Jimster 6,967 Posts
Thinking of coming NOVEMBER 2017.
Is that a bad month for weather or what? SPEAK ON IT, REMAINING STRUT.
Is that a bad month for weather or what? SPEAK ON IT, REMAINING STRUT.
Like, do you people have escape rooms in your part of l'angel-terre? A "Little Ethiopia" that melds into a "Greektown" (ifuknowwhatimsayin ... nevermind)? Hatchet throwing w/ beer? Chinese dumplings filled with soup? A crack-mayor legacy??
We have no crack-mayor legacy here in Ye Olde Nottingham (there could be only one Rob Ford) but we do have a long history of evil Sherriffs, ghosts, a castle, horrific torture, football, more ghosts, wooded countryside and armed robbery with that dude in the green tights - Of course, should any strutter find themselves in this neck of the woods, I am happy to help. The city is nowhere big enough to have "[insert country here]-towns" but has all manner of great beer and cuisine-ways from most corners of the planet.
Thanks to the Canuck Strut for the knowledge dropped so far. The away team will consist of me, the Mrs and both sons (15 and 8). Looking to spend perhaps a week in town? With the kids, it's probably not going to be one wild night after the other but I am sure we can down at least a few cold ones. We will get it sorted in advance of course. Looking to stay city centre, in a nice hotel or apartment - suggestions welcome. Maybe catch some sport, a gig, some nature, some vistas and shit. Speak on it.
I don't know what these are like in Toronto specifically, but usually these are delicious
if i understand, son #1 is a big basketball fan..... seeing as today is the first day of the NBA season and the raptors' home opener, you would be best aligned to come on or after today's date next year. any other sightseeing recommendations or restaurant inquires or lodging strategies you can always hit me up on the 'book.
My B'day is in December but it sounds like October is the time to go? When does the snow hit? January?
Also, fucking off RTW for 3 months end of this year so should probably enquire about that with strutter knowledge....
Summer in Toronto, however, should be something everyone tries at least once.
The autumn is beautiful, too. As people have pointed out, there's lots going on and even simply walking around the city on brisk sunny days is a pleasure.
It's an ugly city to look at but a lovely one to take in.
Not sure what we would have here food-wise that your neck of the woods wouldn't offer, but it's the neighbourhood small family places that have the best food in Toronto imo. Toronto Strutters can all fill your card with their own suggestions no doubt.
Either way, we should organize a dinner. The last Strutter dinner I attended when Day was in town - years ago now - was a lot of fun.
Also - is out from the downtown core, but worth a visit. More geared to kids but not boring for adults.
Snow hits in January reliably. It's usually a coin toss if we get a white christmas or not. I agree with Bassie about the summer/autumn being the best, but I also think the snowy winter here is awesome if you like getting outside and skiing or snowshoeing etc. Just heading north to a cabin in the winter is sick too... go build a quincy and then hotbox it (okay, not with children).
Junior: Re: RTW - where are you already planning to head?
Jimster: On a weekend, you could take the fam to Evergreen Brickworks, which is a community space in the Don Valley with an extensive trail network and a quality farmer's market on Sat/Sun. It's still within the city and you can see the fall colours proper from there. There's a café and other stuff to see/do, including ice skating.
Ok then, considering I can't ski (growing-up-on-an-island-r) and am also a major fan of autumnal colours (everything looks strangely hi-def) then I'll aim for a late summer, early autumn visit. I currently live in an ugly as hell city that nevertheless manages to continuously surprise and delight at street level so I'm all for that.
I'll see if I can schedule this for next year around the time that Jimster goes and would be very, very, up for a Strutter dinner.
Ketan, re: RTW, I'm going EVERYWHERE*. I should stop being lazy and post something up in here for all the knowledge drops. Will do that now.
*EVERYWHERE may not include all anticipated destinations.
But like, without the broken ankles.
Or late nights
make it so.