I know we've all come up with these in moments of inspiration, but unless you happen to be naming a band at that moment, they often die on the vine. NEVER AGAIN. Please to use this thread to immortalize your nuggets of genius.
I'll start:
I'll start:
Careful, dangerously close to Hoobastank.
Otis Shredding.
Works equally well in the Worst Band Name thread.
The Summer Scarves.
The Outbidders.
The Chips of Kale.
The Bearded Masses.
Coked-Out Ballerina
I will be returning with more--and better--names.
2 I have been sitting on for decades.
King Junk
Under The Marquam Bridge
(actually, that is supposed to be the title of the first King Junk lp.)
speed wobble
sprechen sie schmerz
hobo scabs
sharing needles
Fecal Splatter.
Yer Anal Wafer.
Skyline (80's studio musician superband)
Mindsweeper (Hawkwind stylings)
Breadman (Dancehall)
Arch Stanton
Mount Krypton
Infinity Pool (hipster electropop)
Tears of a Clown (Emo)
The Bookkeeper's Sons (Steely Dan Tribute Act & three sets of double letters)
Sunday Toker
Bonus Album Title
"Jihad for Love"
Inflammation Superhighway
Strung Up
The 38's
Freddy Kroger
Pager Bill
Shop Class Soul Craft
Peanut Butter Shelly
Drowning Ishmael
Sobriety Anonymous
Hobbles McGee
Cops In Church
I'm also partial to creative forms of "Orchestra", "Band", etc. such as "Happening", "Interpolation", "Involvement" or anything similar to 60s espionage-thriller films..."The (Name) (Document)"
How about Secret Sessions? That was the name of a band I played drums in during high school. We got it by randomly turning to a page in some book.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Goliath Shoehorn
So I Said
Pat Lethargy
Spam Rich
Monty and the Beandippers
Zombie Shuffle
Taste the Pain
38's too close to 38 Special (Unless it's a tribute act?)
A friend of mine used to always say [em]"Taste the pain motherfucker!"[/em] when he managed a good combo on Street Fighter II. With that in mind, I'll nominate
Bingo Bango Boongo
This Shit Is Gold
Sweetmeat and the Meat Sweats
Vaginal Latitude
Big Poppa Dumb
The Weaknd
The Emails
Hipster Outrage
Fracking For Phlegm
Charcoal Trotsky
The Tuffnuts
Asshole Furniture
"Oingo Boingo" tribute!
Friend of mine has played in numerous tribute acts but the Madonna one was good : Blonde Ambition
Ozwaldo Von Funkelhoffer & The Self-Inflicted Jazz Trio - [em]Kronk Rides Through Cowley[/em]
Scrutmonkey - [em]Deep Scruttage[/em]
and my favourite, briefly real-life band fronted by Teh Landlord (of crackhouse fame)
Lunch Out - [em]s/t[/em]*
* unreleased**
** actually, unrecorded
Press The Red Button
Teenage Rampage (all-girl hipster act)
The Entombed
The Pyramid Scheme
Jack Del Rio Trio (white Jimmy Smith Texan private press heat)
The Chrome
The Bolts
Batmobile Recovery
The Kraken Riders
The Mystery Caller