There is nothing wrong with not liking rap anymore
735 Posts
Make the step. Just say it outloud and you will feel better. Even if rap was the only thing you listened to between '85 and '95, and even if you can recite the lyrics to a million and one songs, if you don't like the rap that comes out today, then you might as well just say "I don't like rap".There is no point in saying "OH rap? Yeah I love rap music, well I mean except for a lot of shit coming out today, you know, except for a few people here and there, but mostly that old school golden era rap, etc etc etc" Why bother? No matter HOW devoted you were, no matter how hip hop you were, just let it go.I've done it, and its really pretty liberating. Take the HIPHOPNRNB station off your presets. It will just piss you off. Don't buy rap magazines and read the reviews, they will just get your hopes up.Stop wondering what exactly P-Diddy is famous for. Its like Paris Hilton... famous for being famous. Chew on that too long and your head will explode. Stop wondering what happened to busta rymes, or method man... stop waiting for that comeback album.Just say it: "I don't like rap." People say they don't like country music all the time, even if they dig old patsy cline and hank williams records.With people getting so worked up in the Primo thread.... I don't know. And yes, secretly I still crave some funky ass hip hop, something new, something that made me feel the way I did back then, but then I have to tell myself "too bad".otherwise you'll spend all your time arguing with kids that love new rap, and you will explode into a million peices. you will try to explain away stuff, and this and that, and guess what? its not worth it. its like your old uncle trying to explain to you that Wham! or Depeche Mode (or whatever) was totally gay back in the day. You didn't care. and kids now don't give 2 shits about what you think either. So make the step, old folks. Next time somebody asks you what kind of music you listen to, just leave that one off the list. Don't feel like a hypocrite for disowning rap after pledging allegience to it for so many years. You aren't. You've just grown up, and the only rap that is acceptable is kiddie rap. Grown folk rap barely exists, and thats ok. Eventually grown rappers will make grown rap for grown folks, and maybe it will be ok to say you like rap again. you could even say "i like grown folk rap". But until that day comes, just say you don't like it. Its OK!!!Who's with me?I DON'T LIKE RAP MUSIC.
naw dude, I still like rap music. I don't follow it like I used to, don't know who's on top of the game, who's the underground up-and-comer, all the shit I used to, but I don't buy this "rap sucks now" shit people toss around so freely. I still listen to the local daily college prime time hip hop show all the time (88.9 at Night - Real Headz Know, etc, etc) and hear a ton of good shit. I don't like reggaeton..I don't like crunk all that much, but I still hear mad shit that I like. Mad shit.
in the immortal words of the great rick astley
give you up!
give you up!"[/b]
no way, me too!!
i'm more open-minded to rap nowadays than in the 90's. back then, if it didn't fit into the golden age or underground categories, i'd hate. most rap songs on the radio from '95 to '01 became victims of my wrath.
my current status - i love my og stuff, new stuff, and the stuff i hated on in the late 90's.
gee, i guess you could say i'm more of a rap fan than evar!!!!!!!!
I was actually prepared for this oh-so predictable reply (step your game up!).
1. I can only imagine the backlash from the rock-headz when the 80s hit. The classic rock dudes must have hated all that synth pop shit. But to say "they must have never really liked rock music" is just rediculous.
2. A good number of the people that made rap music what it is now don't care for modern rap. Geto Boyz, Chuck D, Primo, etc etc etc.... a lot of acts from the golden age don't care for whats out now. Its impossible to say that these people never really liked rap. They WERE rap music for 10 whole years.
3. To the person who said that they don't like the whole "rap sucks now" thing... that's my point. Saying you don't like rap isn't the same as saying it sucks. Opera is "genius italian music"... but not liking it is perfectly OK.
Thats great. Just as there is nothing wrong with loving rap, there is nothing wrong with not loving rap.
fools are just stubborn or angry. if they can say they don't like any rap music coming out nowadays, they either have serious biases or they're consciously trying hard NOT to enjoy this schit, cuz it bumps
Well, most of the older folks (and yes this includes older black folks) just can't get into it anymore. I'm sure 80s synth pop totally rocked.
All that I'm trying to say is that it's OK. The idea that you are just a "hatter" and dislike something on purpose is just rediculous.
Can't argue with that. Wasn't gonna anyway. Pop is pop, you either like or you tend to not like it.
Anyway, you know at the Nat Hist museum they have those tree diagrams of dinosaur families n shit? Make of those for hip hop and you'll see that modern rap is the bastard lovechild of Booty Bass and Moder Soul. No wonder so many 80s rappers refuse to send birthday cards. And everyone hates LL Cool J, except lesbian web designers.
I don't know. I've never heard a dipset song. I don't think. I have removed myself from caring.
If you were to ask me about an indie rock band, I wouldn't be able to tell you anything, because I've never really been much into rock, and I'm still not really into it. I don't hate it. Its just not my thing. Asking me about Dipset is like asking me about Good Charlotte. I've heard the name but I don't know what it is.
As much as people bitch I thought I'd have a few more on board.
the best part about that takes place in 2005....
at the end of the day, i own too many rap records to hate it...
horse shit.
But rather than saying you dont like rap, why dont you REALLY come clean and just say "Im old".
No disrespect to my soulstrut elders of course.
Some advice though...just take a step back and try to appreciate sounds your not conditioned too. Remember how you used to hate disco?
If anything, I think rap is broad enough today that you have GOT to find something in it you like and can identify with. I mean, its popular music!
I'm old and I love rap.
But I feel a little funny sometimes walking into my day job--a building filled mainly with lawyers (no faux-mo) with Young Jeezy or Turf Talk on my iAudio. Suited and slumpin'? It can happen.
Then again, it's Jeezy who says "miss me with that rap shit."
Maybe he should change his name to Old Jeezy?
BTW: Dizzy, your initial post was ORSUM!
Then again, it's Jeezy who says "miss me with that rap shit."
Maybe he should change his name to Old Jeezy?
According to his bio he says hes 24.
Im calling him Old Jeezy from now on though haha.
Thats fair.
What's this "used to" you speak of?!