


  • LA will make you hate.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    there needs to be more hating... we've reached a shitty post-modern time (i blame Chuck whatever the fuck his name is? Pailhunk? Palihhouk? Palinhik?) where reverse snobbery is the rule of the day and it's "cool" to like Britney, Gwen Stanfani, Kelly Clarkson, etc... fuck all that shit... wack is wack and i hate it..

    public hater #1

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    there needs to be more hating... we've reached a shitty post-modern time (i blame Chuck whatever the fuck his name is? Pailhunk? Palihhouk? Palinhik?) where reverse snobbery is the rule of the day and it's "cool" to like Britney, Gwen Stanfani, Kelly Clarkson, etc... fuck all that shit... wack is wack and i hate it..

    public hater #1

    Shut the fuck up. I hate you.

  • been dealing with this from a close friend lately. Me and this one dude been down for each other since I was 6 years old. Been through near fatal accidents, bad-break ups, and all that other good & bad shit for years. Last week Dude had the gall to tell me that I think I'm better than him completely out the blue.

    Left me feeling pretty down that the one dude who's been there through thick and thin is showing some major hate to a friend thats starting to do something positive with himself.

    Then again dude has been unemployed for nearly a year and spends most of waking hours trying to roll the perfect blunt. Shits a bitter pill to swallow but the friend that I've held as my closest for years may be veering off onto a path of pure hate. When dudes no longer support you and fall into thier own lethargic world of self-pity it makes you take a look at the both of y'all and wonder why.

    Yo man I don't know this situation but, considering this is a close friend of yours, did you at least think about what he was saying? Or did you just write it off as, dude's a hater?

    I mean, if a close friend of mine says something, even if I don't like it, I'm gonna pay attention. Perhaps dude wasn't entirely wrong... just my 2.

    Yeah I took some consideration in, but this is the same freind that dropped out of college with 2 quarters left before he got his degree. He has since lived on his father couch and his dad has been trying to get him to show some motivation in life. Dudes also been hanging out with a "new crowd" consisting of unemployed weed smokers.

    I've thought about how I may have changed over the last few months and no doubt my clothes have got nicer and I'm liking my job to a point where if it comes up on conversation I'm not hatting on it. But this is one of them situations where I am not the only one to see homies downward spiral.

    Actually, it sounds like that dude is right. He's a loser and you are better than him. Life sucks huh?

  • I have been around guys that hit that downward spiral or simply didn't grow. And I do not hang with most of those dudes anymore... but that wasn't my point. Someone being a loser or not growing doesn't mean you should treat them bad. If dude feels like you're looking or talking down on him then maybe you should examine why he thinks that, because it should be enough to just say "damn, it's a shame dude is doing bad like this" without making the person feel like shit......

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    there needs to be more hating... we've reached a shitty post-modern time (i blame Chuck whatever the fuck his name is? Pailhunk? Palihhouk? Palinhik?) where reverse snobbery is the rule of the day and it's "cool" to like Britney, Gwen Stanfani, Kelly Clarkson, etc... fuck all that shit... wack is wack and i hate it..

    public hater #1

    Shut the fuck up. I hate you.

  • Haterism is a plague that has long afflicted American society.

    However, I think that if individuals took more personal responsibility and stopped relying on the federal government so much, they could pull themselves out of the haterific morass.

    Luv, rootlesscosmo the hater hater.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    been dealing with this from a close friend lately. Me and this one dude been down for each other since I was 6 years old. Been through near fatal accidents, bad-break ups, and all that other good & bad shit for years. Last week Dude had the gall to tell me that I think I'm better than him completely out the blue.

    Left me feeling pretty down that the one dude who's been there through thick and thin is showing some major hate to a friend thats starting to do something positive with himself.

    Then again dude has been unemployed for nearly a year and spends most of waking hours trying to roll the perfect blunt. Shits a bitter pill to swallow but the friend that I've held as my closest for years may be veering off onto a path of pure hate. When dudes no longer support you and fall into thier own lethargic world of self-pity it makes you take a look at the both of y'all and wonder why.

    Hi Guzzo,

    It's a good thing somebody brought this topic up! and i mean it. I've been having this exact same sentiment about one of my friends for a while now. Ever since college, it seems like we've gone down 2 seperate roads. He hasn't had a girlfriend in like 5 years, he smokes, plays ball, acts macho with his macho friends, etcx2. and the biggest thing that bothers me is that he's gotten more and more bitter and hateful with time. Practically every other thing he says is something that is along the lines of "oh...people who don't exercise after work? LAZY." and i would say something like "oh come on now, if you were working, 12 hours a day, and coming back at 10pm, it would be hard to push yourself to exercise. people just don't have time". and whatever he doesn't agree with he kinda just ignores. last time out, we were just shooting around, and i couldn't believe how much hateful shit was coming out of his mouth, i was practically turning my head.....it was THAT bad.

    bottom line, i think hate is just caused by insecurity. i can't do too much to help boost someone's confidence. people gotta work on themselves!

    fuck man, i need more friends. but i am considering having a talk with him sometime down the line...


  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I hate haters.

    They're sooooooooooooooo

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    A lot of these little dudes really aren't built for hating.

  • I know this is some dumb hippy zen crap..but ya cant have loveHATE without hateFEAR...just sayin'

    Rootlesscosmo hit a good note, hate has been a state of mind in America for a long time. It comes out of fear or insecurity, which comes out of egos not being in check. Or dudes just being bitches and not being able to man up and speak their minds in a calm and mature fashion. Example: someone who has a problem with you and gives you attitude rather than coming up and confronting/discussing it with you.
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