Mingering Mike Smithsonian Exhibit - Opens in February!

RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
edited January 2015 in Soul Strut

In 2004, DC area native / record collector Dori Hadar came across a flea market find for the ages. It was the contents of a storage unit that was past due on payments (a la Storage Wars). There were crates of hand drawn record covers of an imaginary soul star by the name of Mingering Mike. Not knowing what it was, he bought a bunch of them & immediately posted photos of his finds on my record collector community web site, soulstrut.com.

The covers were elaborately hand drawn including credits and liner notes... No detail was spared. It even contained fake records made of cardboard. These were folk art treasures! Dori went back and bought the rest of the lot and rather than file the records for his own enjoyment, he set out to track down the artist. He managed to track him down and partner with him to display these record covers in art exhibits all over the world.

Fast forward 10 years and Mingering Mike’s art will be a part of the ultimate art exhibit… The Smithsonian!

I’d love for you to join me for the opening. There will be a panel, a reception, and an after party at the Velvet Lounge in DC. Our own doc delay will be spinning as well as another room with open turntables for those who spinneth the funk 45s.

I hope to see you there!

[strong]More information:[/strong]





  • Damn... maybe this is a reason to take a little getaway trip.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Is the AAM the old Portrait Gallery?

  • LaserWolf said:
    Is the AAM the old Portrait Gallery?

    they share the same building. Psyched for this!

    For the out of towners -- be sure to check "The Throne" in the folk art room while you are there.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    meistromoco said:

    For the out of towners -- be sure to check "The Shrine" in the folk art room while you are there.

    I saw The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millenium General Assembly in the 80s, when it first went on display.
    Changed my life.

  • LaserWolf said:
    meistromoco said:

    For the out of towners -- be sure to check "The Shrine" in the folk art room while you are there.

    I saw The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millenium General Assembly in the 80s, when it first went on display.
    Changed my life.

    Yes -- the Throne (not the shrine -- doh.)

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I'm going to pretend I was active on the strut for this when the Smithsonian Bump shows up, cool?
    It's an amazing e-Nets story. I love it.

  • I remember that day very well. Mind-blowing stuff and even more amazing to see what has become of it.

    Congrats to all involved.

  • Was mind blowing then, still is now. This is great news.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Wasn't there someone else on here who was at the same sale Secret Chimp found these, maybe even bought one of the covers? Or am I remembering wrong?

    Crazy to see what has come of it. Wonder what they're worth today.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Okem said:
    Wasn't there someone else on here who was at the same sale Secret Chimp found these, maybe even bought one of the covers? Or am I remembering wrong?

    Crazy to see what has come of it. Wonder what they're worth today.

    Frank "Fatback" Beylotte. He was also featured in the New York Times article. I don't know what his involvement is or was... though.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    awesome, see you guys there

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Okem said:
    Wasn't there someone else on here who was at the same sale Secret Chimp found these, maybe even bought one of the covers? Or am I remembering wrong?

    Crazy to see what has come of it. Wonder what they're worth today.

    Frank "Fatback" Beylotte. He was also featured in the New York Times article. I don't know what his involvement is or was... though.
    i know I've missed out on scores by getting to the pile seconds late, but this a whole other level of life changing come ups.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Okem said:
    Wasn't there someone else on here who was at the same sale Secret Chimp found these, maybe even bought one of the covers? Or am I remembering wrong?

    Crazy to see what has come of it. Wonder what they're worth today.

    Frank "Fatback" Beylotte. He was also featured in the New York Times article. I don't know what his involvement is or was... though.

    I believe that Frank was present during the initial discovery and also was there when they interviewed Mike for the first time. He now lives in Richmond, hoping he can come up.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Raj, any chance of bumping the thread in honor of the opening?

    I seem to remember that Fatback got some of the 45 covers, and some of the real records before Dori got the rest. They then shared their finds.

  • There's gonna be a whole lot of mingering going on! Hope some of you can make it, it'll be a fun night for sure. See you there, Raj!

  • and...........

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    Roll Call.

    Who is going this Friday?

    -Secret Chimp

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    knewjak said:
    Roll Call.

    Who is going this Friday?

    -Secret Chimp

    Otis Funkmeyer
    Neal Becton

  • knewjak said:
    Roll Call.

    Who is going this Friday?

    -Secret Chimp


  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Hope it's still there when I'm in DC in September.

    edit--And it's not gonna be.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    Had an awesome time DJing/partying with you all and meeting Raj and Otis in the real world finally. This was dope!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    What a great weekend!

    It was great reconnecting with some old heads. The exhibit is amazing BTW.

    Here's a video of the roundtable discussion. Soul Strut gets a shout out at the 12 minute mark.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    Mike was killing it with the comedy! That after party left me worse for the wear, but we still managed to gather again for a great dinner with mike and dori's family. Vive Le strut!

  • ScottScott 420 Posts
    I enjoyed lurking at the event, as I do on the board.

    Great exhibit.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I was in DC last week; came, saw, lurked.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I just saw pics from Mingering Mike Supersonic Rewind Dance Party.

    My hat is off to Secret Chimp for his great conservation and promotion of Mingering Mike's art.

  • I've been meaning to give an update -- check out Mike's FB page for pics from this weekend's off the hook party at the museum: https://www.facebook.com/mingeringmike)

    Hey Dan:

    Back on January 15th, 2004 (the day I first posted the pictures) you wrote:

    "I am betting, this guy was not a musician, and never showed his art to anyone. I bet he went to work, then went home and created his alter egos. And I guess he went to the record store some too.

    So did any one see "The Throne" at the National Portrait Gallery. I don't know if it's still on display somewhere, but I saw it there in the 80's. The story, as I recall, was this postman went home every night for years, and worked on this incredible alter he was making in his garage. He had a whole religious world view that was driving his work. As I recall it was not discovered until his death."

    The posters below are currently on display in the main lobby of the museum and Mike's records are one floor up from the The Throne.


    Attached files

  • About half way through the conversation and this is some pretty cool stuff. What a character Mike is. Would love to see the original thread and responses to his artwork. Also thank you Raj for this site im very thankful that you decided to breath new life into it instead of throwing in the towel. I will make most definitely make an effort to post more instead of just lurking.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    KidProcrass said:
    About half way through the conversation and this is some pretty cool stuff. What a character Mike is. Would love to see the original thread and responses to his artwork. Also thank you Raj for this site im very thankful that you decided to breath new life into it instead of throwing in the towel. I will make most definitely make an effort to post more instead of just lurking.

    Thank you for the kind words.

    Here's the original thread
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