Did I break a record store code of conduct?

Went to the record store. It was a warm day and i had drinking some water. Spent a long time flipping through records but nothing was really doing it for me. On the way out I asked if i could use the restroom and the said sure. I peed, and a few seconds later headed back for the front door. The guy working there said "Not gonna buy anything?" and I said "Uh, yeah, not today I guess..."
I was like damn... did i break a code of conduct there? was it rude to use their bathroom and not buy anything? should i have grabbed an Endless Flight or something? Or was he rude? The dude that questioned me isn't the owner. I know the owner, at least enough that we say hi and he knows i have been going there a long time.
So... you be the judge. If I fucked then tell me.
I was like damn... did i break a code of conduct there? was it rude to use their bathroom and not buy anything? should i have grabbed an Endless Flight or something? Or was he rude? The dude that questioned me isn't the owner. I know the owner, at least enough that we say hi and he knows i have been going there a long time.
So... you be the judge. If I fucked then tell me.
next time, dump 50 pounds of 78s on the counter prior, so he knows you're here for serious record business. if he still wants to gatekeep just tell him you're only injecting "legal shit" this time so he can't do shit. flex that you know the owner - guess his name if you don't know it. put the fear in him.
If he gives you backchat, tell him you payed more in taxes this year than he will earn in his entire lifetime.
If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar plight in Portinatx in Ibiza, whereby one lunchtime after foolishly consuming liberal quantities of seafood and Torres Vina Sol in the hot sun, I was stood with the family waiting for the bus back when the pressing need to "Roll a 2" came over me. I am talking about "Non-negotiable".
I thus headed into the empty bar across the road at pace, and did the needful.
I have to tell you, the smell was far from pleasant. Way past bad. Wayyy past. Like, "Dreadful" is a speck in the mirror. In the outskirts of "Disgraceful (Twinned With Horrific)". I mean, even I was gagging. The midday heat only added to the whole affair.
Thing was, the bus was due so I couldn't even order a drink once I was done. I had to leave rapidly but still gingerly lest I provoked further below-deck activity. I think I left the owner 5€ in shrapnel on the way out. However, whilst exiting, I realised the miasma had engulfed his entire premises rendering it unsafe for any living creature this side of eternity.
I recall being stood at the bus stop with the wife and kids while he just stood in the doorway, arms folded, glaring at me. It is a look that still haunts me TO THIS VERY DAY.
As for what to buy...
Roy Ayers - Poo Poo La La ?
John Carpenter's The Fog OST b/w Megadeth.
To get busy you go to a Burger King bathroom.
At least once.
Damn! Y’all fancy.
I’ve been raw-doggin it behind the dumpster with my pants around my ankles. I need to up my game.