Who is drinking right now?

I am. well, I was anyways. HJ was really nice and picked me up a bottle of this 12 year aged scotch. I can't remember the name of it but i think it start with "glen" or something. and not its not glenfiddich. anyways, that was pretty nice and so i had some, but its still early, so i need to get my energy back so that i can go out later and hopefully not puss out like a bitch.maybe i'll have some coffe and read liner notes to keep me excited.HJ is taking a power nap as I speak. I should take one too, but I already did, and besides, somebody has to keep watch. commie infiltration of our precious bodily fluids. Have you ever seen a commie drink water? Vodka... thats what they drink. Flouridation.Ice cream, Mandrake. Children's ice cream.
Working on a new beat that started out at 122bpm and is now at 92. Programming drums at +30 bpms and then slowing it back down is fun. I should do it more often.
I need $$$ for some analog delays for more dub stuff. Shit is maad doody fresshh fun.
Happy Saturday night all.
Same here, but its 4.30am in the UK now so time for sleep as the meds are kicking in as well...Night all...*Insert sleepy Gremlin*
me and my special lady friend had a deal that we'd take a shot of tequila for every 3 pointer that unc made to take or extend a lead. so we ended up taking 3, plus some fat tires with homemade pizza.
now it's espn classic for unc at duke 1995. stackhouse and 'sheed. fucking tight.
You thought no-one would notice, Diz?
Jameson had me walkin' North on Queen St. in Toronto one night*.... that shit goes down toooo smooth for my own good.
*long story... suffice to say it runs east and west.
A lager by Guinness.
And do you know what, it's not bad at all.
Esp. after half a bokkle of Marlborough Sauv B. (NZ-R)...
Took the three Pizze and got my skateboard to go home.
Realised that I have never skated with alc in my system.
Might do it again.
Really into the darker beers lately. So sick of citrus flavoured IPAs !