de la strutnip
how much butt must this guy not gets?
"The stuff I like is all about instrumentals and ad libs that come closer to contemporary EDM than old-school rap."
how much butt must this guy not gets?

"The stuff I like is all about instrumentals and ad libs that come closer to contemporary EDM than old-school rap."
You should hear the rap bullshit dudes play from their ipods in the gym (classroom-core workout area). I can't stand that 'new shit' that all has same, slow beat. Are all the 'now school' rappers today sleepy and from the South? I guess I'm
Big Stacks from Kakalak
if your job is music criticism and you don't know about music from before you were born maybe you need to quit and make internal corporate videos for a living. you don't even have to like it but if all you can respond with is "ewww, too many samples" "why doesn't this sound like x" then your skills as a critic are questionable
Turn back the clock and he would have fit in perfectly on the board.
Not sure why people are expecting a 20-something to see this record any differently than he does.
His duct tape feel of the production assessment is not wrong, and yea, the charm is not timeless. And he is absolutely right about 2 Live Crew sounding dated.
The only annoying thing is that he doesn't like all the skits on the record but he keeps throwing to his bagel and yoga class, which are the equivalent of skits in his article.
That review still sucks though.
"can sound too dated for me, and that’s just a drum machine and offensive lyrics, which in theory I should be all about."
Why should he be all about it?
Then he hits you with the "but I cannot get out of my head just how not rap this album sounds."
And this was part of my issue with his writing. Though the history of the genre so many have come before him trying to tell other people what rap is and what it isn't. When the truth is, it's what you want it to be. There is no one style to the genre that makes it anymore rap over another. And in the same breath it completely negates why this album was so monumental to the genre in the first place. Not that I would take him to task for not researching the effect it had at the time.
But yeah, my main issue was your point with the skits. But also that it felt like something that I would believe to come from this generation. No focus. Constant distractions. I have no doubt that when he was trying to analyze the music he was doing 10 other things. Like the kid trying to watch 2001 in a theater answering non stop text messages and then giving his thoughts on the movie.
In any case, I look forward to the review from the same publication done by a 50 year old music critic on the new Troy Ave and see the reaction.
His review is balls. I can't get past his writing, It's terrible. He gets PAID to do this ?
On another tip that new De La with Snoop is
Times done changed
One more time, for all my literalists:
"I could care less" comes from a Yiddish construction where there is an implied question/incredulity--"As if I could care less?"--the implication being that the speaker finds preposterous the idea that they could care any less about what's being spoken of. It's from the same vein as implied-disbelief idioms like "I should be so lucky!" and "Such a face!"
It has of course long since been buffed of its ethnic origins, but "I could care less" is definitely, as the kids say, a thing, and has been a thing since long before kids said that things were things. You don't have to like it, but you don't get to correct it, either. Which, given the topic and the tone of the thread, seems fitting.
"You don't have to like it, but you don't get to correct it, either. Which, given the topic and the tone of the thread, seems fitting"
I could agree more... ?
Man, that pisses me off. Got me fired up again.
25 yo bloggeur throws on Marvin Gaye: "What's Goin On?" What's he so sad about?
Puts on The Clash. "London's Calling?" Why so urgent?
Puts on BDP's "The Bridge is Over" Ugghhh. This music is so hostile and angry, I need to do some yoga to clear up my chakras.
And I'm not at all saying the Yiddish predates the British--I only meant to point out that "I could care less" has some roots and some logic behind it, and is not some syntactic fuck-up in need of fixing, which is how it often gets framed. Revisionism was not my intention.
(This has reminded me that back when I was younger and scrappier I claimed in a thread right here on soulstrut dot com that the most important American band was The Beatles. Now that, I will grant you, was me just straight-up stirring the shit.)
I'm the least interesting thing abut this thread right now and so am going to bow out, but in a parting/too-late attempt at topicality will say this: I'm not bothered by the existence of his review, but man, I'm awfully glad to not be that guy.
We are also in the beautiful and unique position to have dual perspectives; we can ride the technological train young enough to learn, adopt and benefit from the progress and old enough to have used, or at least remember, what used to be - turntables, recording on cassettes, rotary phones and life without GoogleMaps and Wiki.
But if you're going to make statements like the ones I pointed out above and not give any insight, not give reference or backing to your thoughts or opinions. Not doing any research into the subject, etc. Then you're not a music critic, you're just Janis from accounting giving your bullshit thoughts. One again, this has nothing to do with him not liking, getting, understanding, etc an album. The world is full of amazing albums people of all ages didn't get or care about.
Unless this guy is just out trolling. Then I take it all back. He's amazing at his job.
Hey Janis - I know you are most proficient in FreshBooks 2016 but we think you really need to know Excel 2007 to appreciate what you do. Please speak to IT about pulling it out of the archives, check it out and then present your analysis for the senior accounting department tomorrow morning. K?
"...since I have never heard a complete De La Soul album. Nothing personal — I just never got around to it. To fix this problem, my editors kindly suggested — or, I guess, technically, told me, since I work for them — that I should spend today listening to De La Soul’s classic Tommy Boy Records debut, 3 Feet High and Rising, and cataloguing my thoughts below."
And on a side note, if Janis wanted a job in IT and didn't know how to use or support Excel 2007 or even know how to search google to find solutions on how to fix Excel issues in any version, she wouldn't get the job...
While we're on the topic. I see there's already a tracklist for De La's new album.