h8ful 8

saw it in 70mm last night. it's a pulp epic and i really liked it. my wife, who is squeamish at blood, even enjoyed it.
the score (by morricone) is sooo good - worth the price of admission alone.

aside: i missed django (kids-r), but loved the one before it (basterds). how does django rate in the pantheon?
the score (by morricone) is sooo good - worth the price of admission alone.

aside: i missed django (kids-r), but loved the one before it (basterds). how does django rate in the pantheon?
Best to worst:
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 2
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bill 1
Jackie Brown
Death Proof (terrible movie!)
I haven't seen H8 but def plan to.
I rate Jackie Brown!
Hard to rank his flicks, but i agree that DP is at the bottom.
Hard to rate Tarantino films for me. I enjoy all of them for different reasons, except for Death Proof (Not a fan). One thing about Jackie Brown... When it first came out I wasn't that big on it. But over the past 10 years I've watched it 3-4 times and I've come to really appreciate it.
Really looking forward to seeing Hateful 8. The man hasn't made a stinker yet.
Where's that big "surprise" the police force was supposed to throw?
Not to be contrarian with the dudes that like (love?) Death Proof, but I found the bar scenes too long, very forced, and just painful to watch.
The chase scene was really, really good in Death Proof (one of the best I've seen). But the ending of the movie was lame. That's my $0.02
I used to be a huge Tarantino fanboy, but these days I am far more eager to catch Coen Brothers films.
Anyway, Happy New Year, Soulstrutteurs!
I'm off to get a liver workout. See you batches next year.
The casting is as strong as ever, Kurt Russell and Walton Goggins in particular, and some of Robert Richardson's exteriors are breathtaking. Another +1 for the Morricone score too, which utilises several unused cues from his score for John Carpenter's The Thing, including during one scene that reminded me very much of...The Thing. That can't have been unintentional.
There are a couple of 70mm showings in Berlin at the end of the month, and I'm going to see if I can get tickets to one of them. Despite my misgivings, I'd still like to see if the 70mm format makes a difference to how it comes across a second time.
IIRC, 2nd gear occurs just before the intermission, and then you come back and get the flashback. So it didn't affect the flow at the screening. But I could see how it might if it was a straight shot.
Did the screener have the Overture at the start? If not, then you gotta go to the 70mm screening just to hear Morricone's work there.
But I will stand by his best work, which for me is "Pulp" and "Jackie Brown".
Will cop the Hattful Acht, deffo.
I should emphasise that I don't think The Hateful Eight is a bad film. On paper, though, it ought to be amazing, but it doesn't work as well as I'd hoped.
I would really suggest if anyone can see the 70mm to give it a go. It's one of those flicks that should be seen in a theater.
1) Those expecting Tarrantino action style like Kill Bill,Django,Pulp Fiction,Inglorious are going to be very disappointed. This movie is more slow paced with tons of dialog interrupted by just short bursts of violent action. More of a watered down Reservoir Dogs Western style.
2)Acting was great, SLJ was of course the star, Russell was really good too.
3)Score-Morricone nuff said....
4)Cinematography-great old school Panavision!
Based on the workprint/screener copy I watched 7/10 It was a bit long and tedious at times, but not half as overrated, long and boring as The Revenant!
Prob not "his best", but my fave anyway.
It's really the only QT movie where viewers aren't laughing at the violence.
I might just round out my top three with Basterds.
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill
Pulp Fiction
Django Unchained
Inglorious Bastards
Jackie Brown
Why no lovv for JB?
I actually thought the ending to KB2 worked, but that's me.
Reservoir Dogs is still great, Pulp Fiction is absolutely brimming full of energy and enjoyment if you can separate the film from the imitators that followed.
After that, I enjoyed Jackie Brown but felt like it was trying a bit hard to be a grown up movie. Kill Bill 1 was a lot of fun at the time. Everything else ranges from bad or misjudged to absolutely appalling.
I think his scenes are great but it's the overall storyline that connects them that ruins a lot of his work for me. See Dusk Til Dawn. Although, there are always things to take away from these, because the cast, script and direction is always solid.
When he gets it right, the films are great.
I've also found everything from Kill Bill 2 onwards to have suffered from really uneven pacing, they really drag on in places and feel unstructured and at times very sloppy (the whole last part of Kill Bill 2 springs to mind). Maybe this is an intentional harking to the b-movie style but I'm not a fan of big budget pastiches anyway - if you want to make a grindhouse movie then do it, don't make an expensive rehash; after all, most grindhouse films are actually pretty appalling when viewed at any normal critical angle.
Basically, I think he would really benefit from having either stronger editors, producers or co-writers to help structure his "visions" - something that has benefited a lot of talented film-makers.
On the plus side, yep, his casts are always exceptional though and props to him for bringing Russell back from the wilderness.