One of the worst tattoos, i've ever seen.



  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts

  • Cosmo - you saw that kid about? I don't know who he is other than he plays in a shitty boston band.

    I don't know about the worst but this one is a particularly bad decision. Shit, in 10 years html won't even exist and your kids will be asking what the scribbling on your back is.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

    Also google bizarre tattoo images, the first pic is

    I'd post it but not from work, not tryin to get fired.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Cosmo - you saw that kid about? I don't know who he is other than he plays in a shitty boston band.

    Yeah, I think I saw it online somewhere. However I have to say that at least it was a GOOD tattoo. I mean the image and placement was absurd, but the artwork was fine and the tattooer had skills. To me that she isn't anywhere near as bad as just something ugly AND poorly designed/executed.

    Now THAT'S some nice ink...

  • Any of y'all been to a beach in Brazil? Worst tattoos I've ever seen all over the place. Crazy dungeons-and-dragons-wizard-warlock themes on lots of people down there. No foresight whatsoever. No offense to Bralizeros on this board.
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