Bush Takes Responsibility for Blunders

http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/09/13/national/w090358D94.DTLMust be nice to be able to cop to some shit like this and know that there will be zero consequences. People better vote this devil out of office.Still, I'm shocked that he even took responsibility, if only in words.
How would we do this?
Straight PR!
"Please don't let my approval rating slip anymore!"
Touch??. It's his second term, but I still can't believe it.
Of course, the Cali-Style "Special Recall Election" won't happen on a fed level.
I'm glad he's stepping up to take responsiblity for making bad choices that have caused many people to die and many more to suffer needlessly.
Hey, just curious though...
Who's that guy standing next to him?
He's the Wilford Brimley of the middle east.
Honestly, I can't believe Bush took responsibility--I actually had to check around to make sure this wasn't a parody news article. Gee, all it took was five years, a couple thousand deaths, and some serious disasters, and he'll actually let a "my bad" escape. What a guy!
But I agree--this is only happening because his polling numbers are hitting rock-bottom. His support has largely been stripped down to his die-hard base of people who would look the other way if Bush murdered and ate their mothers on national TV. The sad thing? I guarantee you he'll get a polling bounce from this. A bunch of those Republicans who have decided not even they can stand by Bush during this will now decide, "Well...he said he was sorry" and support him again. So much for people waking up.
clinton was halfway there after a blow job.
Thanks, Bush!!!
"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government,"
"To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility,"
was the right thing to do, so I'll give him credit for that.
If he hadn't said it because he was forced to (what with 2/3 of the country turning on him and all), I would have thought that too.
where did you find this figure? From everything I've read his approval rating was barely shaken and approval on response to Hurricane Katrina right after was just below 50%. Now it's above 50%.
Nah, man, his approval is mad low. He's currently at about 42 percent approve/57 percent disapprove. That's approaching Watergate numbers right there, and some individual polls have put his approval ratings into the high 30s. People are pissed at him. But now that he's batted his eyelids and given a heavy qualified "acceptance" of blame (his escape hatch is quite visible--it's the phrase "to the extent that the federal government didn't do its job right." Remember that as he's saying this, the White House is doing everything it can to pin all the blame on state and local folks), some of the softer-headed people will start approving of him again.
Oh, shit. Right. I forgot about Iraq. He apologized for that too?
in our twisted republic, however, his approval is likely to increase because he's owned up to this failure. since we expect the gov't to lie and dodge responsibility, people appreciate an admission like this to the point of excusing the failure that was admitted to. rather than take Bush's admission as proof that he was indeed responsible for a collossal failure, people will choose instead to take this as proof that he's a decent guy.
Yup. Once again proving that he at least takes direction well, someone told him this was the way to get shit back on track until people forget all about the Katrina problems, say, sometime next week. Take it on the chin, look solemn, and act like shit is gettin done, and people will forget all about the open sores on the surface of our country.
you'd think fox news would be spinning this in his favor, but as of 6:30 eastern, it's not anywhere on their website.
or theirs:
but it's front and center here:
The loyalist think it shows weakness to admitt failure or culpability. Not that that is what he is doing. He said that "to the extent that there were failures at the federal level". He has yet to admit that there were any failures at the federal level.
I hate the fucker with all my heart but I do still find this to something of a positive in the fact that the highest person in this administration actually admitted to having made a major fuck up.
had he not taken any responsibility would you guys have the opposite reaction?
Perhaps its my optimist side shining through but I think its hard to spin a stated fact of fault into something postive.
I mean if I admitted to killing small children I don't think anyone here can spin my admission into a good thing.
Now that he's admitted that a mistake on his watch led to the death of thousands can we put him up for impeachment or recall him?
here's my prediction: foxnews and such will come out and spin this, but only in response to other politicians' and journalists' first pokes at it. i can picture o'reilly tomorrow saying,
"you know, first the liberals whine about how he can't take responsibility for anything, and now here he is doing it, and it's still not good enough for them! the liberal media are trying to put the entire blame on our president, and he's owning up to his fair share (which is more than ray nagin can say, might i add?!) - when it was really the shortcomings of the local and state government that is at fault!"
note - i've never felt so disgusting than just now, trying to channel the perspective of that fuckwad
He has not admitted any fuck up, major or otherwise. He read a carefully worded statement that said "To the extent that mistakes were made" he would take responsibility. He has not said, "mistakes were made". In fact he has consistently denied that mistakes were made by anyone accept democrates in Louisiana.
"Oh Dan, quit mincing words."
Remember his I'll fire anyone who leaked Plames name. Now it's "if someone leaked her name, and it is proven in court that it was a crime, and that person is convicted, and they have been through the appeals process, as long as that person is not Karl Rove or someone else I depend on to tell me what to do".
There is no positive this, you will only disappoint yourself if you believe that.
shit, that's sad. i almost forgot about this. which makes me think... how does the administration keep up with all of their fuck-ups that they need to look into (self-reflexively)?
While it's a small concession, it seems more forced than anything. I mean, that's got to be the bare minimum he could do. Although I could see it not taking much more for him to have ignored it all together.
So... sincere? No. But it's something. I guess.