Records that sold not because of the music

There is a trend going on in the sports card collecting community right now. There is a 90-91 NBA Hoops Mark Jackson card that cost maybe.....$0.50. It's not rare or short on print and as of yesterday these cards are selling north of $20.00. The reason why? Because there is a pic of the Menendez brothers sitting courtside in the background. Supposidley the pic was taken between the time they killed their parents until their arrest.
Anyway, what records have sold that were not because of the quality of the music but based on something else?
Anyway, what records have sold that were not because of the quality of the music but based on something else?
Lyn Christopher because of the K.I.S.S. connection
Artwork is a good one - Massive Attack for the Del Naja art, anything with Futura 2000 art
Ah, just thought of some "Sold in big numbers" ones:
Maxwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" 'cos of the MJ vocals.
"Beat It" 'cos of Eddie Van Halen?
While we are tipping sacred cows...
Sgt. Peppers, because of the cover?
Beastie Boys because of the videos?