Map of Africa (DJ Harvey-related)

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
Anyone on here cop the Map of Africa album at all? Thoughts? I was quite looking forward to hearing what Thom Bullock and Harvey would come up with, but the album really isn't all that. There are a few interesting cuts, but I find it hard to believe they're serving any of this up with a straight face. I like Harvey and Rub'n'Tug as DJs, and I'm a big admirer of Harvey's aesthetic generally, but halfway through the album I found myself thinking, "They're taking the piss here, surely?". It just seems like little more than an exercise in seeing what and how much they can get away with. Pretty disappointing to me.


  • inVrsinVrs 687 Posts
    It`s definatly not worth the money they ask for. this release politic is quite unique. every whateverwewant release is rare from the day it enters the shops - enough collectors out there willing to pay 3-5 times as much as for a normal new vinyl album. dont really understand it.
    musically, its ok. not what i expected, and not as good as harvey`s stuff is usually.

  • As far as Harvey's other stuff goes, he is known for editing classic disco material. Now honestly, how hard can it be to sound good when you are extending classic disco breaks?

    As for his own "original" music, well here we have it.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    As far as Harvey's other stuff goes, he is known for editing classic disco material. Now honestly, how hard can it be to sound good when you are extending classic disco breaks?

    As for his own "original" music, well here we have it.

    Well, both Harvey and Thom Bullock are musicians, and I'm familiar enough with Harvey's remix work to know that he's got a good ear musically. The MoA album just sounds like a couple of mates pissing about to no real end. I can't imagine they're being entirely serious here. If they're joking, though, it's an pretty expensive joke.

  • As far as Harvey's other stuff goes, he is known for editing classic disco material. Now honestly, how hard can it be to sound good when you are extending classic disco breaks?

    As for his own "original" music, well here we have it.

    Well, both Harvey and Thom Bullock are musicians, and I'm familiar enough with Harvey's remix work to know that he's got a good ear musically. The MoA album just sounds like a couple of mates pissing about to no real end. I can't imagine they're being entirely serious here. If they're joking, though, it's an pretty expensive joke.

    It's alright. Yeah, Harvey is a pretty accomplished musician and Thomas is no slouch so I think you must be right - just a couple of old mates having fun. They've done a fair bit together over the years: I have a nice 12" they did around 1990 called No Hassle From the Man and they've DJed together since the late Eighties. I was surprised MoA was so pricey and the demand so high since the rest of Harvey's stuff seems to be dropping off pricewise...

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    yeah the record hasnt KILLED me either... love lots of bits of it..but the overall is a lil on the slackster side.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Now honestly, how hard can it be to sound good when you are extending classic disco breaks?

    haha the proliferation of WACK disco edits implies u need a little something

  • Now honestly, how hard can it be to sound good when you are extending classic disco breaks?

    haha the proliferation of WACK disco edits implies u need a little something

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Bumping this in recognition of Harvey's latest project, Wildest Dreams, a straight-up psych/prog hippy wig-out which is very good indeed.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    Bumping this in recognition of Harvey's latest project, Wildest Dreams, a straight-up psych/prog hippy wig-out which is very good indeed.

    +1. Yeah, I played this through for the first time last night and really got into it. I don't where prog stops and psych starts but this is on the right side of what I like, pushing my tastes a little and having some top grooves into the bargain. I've just a spent a festival weekend listening to seven shades of half-arsed psych/prog pastiche and this just feels like real music. I'll give anything with Harvey's name on a chance - not everything grips me but this does.

  • Nice Kapt Kopter chop on the cover art. Looking forward to giving this a listen!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Wanted to share a link to this interview and, let me tell you, it was not easy finding this thread. I guess it goes unsaid that it's a fool's errand searching the forums for "Harvey" while "DJ Harvey," curiously, produced no results.

    DJ Harvey blesses us with this style game.

    Got to give it up for this one:

    DonÔÇÖt be afraid to blur gender lines.
    ÔÇ£I think if you are safe in your sexuality, then to dress as you feel is the way to go. WomenÔÇÖs clothing can be a lot of fun to wear. ItÔÇÖs comfortable and fun and frivolous. WomenÔÇÖs underwear is quite spectacular to wear, but itÔÇÖs not quite designed to hold the family jewels, as it were.ÔÇØ

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    white_tea said:
    Wanted to share a link to this interview and, let me tell you, it was not easy finding this thread. I guess it goes unsaid that it's a fool's errand searching the forums for "Harvey" while "DJ Harvey," curiously, produced no results.

    DJ Harvey blesses us with this style game.

    Got to give it up for this one:

    DonÔÇÖt be afraid to blur gender lines.
    ÔÇ£I think if you are safe in your sexuality, then to dress as you feel is the way to go. WomenÔÇÖs clothing can be a lot of fun to wear. ItÔÇÖs comfortable and fun and frivolous. WomenÔÇÖs underwear is quite spectacular to wear, but itÔÇÖs not quite designed to hold the family jewels, as it were.ÔÇØ


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,096 Posts
    Ed Wood-esque, too.

  • JimsterJimster 6,920 Posts
    I thought this was about our Harv... So disconnected.

    Never heard of dude before, but it seems to me, via what I willingly choose to view on the magic of Instagram, that in The Beautiful Places, DJ and Fashionista are becoming the same thing.

    I will concur with the leather jacket, T and Jeans. But drawing the line at panties.

    For now.


  • JimsterJimster 6,920 Posts

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
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