Smiling Young White People Make App for Avoiding Black Neighborhoods



  • he may have been a bona fide troll, but at least dolo was witty....

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    hey whats going on in this thread

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Battyboy420 said:
    Duderonomy said:
    dukeofdelridge said:

    It works!

    Somebody is hustling to get a new pair of shoes.

    There's no shame in hand-me-downs. I think hipsters call 'em "vintage".

  • Duderonomy said:
    Battyboy420 said:
    Duderonomy said:
    dukeofdelridge said:

    It works!

    Somebody is hustling to get a new pair of shoes.

    There's no shame in hand-me-downs. I think hipsters call 'em "vintage".

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    So there's drama, despair, death, suffering, help at the 11th hour, things hanging in the balance, and the journalist includes this detail

    "We will win this battle," said another volunteer fighter, his belly hanging over his trousers. "All Kurds are peshmerga when it really matters."

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but somehow this little detail mattered.

  • I would criticize the obtuse racial commentary offered by battyboy...but that would be akin to booing at the special olympics.

    go away for awhile and come back to this site and this is the kind of shit that is on here? Idiots wishing for a "post racial" America out of one side of their mouth but then getting butthurt over "whitey"? Trying to peddle that "colorblind" horseshit as a progressive, tender worldview when all it really is an attempt to put the fallacy of racism against whites on the same level as real racism.

    Fuck this.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    i wonder what kind of ladies clint howard pulled bitd?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Is there anyone here that doesn't want to live to see the day when ALL people, regardless of race or ethnicity, treat each other with respect?

    If you really want this, be the one(s) to wipe the slate clean and start.

    Otherwise, you're full of shit......blaiming history for not doing it yourself will guarantee it will never happen.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    I just want to know if 77 E. 3rd is on the list?

    not since jammy land closed

  • Rockadelic said:
    Is there anyone here that doesn't want to live to see the day when ALL people, regardless of race or ethnicity, treat each other with respect?

    If you really want this, be the one(s) to wipe the slate clean and start.

    Otherwise, you're full of shit......blaiming history for not doing it yourself will guarantee it will never happen.

    That's sort of sweet. You now reveal yourself to be the King of Gumdrop Island.

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    "Sketchy" absolutely = black.

    Closest I've gotten to a physical altercation in the last 5 years was with polish louts in greenpoint. Nobody would describe that neighborhood as "sketchy".

    Yep, it's pretty family oriented here, and now that they are charging $700k for studio apartments off of McCarren, it's getting even more bougy.

    Out of curiosity, I downloaded it over the weekend and checked out my neighborhood:

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Is there anyone here that doesn't want to live to see the day when ALL people, regardless of race or ethnicity, treat each other with respect?

    If you really want this, be the one(s) to wipe the slate clean and start.

    Otherwise, you're full of shit......blaiming history for not doing it yourself will guarantee it will never happen.

    That's sort of sweet. You now reveal yourself to be the King of Gumdrop Island.

    No dude....I have no delusions that it will ever happen.

    But I also know that to get respect you have to give it....that's why no one respects you.

  • Battyboy420 said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    "Sketchy" absolutely = black.

    Closest I've gotten to a physical altercation in the last 5 years was with polish louts in greenpoint. Nobody would describe that neighborhood as "sketchy".

    You haven't been through alcoholics row? That area in greenpoint is sketchy because of all the mostly white bums.

    I live 2 blocks from there, and if you think old dudes who are too drunk or cirrhotic to even move are sketchy, then perhaps you should leave the city. They don't bother anyone, and the one loudmouthed regular is more like Grandpa Simpson than OJ Simpson

    Also, if you're so concerned with social progress, maybe consider not choosing an online handle that is a homophobic pejorative?

  • nm

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Dear whitey,

    That white part of you that makes you want have everything neatly labeled and cataloged, that makes you want to offer up your 2 cents in any situation no matter how it may or may not pertain to you personally, that makes you clinch your buttocks when faced with any little thing outside of your perceived grasp on reality, that makes you less able to keep an implied rhythm and embrace creative spontaneity...yeah, well fuck all of that in every way.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Is there anyone here that doesn't want to live to see the day when ALL people, regardless of race or ethnicity, treat each other with respect?

    If you really want this, be the one(s) to wipe the slate clean and start.

    Otherwise, you're full of shit......blaiming history for not doing it yourself will guarantee it will never happen.

    while I agree...some folks on here are stating that being called "whitey" is just as much a racial slur as other racial slurs directed at non-whites.

    These folks seem to be mixing up bigotry and racism. Can an african american be a bigot by calling someone "whitey"? Of course.
    Is it racism?
    Until you can link the term "whitey" to decades, if not centuries, of the systematic oppression of white people, you cannot claim "whitey" as a racist slur on par with other more obvious slurs. Considering there is no system or structure to oppress white people, then it is impossible to do so.

    That is why I find the "colorblind" attitude as too simple and lazy, because not only does one refuse to acknowledge race (even though it is a benevolent neglect), it means you have to also turn a blind eye to the racist system and the transgressions they have suffered , it also means one operates on the naive idea that everyone has equal opportunities.

  • white guy gets called racial slur, goes on to enjoy pretty nice life as a white guy

  • Rockadelic said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Is there anyone here that doesn't want to live to see the day when ALL people, regardless of race or ethnicity, treat each other with respect?

    If you really want this, be the one(s) to wipe the slate clean and start.

    Otherwise, you're full of shit......blaiming history for not doing it yourself will guarantee it will never happen.

    That's sort of sweet. You now reveal yourself to be the King of Gumdrop Island.

    No dude....I have no delusions that it will ever happen.

    But I also know that to get respect you have to give it....that's why no one respects you.

    I'm not looking for respect on Gumdrop Island.

    Unless there's waterfront property involved. Does the King know a good realtor?

  • parallax said:
    Herm said:
    This thread is hilarious.

    But seriously though, white dudes get offended over "whitey?" For reals?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    This white dude gets just as offended when he hears anything even mildly racist about people who are NOT white. So if one of my white friends said something about Latinos, for example, he would be checked.


    I am NOT representive of ALL white people, Herm. So no, "white dudes" don't get offended. Just me in this case.

    That evil Obama. It's all his fault isn't it? Or did a black dude screw your girlfriend?

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    white guy gets called racial slur, goes on to enjoy pretty nice life as a white guy

    Ha! Perfect. See also, "Born on third base, thinks he hit a triple."

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    My "try harder" was aimed at batty boy / dolo, not Johnny paychex... For what it's worth at this point.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    The app's FAQ includes questions such as

    "How come they can call each other the n-word but if I say it I'm racist???"

    "Chicano, Latino, Hispanic... What am I supposed to call Mexicans anyways?"

    "How come there's no White Entertainment Channel?"

    "Asians... Wtf?"

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts

    Uh-oh... Batty Batty Batty!

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts

  • Your overall presence is a drag. Make like the wind.

  • Ferguson, Missouri is a town which is 67% black.

    It has a police force consisting of 53 officers.

    Fifty are white, three are black.

    Of course if I even suggest that this is significant I'm being a divisive fringe leftist who refuses to say, "Both sides do it," often enough to please the "moderates."

    So that kind of disparity can't possibly be a problem. If history teaches us anything, it teaches us that white cops love black people.

    To pieces.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    edith head said:

  • dammsdamms 704 Posts
    this thread is hilarious
    you have to admit that battyboy character is sumthin' else
    the internet
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