Why do you hate/dislike Kufi-Rap?



  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    some kids never get over that "I can't walk down the street with my MOM!" thing though.

    Yeah, that's the exact essence of what I'm saying: Much of the dislike of kufi rap stems from shame in the face of one's own background.

    (And for the record: Back when, I was definitely--if only metaphorically--kufied the fuck up, and still to this day occasionally experience phantom kufi pain.)

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Yep - I think most people outgrow this shit with age - as with most shit that takes itself too seriously.

    But speaking on people who "vehemently dislike "kufi" rap." They too are going through a "phase" and are also trying too hard to prove something about themselves (either to themselves and/or others.)

    Perhaps, although I think the kufi-rap haters everyone in this thread is referring to are really straw men.

    I have to second Paycheck and say that I, too, don't know anybody that hates the music... hate is very different from giving the boy Young Phonics a gentle ribbing whenever he shows up dressed in a hemp dashiki offering all the Queens in the place therapeutic massages with essential African oils.

  • phantom kufi pain


  • Yep - I think most people outgrow this shit with age - as with most shit that takes itself too seriously.

    But speaking on people who "vehemently dislike "kufi" rap." They too are going through a "phase" and are also trying too hard to prove something about themselves (either to themselves and/or others.)

    Perhaps, although I think the kufi-rap haters everyone in this thread is referring to are really straw men.

    I have to second Paycheck and say that I, too, don't know anybody that hates the music... hate is very different from giving the boy Young Phonics some money via paypal to cop his mix-cd[/b]


  • phantom kufi pain


  • Yep - I think most people outgrow this shit with age - as with most shit that takes itself too seriously.

    But speaking on people who "vehemently dislike "kufi" rap." They too are going through a "phase" and are also trying too hard to prove something about themselves (either to themselves and/or others.)

    Perhaps, although I think the kufi-rap haters everyone in this thread is referring to are really straw men.

    I have to second Paycheck and say that I, too, don't know anybody that hates the music... hate is very different from giving the boy Young Phonics some money via paypal to cop his mix-cd[/b]


    Yeah, just like he won't cop to that Memphix purchase...

    my new platinum black amex is getting a workout...

  • Yep - I think most people outgrow this shit with age - as with most shit that takes itself too seriously.

    But speaking on people who "vehemently dislike "kufi" rap." They too are going through a "phase" and are also trying too hard to prove something about themselves (either to themselves and/or others.)

    Perhaps, although I think the kufi-rap haters everyone in this thread is referring to are really straw men.

    I have to second Paycheck and say that I, too, don't know anybody that hates the music... hate is very different from giving the boy Young Phonics some money via paypal to cop his mix-cd[/b]


    Yeah, just like he won't cop to that Memphix purchase...

    my new platinum black amex is getting a workout...


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Yep - I think most people outgrow this shit with age - as with most shit that takes itself too seriously.

    But speaking on people who "vehemently dislike "kufi" rap." They too are going through a "phase" and are also trying too hard to prove something about themselves (either to themselves and/or others.)

    Perhaps, although I think the kufi-rap haters everyone in this thread is referring to are really straw men.

    I have to second Paycheck and say that I, too, don't know anybody that hates the music... hate is very different from giving the boy Young Phonics some money via paypal to cop his mix-cd[/b]


    Yeah, just like he won't cop to that Memphix purchase...

    my new platinum black amex is getting a workout...


    Look, croutons-on-the-futon: using a scrolling font doesn't change the fact that you got nothing to say.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I once saw a dude in his early 20s walking with his mom... he was walking like a block ahead, doing whatever he could to appear to NOT be with his mom.

    how rude! it drives me nuts when i see guys doing this to their ladies.

    i'm not sure if i'm speaking about the same kufi rap that everyone is else is speaking about - but i've never been a fan cause it's always reminded me of soft rock.

  • U MAD

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    I think it's very telling that roughly a hundred percent of the people I know who are so vocally against kufi rap--I mean, the people who really scream on it--went through some approximation of a kufi stage at some point.

    correlation or causality?

    james i do think you're pretty on point. but at the same time i think it's important to realize just how much worse so called kufi rap has gotten in the past few years. i think the people who were loving this shit ten years ago might have more of a perspective to comment on just how bad say, electric circus is. i bet even the ruggedest of kufi rap haters around here would have a hard time speaking ill of, say, low end theory which more or less set the blueprint for all KR to follow. they'd be more likely to discredit the new little brother because, well, it's not very good.

    I think we're talking about two different crowds. I'm talking about the dudes who say "Man, fuck kufi rap," and I think you're talking about the "Man, kufi rap ain't what it used to be" dudes.

    And I hear what you're saying about perspective, but it's tough to get a clean read, because anyone who has any sort of personal context for Low End Theory has by now likely aged themselves out of being able to have any real objectivity on the kufi rap of today (did I just type "the kufi rap of today"? Jesus...). You're probably right, and I probably would think that the new Little Brother pales in comparison, but at the same time, I'd be an idiot not to recognize that that my feelings for Low End Theory probably have less to do with its inherent quality than with the fact that I was a teenager when I heard it.

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    I must throw a curveball, here:

    The role of "Def Poetry Jam"


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I must throw a curveball, here:

    The role of "Def Poetry Jam"

    jesus fucking christ i fucking hate that shit

    i had to sit through a few dvds of that shit and i really cant dig it at all

    my friends and i went to a club and after being sufficiently drunk, my friends decided to go to a friends house where they were watching some def poetry jam shit. i swear to god that was the fastest i've ever sobered up.

    a girl i haven't seen in a while asked me to recommend her some music and i asked what kind of shit she liked. she replied with "thought-provoking hip hop." i mean really

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    Deja Vu.

    I just had that very conversation with a girl today, although when I brought up Kufi-Rap, her immediate connection to "thoughful music" (ie. what Kufi-Rap is) was Tracy Chapman.

    I can't stand that DPJ shit, either.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    The girl I recommended some music to is a huge pothead so I just recommended her Devin's last album although I don't know if that's "thought-provoking" enough.

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    Ha. That is the type of girl that, if you lived where I do, you would have to recommend Rhymesayers to without negotiation.

    You can't argue with this:[/b]


    Eyedea and Abilities' "First Born" made my relationship so much better with my girl and I. There was a song that I never had listened to on there like I SHOULD have, and it spoke to both of us so deply that it helped us to realize our worth fpr eachother. Thanks to my MC hero Eyedea for the big, thick mental dorm.. "A house divided against itself cannot stand; so, listen to what I say Mr. Democrat or Republi=can..." - Me

    review posted: 09/25/2005


    I'm stoked to hear E & A are on tour again.....you have definetely inspired me to start up on the tablez and begin my journey towards a recording studio....enough said HUGZ-N-NUGZ GUYS!!

    review posted: 09/05/2005

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Fuck it. If u can rock a mic, i don't care if you're sporting a starter jacket or a dashiki. I like rap music.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    To be honest, I recommended the Avila Brothers and Platinum Pied Pipers (I've only heard one song off this so I don't even know if it's good) LPs, but I don't know how kufied up those groups are if at all. This other girl I just met tried to talk to me about Atmosphere (I wouldn't consider them kufi-rap but whatever) and I told her I didn't want to talk to her anymore.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    This other girl I just met tried to talk to me about Atmosphere (I wouldn't consider them kufi-rap but whatever) and I told her I didn't want to talk to her anymore.

    This is just a side note (and I still have a wistful place in my heart for my youthful, 1995 "discovery" of Blowout Comb), but if any man or woman on this board has listened to The Lucy Ford LP straight through without wincing even once, they are more Gangsta (capital G) than me.
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