For Real... I'm a true American



  • Exactly... group effort is definately a step in the right direction. A collective group effort towards a common goal. I agree. I am already in touch with David Banner's camp at Heal the Hood, I reached out to K-Otix about actually getting their song released, and am working on a seperate fundraising sale on with alot of independent artists... Its time for a change...

  • great ideas...we could collectively network the goods pretty quickly with people in so many different cities. Everyone could help with that.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    that's what I mean. We are in contact with many in the community...we've got DJs, writers, record shop owners, magazine editors, lawyers, designers etc. Motivation is the only thing that stands between us and big bang!

    What is the cheapest / fastest screen printing shops you guys know of?

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    great ideas...we could collectively network the goods pretty quickly with people in so many different cities. Everyone could help with that.
    Provided the comp album flies (which it will), we could slang that like girl scout cookies at our places of work/school. Maybe even get legitimate distribution beyond my classrooms computers.

  • that's what I mean. We are in contact with many in the community...we've got DJs, writers, record shop owners, magazine editors, lawyers, designers etc. Motivation is the only thing that stands between us and big bang!

    What is the cheapest / fastest screen printing shops you guys know of?

    Shit we have a Screen press homie... We just don't have the space to set it up... A friend of ours may be borrowing it but he would be down with whatever cause... and besides since he will be borrowing it he agreed to print whatever we asked.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    that's what I mean. We are in contact with many in the community...we've got DJs, writers, record shop owners, magazine editors, lawyers, designers etc. Motivation is the only thing that stands between us and big bang!

    What is the cheapest / fastest screen printing shops you guys know of?

    If we do a shirt, we should even try to make it "RR" and use that Honey Drippers shit in there somewhere (lyrics?). That way people who may be too scurred to wear it if just had Bush's face on it with "IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT" underneath would be more inclined to rock it all over the place. But still make it very clear what we mean.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    or not...

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    Revolution must focus[/b], especially if it's going to be a truly democratic revolution. The revolution will not be "won" by the impeachment of Bush nor any such overtly political act. After all, we live in a country where more than 50% of the voting population supported and still supports this president. Sure, his approval rating is down, but don't get it twisted: motherfuckers still support this dude. I suppose we can get all high-horsed and fascistic and call these people idiots and what not, but realistically, if we want a long-lasting and truly democratic revolution, what we have to focus on is opening up a dialog with the bumpkin Bush-supporters while simultaneously attempting to help give the disenfranchised a voice, making the voiceless audible. This isn't something that can succesfully be done with guns and/or violence (at least not morally). So, this isn't a matter of manning-up and revolting in the same ways that we're used to reading about to overthrow some despotic power for "the good of the people." This revolution has got to be[/b] an ideological one or else we'd be just as bad as the people we are currently fighting against.

    Of course, I think Bush is a fuck-head and our leaders fucked-up on nearly every possible level in this disaster, but we need to focus[/b] if we're going to be truly "revolutionary." We can be inspired by the freedom-fighters of the past, but we're fighting a much different battle.

    Simply put: more than half of this country is not on our side. Sure, I'm sure a huge portion of this country is disgusted at how slow the government was to react, but that probably wasn't a value changing epiphany for them. Most of these people probably still value the things that they valued before Katrina came along. As far as I'm concerned, the battle we have to win is to get these people on our side; to open a dialog with them in hopes of aligning their values with ours. Art, education, patience, good-will, love, understanding, compassion, selflessness: as hippy as it sounds, these are the only tools we can use to spark and win a truly democratic ideological "revolution." We can impeach and beat and stone and kill as many people as we want, but unless "the people" are on our side, then we're as bad as these folks we're fighting against.

    ...blah... Let's get $100,000 up in the heatrocks...


  • Stick a Bush... on the front of the shirt


    on the back write ...on a fucking pike on the white house lawn

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    wrrd - i'm just thinking this is a record site...blah.

    I'll leave it up to the designers on the board and go back to scratching.

  • I am not fuckin kidding about organizing... developing a plan and pushing that shit to reality folks... Anyone serious can feel free to PM.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    As far as I'm concerned, the battle we have to win is to get these people on our side; to open a dialog with them in hopes of aligning their values with ours. Art, education, patience, good-will, love, understanding, compassion, selflessness: as hippy as it sounds, these are the only tools we can use to spark and win a truly democratic ideological "revolution." We can impeach and beat and stone and kill as many people as we want, but unless "the people" are on our side, then we're as bad as these folks we're fighting against.

    The thing that really frustrates me is that things don???t happen quickly enough. It???s hard to remember that it takes little building blocks (like individual heatrocks) to make a bigger change happen ($20k in donation money) and like what emynd suggests above. Maybe I???m being na??ve and romantic, but I think little day-to-day things help to make the world around you better and hopefully get someone to do better and so on and so on and so on...and that helps to make the world at large better. To branch off from what's above, what good are grand moves if the smaller components (peoples) that nourish and maintain aren't healthy?

  • How about a shirt that says:

    Soulstrut Cares About Black People[/b]????

  • I am not fuckin kidding about organizing... developing a plan and pushing that shit to reality folks... Anyone serious can feel free to PM.

    Action Speaks louder than words ya'll...

  • that's what I mean. We are in contact with many in the community...we've got DJs, writers, record shop owners, magazine editors, lawyers, designers etc. Motivation is the only thing that stands between us and big bang!

    What is the cheapest / fastest screen printing shops you guys know of?

    If we do a shirt, we should even try to make it "RR" and use that Honey Drippers shit in there somewhere (lyrics?). That way people who may be too scurred to wear it if just had Bush's face on it with "IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT" underneath would be more inclined to rock it all over the place. But still make it very clear what we mean.

    i'm feeling that.

    i'm feeling htis whole fucking thread. ive wanted to reply to every damn post.

    emynd....i wouldnt count on having an ideological revolution. how can you get huge demographics to find consensus in this day and age? they tried throughout this century and it just declined into dogmatic leaders, factionalism, over theorizing.
    IMHO: like AI said, revolution has got to start with self. of the mind of the body/health. of the consumer habits. of the family values.

    biggest day to day problem that i see? a consumer culture blindly sucking on the teets of big business. they make 90% of our food, 90% of our clothes, 90% of our entertainment. and their methods of production and capital accumulation too often does not have the best interests of people and planet in mind. A great percentage of the world's problems seem to have their related consumer tie ins. diamonds in africa, agricultuer and migrant workers, clothes and sweatshops, cellphones and that weird african mineral, fish and empty oceans, cars and acid rain/global warming, oil and war, chicken and animal cruelty, television and ADD.......on and on and on.

    our lifestyles have slipped ou tof the grasp of our communities. its being run by huge wealthy corporations. we are their sheep, sucking up whatever they offer us. our communities has little employment outside of their institutions. we'd starve without them. what do we do?

    it would be tough to pull a rowdy roddy piper (They Live yall) and go ballistic.
    I've been feeling for some time now (after a little field work in my van), we need sustainable communities. you know where your food comes from, you know where your clothes come from. run your own schools. work community gardens. share skills. think about collective benefits. build with people. build local infrastructure. giev othe rpeople a growing and viable option. think global act local. opt out of babylon. fuck it. dont boycott a couple companies. boycott all of them. build the real shit. build your world to outlast power outages, oil shortages, food scarcity, government neglect.

  • hands on. hands on. hands on. build. conserve resources.

    yall see how this ties in to how i talk about food?

    food is the heart of it all. everyone eats. food is life, food is culture.
    who is responsible for your food? do you support them?

  • that's what I mean. We are in contact with many in the community...we've got DJs, writers, record shop owners, magazine editors, lawyers, designers etc. Motivation is the only thing that stands between us and big bang!

    What is the cheapest / fastest screen printing shops you guys know of?

    If we do a shirt, we should even try to make it "RR" and use that Honey Drippers shit in there somewhere (lyrics?). That way people who may be too scurred to wear it if just had Bush's face on it with "IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT" underneath would be more inclined to rock it all over the place. But still make it very clear what we mean.

    i'm feeling that.

    i'm feeling htis whole fucking thread. ive wanted to reply to every damn post.

    emynd....i wouldnt count on having an ideological revolution. how can you get huge demographics to find consensus in this day and age? they tried throughout this century and it just declined into dogmatic leaders, factionalism, over theorizing.
    IMHO: like AI said, revolution has got to start with self. of the mind of the body/health. of the consumer habits. of the family values.

    biggest day to day problem that i see? a consumer culture blindly sucking on the teets of big business. they make 90% of our food, 90% of our clothes, 90% of our entertainment. and their methods of production and capital accumulation too often does not have the best interests of people and planet in mind. A great percentage of the world's problems seem to have their related consumer tie ins. diamonds in africa, agricultuer and migrant workers, clothes and sweatshops, cellphones and that weird african mineral, fish and empty oceans, cars and acid rain/global warming, oil and war, chicken and animal cruelty, television and ADD.......on and on and on.

    our lifestyles have slipped ou tof the grasp of our communities. its being run by huge wealthy corporations. we are their sheep, sucking up whatever they offer us. our communities has little employment outside of their institutions. we'd starve without them. what do we do?

    it would be tough to pull a rowdy roddy piper (They Live yall) and go ballistic.
    I've been feeling for some time now (after a little field work in my van), we need sustainable communities. you know where your food comes from, you know where your clothes come from. run your own schools. work community gardens. share skills. think about collective benefits. build with people. build local infrastructure. giev othe rpeople a growing and viable option. think global act local. opt out of babylon. fuck it. dont boycott a couple companies. boycott all of them. build the real shit. build your world to outlast power outages, oil shortages, food scarcity, government neglect.

    A traditional call to arms would never work and would be squashed. Got to be smarter than that. play by the establishment rules but make the noise and make it heard.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    I think the majority of people are afraid to do anything further from complaining about the current administration online or protesting out of fear that "they" will drag you away and make you "disappear" for planning, suggesting or even talking about armed revolution. For example, in the thread when we were discussing that newly released Vanguard Squad 45, I noticed people were gingerly stating their points of view when it came to mentioning words with "gun" and "Bush"/"Cheney"/etc. in the same post. I think that bears testament to how Orwellian this country is getting/has become.

    I'm not saying anyone in particular is talking about weapon-based revolution nor am I advocating violence, though. It's just something I noticed in general. Wasn't there someone here (San Francisco based, I think) about a year ago or so who got a knock on their door from the feds because he was (falsely) accused of using "threatening talk" about the government over the phone?

  • I think the majority of people are afraid to do anything further from complaining about the current administration online or protesting out of fear that "they" will drag you away and make you "disappear" for planning, suggesting or even talking about armed revolution. For example, in the thread when we were discussing that newly released Vanguard Squad 45, I noticed people were gingerly stating their points of view when it came to mentioning words with "gun" and "Bush"/"Cheney"/etc. in the same post. I think that bears testament to how Orwellian this country is getting/has become.

    never said anything about guns... or I don't think I did... Gotta be smarter than that.

  • Check out Jim Hightower and his books,newsletter,speeches,etc...He speaks the real truth.A former Texas leglislature who knows the real deal.

    These books will make your fucking head spin.I literally lost precious sleep after reading some of his stuff.You wanna talk REAL TALK? This is it!!!!!

  • the industrial revolution wasn't about a great idea happening.
    it wasn't a light bulb going off in someones head and all of a sudden there were factories all over.

    a lot of trickles and rivulets start to build on each other. add on add on. improve on the old. little by little they merge and speed up, build up into a stream. connect to other streams. until you have a flood washing away old ways and ushering in the new.

    emynd, trying to convince people about the need for a river is a dificult first step. spreading the word is important, but more important IMHO is working on our little ideas, getting things moving. everyone adds their little piece, copies an idea, improves an idea, tries new things out, tries forgotten things out.

    i am all about this. the best part of soulstrut for me has always been the loooooong pms ive exchanged with random heads abou tthis stuff. its so attainable. just commit to it. once you start, you'll notice all the people around you engaging in similar acts of secession and life reclamation

    shit is on in philly. the reason i dont leave this city is cause shit is about to blow. i got too many people advancing sustainable agendas. we all do completely different things with our little streams, but somehow we all have the same river in mind.

  • And as an American I want to defend my country against tyrants and evildoers. For real I would give my life for my country. Yahmsaying?
    then why not enlist? they can have you in iraq by october.

  • A traditional call to arms would never work and would be squashed. Got to be smarter than that. play by the establishment rules but make the noise and make it heard.

    i didnt say anything about call to physical arms.

    and i dont know about "play by the establishment rules" eiher

    build parallel institutions outside of its bullshit.
    and its not dreamy idealism...its being done from all angles

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I am not ready for a violent revolution.

    I just dont think they ever work out well. I guess im not a true american, but I cant support violence on behalf of a political idea.

    I support where you guys are coming from. but i dont think staying angry is really the answer.

  • 1.where there is no community, build community

    2.where there is community, help strengthen it

    3.strong communities will organize around their pressing issues

    soulstrut moves between 2 and 3

  • ZekeZeke 221 Posts
    I believe the deferment of gratification is the key to any movement. Acting hastily and acting upon only violent intention, backed by a violence tinged ideology, can only lead to the continuation of this vicious cycle. We, as a species, are only partially violent by nature. We would not have survived as long as we have without peaceful community.

    I despise corruption and incompetence while I try not to dwell on their consequences. Instead I focus on what I can do; my sphere of influence. I strive to be intelligent and treat people fairly. I speak up when I see otherwise. I let people know what I think if they disagree with me or not, and I try to effect some positive change wherever I am. I also try to be tolerant of those who don't think like I do. An overbearing offense only creates a spiteful defense; without keeping both in mind, stagnant water stands. Creating martyrs is counter-intuitive to long term goals; that system works in both directions.

    I turned off my television after the elections; it hasn't been on since. Harboring negative emotion can only get you so far. Stay awake, stay informed, but keep your mind at rest until a need for action becomes evident.

    Miyamoto Musashi speaks of the long sword and the short sword, both are useful weapons when intentions are proper, and the mind is set clearly upon a single goal. Our long sword is our ability to adapt and manipulate the systems in which we live in. Our short sword is our ability to adapt and manipulate the communities in which we live in.

    All I ask is that people please keep in mind that what got us in the position we are in today is a lack of compassion and humanity.. we need to learn from our mistakes as a human race.


    P.S. T**y, I'll be in West tonight... if you're around and feel like conversating, give me a holler.

  • i think a lot of people's personal definition of "true american" in this day and age is deeply rooted in naivety.

  • I am not ready for a violent revolution.

    I just dont think they ever work out well. I guess im not a true american, but I cant support violence on behalf of a political idea.

    I support where you guys are coming from. but i dont think staying angry is really the answer.

    why the fuck do yall keep replying to my posts saying "im not into violent revolution" ???????

    did i say one fucking thing about any kind of weapon except your fucking allowance?????

    either reply to the right posts or actually read shit

    this post ahd me hyped for a second. AI.....i feel you brova

    white out

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i think a lot of people's personal definition of "true american" in this day and age is deeply rooted in naivety.

    What is a "TRUE AMERIKKKAN"?

  • i think a lot of people's personal definition of "true american" in this day and age is deeply rooted in naivety.

    What is a "TRUE AMERIKKKAN"?
    apparently, willingness to die (or kill, of course) in order to "defend" america from "evildooers"
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