grapes.

    Rey:[/b] If you made a promise to not bid on this album and went back then your a liar and its now known, if not, well then congratulations on winning and if you end up not liking the album you know there is a tearful lawyer in Harlem that you can send it to and make him smile for 10 seconds before he puts on his sourpuss face again

    Seriously though since this has already become a 3 pager can we at least get an account of both sides of the story, it makes no sense to post something like this only to reveal selected parts. This is a public forum, I want to some public forum speak

    BTW I just got off the plane from Phoenix like 20 minutes ago. Justing[/b] if your reading this, good lookin out homie

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    wash Raj's floors!!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    I like folks on this board, but you know you might need to take a break from soulstrut if you can get [this] excited about a personal spat between two dudes over a record[/b].

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Faux:[/b] Youre a grown man and to come on here to staft a thread with the intent of putting someone on blast for outbidding you is really just sour grapes.

    Rey outed himself--his name appears nowhere in the initial post.

    But, please, while we have you here, give us all some more lessons on "manhood," Guzzle.

  • Adam, you're clearly letting your opinion of Daniel (who you've never met, right?) cloud the situation.

    Put yourself in those shoes: you mention on soulstrut how much you need a record. Someone asks you, "hey not really into modern soul but I'm looking to get into it. how is it?" and you say, "it's awesome. I need a copy actually." Perhaps you ask that person (via PM) not to bid on the copy online. Then that same person outbids you on the record. Pretty foul, considering that person could have spent their money on any number of records that are not needed by you, who at this point is only looking for very specific titles.

    This isn't whining about being outbid - it's whining about someone jerking you around.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    BTW I just got off the plane from Phoenix like 20 minutes ago. Justin[/b] if your reading this, good lookin out homie

    anytime cuz... even on vacation with the fam bbqing at the lake im helping real world dudes make real world moves...

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    "OK, fooliosh, me and Mel Gibson wants to show you another precioush raer"

    "If shomebody wants to hear it, I could make mp3sh and play them on the phone for you"

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    Now make one for faux, only this time Gollum is clutching back issues of XXL where Jadakiss appeared on the cover.
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