edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
i lose


1) i had a nice dream where my dad gave me a puppy


1) suddenly i am so sick. dude i don't know what happened. one moment i am in good health and playing mean ass air guitar for my boyfriend and then the next moment i got a fever and my ears is all plugged up.

2) even though i am sick as hell, i gotta work because of this mega board meeting coming up friday much to my coworkers' chagrin. it sucks because i am really dumb right now and can't articulate my thought well. my head is a fog

3) i am really bummed about this Elijah Pop nonsense

4) i hate it when i can't find a record in my collection and this shit has been happening more frequently. all this iggy/hobbit news made me want to listen to New Vaulues, but I can't find it anywhere. i can't imagine why i would sell it. I can't find my clifford brown memorial album either and i am sure i didn't sell that one.

5) i thought that sick dialing would be as fun as drunk dialing, but it's not


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    Tampopo is such a dope movie!!

    Sorry to hear about your ill's...
    I've been sick the last week with some sore throat deal... I feel your pain...

  • 1). the mix-cd ( peep the announcements if you ain't a punk[/b]).

    2). Hurricane Katrina benefit party this past friday w/ Enki, Morse code, and b-cause. off the chain ruggedness

    3). The 10 minute nap I just took in my Film Appreciation class.

    4). 24 Hour Fitness. I've been going like 4-5 times a week. I'm starting to see results.

    5). Eating Salmon and Tuna.

  • everything sucks right about now...

    1. My cell phone just got cut off (I just paid my bill, so I don't know why it got cut off).

    2. My car may have a fuel leak because when I topped off on Thursday, that shit was on 3/4 of Friday.

    3. I'm broke as fuck.

    4. I'm currently suffering from insomnia.

    5. My co-worker just informed me that his son has leukemia....

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    zz tops in the $1 bin:



    2) selling

    3) buying

    4) good humans and good hummus

    5) selling

    zzz bottom bins, zzz:

    1) Oncoming bird flu endemic

    2) Bush apology, what a worthless "responsible" mofo

    3) Jeff Gannon/Guckert... we will never know the truth

    4) work

    5) work

  • The good....
    1. Lots of cool raers, long time want list items making their way into the crates
    2. Bought my nephew an MP3 player for his birthday and loaded it up with cool stuff. How many 10-year-olds you know that go around singing "7 & 7 Is" and "Sissy Walk"???
    3. Finished the recent Hendrix bio. Very cool...
    4. Started reading Saul Bellow's 'The Adventures of Augie March', also very cool
    5. Re-listening to the Atlantic Ornette Coleman boxed set. Never gets old

    The bad...
    1. I gots a cold (WTF?!?!?). I think Miles brought it home from daycare. That place is like a petri dish...
    2. Found out that the wife of an old friend (wife was a friend too) died suddenly the other day. Only 43. Just saw her a few weeks ago and everything seemed ok...
    3, 4, 5.... Bush just keeps on fucking up the world....

  • zz tops in the $1 bin:



    AW DAMMIT!!! sorry i missed this.

    someone needs to write a caption for this excellent photo.

  • this is a list of neither good nor bad, just stuff.

    1. Thunder was like super loud last night and nobody could sleep. at least it woke me up enough to realize that i had suprise diarrhea. so i went and did the diarrhea thing, and then went back to bed, but then kept waking up because the thunder was so goddam loud.

    2. gas prices have gone down here in CA, but they never should have gone up, because we don't use the rest of the country's gas becuase we have higher emission standards and have to make our own.

    3. another hurricane is heading for NOLA. I figured this would happen. on the bright side (if there even is one), most people haven't really returned, and nothing has been rebuilt yet, so its kind of like kicking a dead horse at this point.

    4. i'm kinda bored.

    5. no matter how much i cut my hair it will always grow back, but if i cut off my arm, it won't grow back. thats fucked up because i dont really need hair, but i need my arm. so they should have made body parts out of hair and then they would grow back like lizard tails and stuff.

  • New Edition:

    1)I finally figured out how to post music. Plaese listen to ma demo: http://soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=443137&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1#Post443781

    2). Hurricane Katrina benefit party this past friday w/ Enki, King Most, and b-cause. off the chain ruggedness

    3). DJ'ing at the Armani Store tonight. But the best part is, we gots fitted yesterday. lavissshhh...

    4). Working out like a fuggin yuppie, shit feels good and doesn't make me feel like a lazy stoner if I choose to puff that piff.

    5). New schedule. Got to say, its nice not waking up at 6:30 to teach lil' kids.


    1)New Budget. Wait, I gotta save money now? Good practice, but I'm not very good at it.

    2)It was gorgeous out yesterday, but today its uuugly again.

    sheeeit, that about it.

  • 1. Saving money (feels good to have something in the bank).
    2. Making beats again - not that its anything dope but feels good to get back into it.
    3. Ohmega Watts LP - Finally something I'm really feelin (its been a while)...
    4. Soul-Strut fundraiser - one of the illest things I've ever witnessed and contributed towards (you guys are dicks after all!!!!!!!!!!!!).
    5. Got engaged - its a great feelin to move forward with life.

    1. Saving money.
    2. Getting rid of records (running out of room).
    3. Work.
    4. Not a lot of dope music coming out (WTF!).
    5. Thunder Storms keeping me awake last night....

  • all good
    1. Finally made some progress on my mix tape.

    2. Paid my utility bill three days before they were going to shut it off.

    3. I own a portable so I didnt buy a lot of shity dollar records the other day that would have just taken up space in my appartment, and instead got the five records I really wanted.

    4. Started running two weeks ago and I acctually like it.

    5. I have off on Friday....

  • 4). Working out like a fuggin yuppie, shit feels good and doesn't make me feel like a lazy stoner if I choose to puff that piff.

    5). New schedule. Got to say, its nice not waking up at 6:30 to teach lil' kids.


    2). A job? deeeyum.

  • 1) Heatrocks coming in!!!

    2) My Scion mixtape entry is off the chain!!!

    3) My confidence has just shot through the roof and I've been en fuego lately for no apparent reason. Enough that my friends are calling me I**n 2.0.

    4) Finally getting some good gigs and my live skills are improving exponentially.

    5) My company got bought out at a ridiculous premium making my shares worth a lot.

    1) I miss my Steve Parks 45.

    2) Trying to nail my Scion mixtape entry in one take is near impossible.

    3) Finding a woman to actually date in San Jose is near impossible.

    4) People still aren't sure what to make of my live set.

    5) I don't get to touch any of the money from my company sale until February.

    DJ Ferrari

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    1. 2 weeks holidays at the end of this week.
    2. Good times for concerts coming up.
    3. Getting down to see my folks in aforementioned holidays
    4. My Grandad made it through his knee replacement at the age of 88.
    5. School production finished on saturday, no more Joseph & his amazing technicolor dreamcoat....forever!!

    1. Pulling Jury Duty for the 2nd week of my holidays.
    2. Busiest term of the school year coming up, marking & reports, yuck.
    3. I think I am getting sick, just in time for the holiday.
    4. Band in limbo because guitarist is moving to the UK next month & we can't find anyone to fill the gap.
    5. The same personal shit that has been plagueing me for almost 6 months now, I hate it so much.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,136 Posts
    3) My confidence has just shot through the roof and I've been en fuego lately for no apparent reason. Enough that my friends are calling me I**n 2.0.

    I hear that! Except I would be 'R**n 2.0', I guess. Anyway, this indie-rock, 80s new-waver, Bauhaus-and-Hendrix-listening girl that plays the drums and I have been seeing each other for about a little over a month. She supports my record habit. She collects as well, but not the raer stuff, though. Getting a lot of play, too (not to sound chauvinist or anything, but I'm a pretty young dude and all...). I also get a 'rest' period for my insurance for the next 3 months, so I plan on getting a drum kit as well as pay off some bills with that money.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    slap in the face[/b]

    I talk myself into being positive and concentrating on getting the job every morning and I leave miserable and furious every night. I need a new job.

    There???s been 40 gun murders already in Toronto ??? more than all of last year total. Three of the shootings were in my neighbourhood. Shit???s out of control and there doesn???t seem to be any signs of it slowing down.

    I???m not sleeping well.

    Have fallen waaaay behind in writing people back on emails and PMs ??? I suck.

    Feeling helpless and blue about not being able to volunteer for NO.

    peck on the cheek[/b]

    Saw two great films at the Toronto Film Festival ??? Wassup Rockers and Cach??, one so-so film ??? Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and one cheese casserole that never seemed to end ??? The Myth.

    Am going to see Dungen live.

    Coming to NYC for the first time in almost two years. Please keep your fingers crossed that they don???t want to photograph, fingerprint, detain or altogether deny me. I am not known for being polite with customs people (which achieves absolutely nothing, I know) but I will try very very very hard this time.

    My BF???s store is doing well. I hope it lasts.

    My backyard rules. Wish I had a photo to show you. Wish you could join me there for a drink or two.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    Girls I Got 'Em Locked

    1. Hurricane Katrina benefit party this past friday w/ Young Phonics, Morse code, and b-cause. off the chain ruggedness

    2. Heatrocks starting to show up!

    3. Resurrecting old beats I've done and salvaging them from the appallingly bad engineering-type stuff I did to them back when I first made them (like compressing drum tracks at a 100:1 ratio...yeesh), aka When Bad Engineering Happens to Good Beats. What a difference some basic audio knowledge makes.

    4. Winning at dominoes.

    5. Blendapella mix CD I made with the homie DJ Platurn doing well. Don't sleep!

    Blow Up the Spot

    1. The dentist says I need to have a deep cleaning done to my teeth. I really hate the deep cleaning.

    2. I've been unemployed for a while now, and I'm starting to get antsy about finding a new job.

    3. I seem to have lost the ability to sleep past noon. That sucks.

    4. I sliced the living shit out of myself shaving the other day.

    5. Another hurricane?!?!?

  • 4). Working out like a fuggin yuppie, shit feels good and doesn't make me feel like a lazy stoner if I choose to puff that piff.

    5). New schedule. Got to say, its nice not waking up at 6:30 to teach lil' kids.


    2). A job? deeeyum.

    1) I'll see you in the Captain's Chair!

    2) No, no new job. I'm talking bout the new freelance type 'o schedule. You know, work by evening, sleep in later than 6:30.

    3) Its fucking raining, but Bohannon "Save Their Souls" just came on my Ipod, so saule goode.

  • Am going to see Dungen live.

    Those guys are DOPE. Interested to know what their live show is like.


    1. Back to the future: Moving back to Minneapolis but moving forward so far seems to be the lickshot. Catching up with old friends, getting tons of work done, and gearing up for a trill winter.

    2. San Francisco in 2 1/2 weeks. RAAAAAAAAISE UUUUUUUUP!

    3. DJing tonight, CONVERGE tomorrow.

    4. I saw more amazingly hot girls in my first 12 hours back in Minneapolis than I did in the 12 MONTHS I lived in Portland. The fuck?!?

    5. Muppet Show DVD set is OFF THE CHEESEGRATER. This is like the purest form of entertainment. Swedish Chef all day errr day.


    The air here is noticeably cruddier than in Oregon. Blugghhhh.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    1. found a local MC to finally get busy with
    2. lady friend(s)
    3. djing two shows in the next month, after a short hiatus
    4. new, steady dealer
    5. weed

    1. class
    2. tests
    3. two colds in a row
    4. hoping this new hurricane doesnt fuck with my grandparents
    5. neighbor problems

  • 1. found a local MC to finally get busy with


    ...unless said MC happens to also be (one of) your

    lady friend(s)

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    1. found a local MC to finally get busy with


    ...unless said MC happens to also be (one of) your
    lady friend(s)

    this new one isnt, but an older one is....

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Am going to see Dungen live.

    Those guys are DOPE. Interested to know what their live show is like.

    i've heard mixed reviews. will let you know!

    am pissed for missing comets on fire - they were amazing apparently.

  • can someone tell what is dungen and what of theirs i should hear? if someone could yousendit a track of what i am missing out on, i would be so gratefup

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    dungen kicks azzz

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    dungen kicks azzz

    What is this? It sounds like a 80's heavy metal outfit.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    can someone tell what is dungen and what of theirs i should hear? if someone could yousendit a track of what i am missing out on, i would be so gratefup

    this one:

    they're kinda like 60's pop psyche, but it's the recording that makes it amazing. the drums are like percussive cotton candy.

    Hi! We make good music and sing about unicorns in Swedish!

  • can someone tell what is dungen and what of theirs i should hear?

    they are 100% up Damn Alley.

  • can someone tell what is dungen and what of theirs i should hear?

    they are 100% up Damn Alley.

    Melted my mind twice live in a 4 day window of time. They're coming back in Octobre, and I'm not missing it either. Highly recommended.

    It would be nice to check out comets on fire. I like their short but effective burning album.

    Davis. I might be up in Minneapolis in Octobre. Holler.


    1)Autumn kicking in
    2)Steady Flow of the hot records
    3)Heatrocks kicking ass
    4)Steadily becoming better b-boy. Getting back in tune with the 11 elements of hip-hop
    5)Every day is different.


    1)it's been a year, and I still haven't gotten round to getting this logic to work. which means I just haven't had too much time for the music in general.
    2)every day is different
    3)sleep schedule messing up self
    4)only 24 hours in a day

  • Davis. I might be up in Minneapolis in Octobre. Holler.


    Lemme know what's truly Pope John Paulin' off.
    I got a f??ton with yer name on it if you need it.

  • Davis. I might be up in Minneapolis in Octobre. Holler.


    Lemme know what's truly Pope John Paulin' off.
    I got a f??ton with yer name on it if you need it.

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