If you're gonna discuss conspiracy theories......
Why not keep it record related?
This guy starts with the interesting military connections (mostly family) of most of the leading players in the Laurel Canyon folk rock scene and goes crazy places with it. Ties in MK-Ultra, Charles Manson, Satanism, etc. I find it really entertaining, and most of the book is compiled from articles that were previously available online:
I kind of fell into a conspiracy theory spiderhole reading this stuff. Somehow there's always enough weird truth mixed in with the BS to keep me hooked.....
This guy starts with the interesting military connections (mostly family) of most of the leading players in the Laurel Canyon folk rock scene and goes crazy places with it. Ties in MK-Ultra, Charles Manson, Satanism, etc. I find it really entertaining, and most of the book is compiled from articles that were previously available online:
I kind of fell into a conspiracy theory spiderhole reading this stuff. Somehow there's always enough weird truth mixed in with the BS to keep me hooked.....
Because that thread had already degenerated into the usual Soulstrut blowhards bickering.....
And this one won't?
Let's let it breathe
Speaking of conspiracies though, Jim Morrison's father was the commander of the US forces involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This incident became the main justification for America to enter the Vietnam war and many conspiracy theorists believe it was a false-flag attack. From the perspective of conspiracy theorists, the Gulf of Tonkin 'false flag' was like the 9-11 of the sixties and Jim Morrison's father was the one who 'supervised' it.
Oh and the guy who produced the Doors albums was a Rothschild (one of the most wealthy and influential families in the world and allegedly one of the leading illuminati dynasties).
Another Rothschild music producer is Kate Rothschild, who is now dating rapper Jay Electronica after ditching her billionaire husband.
Lincoln assassination conspiracy. As if anything could be examined properly 150 year after the fact. This is the bread and butter of conspiracy people. Here is a bunch of incomplete info from 150 years ago and we are going to see what we want to see in it.
We didn't land on the moon. Really? We just secretly dropped some equipment and lazer reflecting mirrors up there so we could pretend we landed there?
Boston bombing was a hoax. Because the blood doesn't look the right color in the pictures, people weren't maimed in an even manner and some guy was waiting for help a little to patiently? That site should be ashamed for posting pictures of people in agony with missing limbs so the site can make a bunch of BS claims to sell there book.
This is the problem with extreme conspiracies. They draw away attention and energy from the real things that are going on. The government really is spying on everybody but is semi-incompetent when it comes to protecting us even though they claim that's what the spying is for. Most of the world is run as an oligarchy with the super rich controlling everything. Tax dollars are wasted to the tune of billions all to line the pockets of weapons manufactures from falsely started wars and the completely failed war on drugs that got police thinking they need tanks. These are the real issues in plain sight that people should be putting energy into understanding and fighting.
The site you posted is just exploitative garbage to sell books and the author is acting just like the capitals pigs he claims to despise.
Died in a bathtub from drug overdose, but I'm sure this site has a grainy long distance photo of a 15 year old Jeb Bush holding Morrision's head under the water.
That's the spirit!
But actually this is what they say about Morrison's death:
"Jim Morrison, who for a time lived in a home on Rothdell Trail, behind the Laurel Canyon Country Store, may or may not have died in Paris on July 3, 1971. The events of that day remain shrouded in mystery and rumor, and the details of the story, such as they are, have changed over the years. What is known is that, on that very same day, Admiral George Stephen Morrison delivered the keynote speech at a decommissioning ceremony for the aircraft carrier USS Bon Homme Richard, from where, seven years earlier, he had helped choreograph the Tonkin Gulf Incident. A few years after JimÔÇÖs death, his common-law wife, Pamela Courson, dropped dead as well, officially of a heroin overdose. Like Hendrix, Morrison had been an avid student of the occult, with a particular fondness for the work of Aleister Crowley. According to super-groupie Pamela DesBarres, he had also ÔÇ£read all he could about incest and sadism.ÔÇØ Also like Hendrix, Morrison was just twenty-seven at the time of his (possible) death."
And your point is?
Wow. Everyone who lived in the 60's had a relative who was in the military. They must all be MK-ULTRA operatives! Or maybe it was that little thing called WWII.
A bunch of rich artists living in the hills outside LA. Say it ain't so!
The writing is awful. "since were on the subject" (the subject you started?), "curiously enough" (you have no proof, do you?) , " oh wait a minute, we can't move on yet" (what, your writing this free hand on a typewriter and can't edit things into an appropriate order?).
I love it how halfway through he refuses to make some leap citing what a reputable journalist he is after already claiming all these artists were in cahoots with their parents who must have been programming the entire 60's through MK-ULTRA.
I will say this is entertaining when your bored but don't put any valuable time into it.
Yes it's a lame argument.
Conspiracy theorists also pointed to the fact that many passengers on the 9-11 flights worked or had once worked in the military sector.
The truth however is that many Americans have jobs that are directly or indirectly linked to the military industry, after all it's one of the biggest industries in the country.
I love how Northern, white, sophisticated blues fans, who don't believe in god or religion, still believe that Johnson sold his soul to the devil. There is an underlining racist narrative to that belief; no uneducated, rural, Southern, Black person could make music that complex and meaningful.
Not unlike people who think Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare.
I am having a hard time thinking of any.
This comes to mind
But really more a meta-physical mysteries record.
As for music CT, Paul Is Dead.
Conspiracy theorists think it?!?!?
That it was a blatant false flag was taught to me and about 200 others in my History 101 class at the University of Texas, as mainstream as it gets. Pretty sure it was taught the same in my Houston public high school as well.
Makes me wonder what the hell they are teaching y'all nowadays?
The problem is that in America the "extreme conspiracy" people are pretty much the only people speaking out against the "legitimate conspiracies" that you are championing.
You know, maybe it takes a little crazy to actually have some cajones. Ever think about that?
This is not even close to being true.
That's completely untrue. The overreach of the NSA is regular news. A Princeton study called the US and oligarchy because the wealthy few have such a huge amount of control. Obama's done program is in the news all the time as being overreaching. The people trying to spread stories about marijuana being bad are public laughed at and even the news reports on how they are wrong. Net neutrality is openly reported as an important issue because the internet shouldn't be turned over to corporations for a pay to play system. These are national news people saying this not extremists.
The world is still screwed up and the people in power are still doing bad things but it's all coming to light and the general public and journalist are speaking out on a regular basis. As soon as you say Sandy Hook was staged people stop listening and your not doing any one any good even if you are right about something else.
Ding, ding, ding... I see my sarcastic presentation of the RJ crossroads myth hit the right notes...
No harm, no foul. I didn't think you were calling me racist. I am glad I didn't have to make it totally obvious to make the point.
You are correct, although technically it wasn't exactly a false-flag because the attack on US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin never took place; it was a staged event.
That's all just an impotent nothing though. The shit has gotten so bad that if you are even engaging with the system as much as you are indicating above, you ain't about shit. It's not about minor tweaks to a Big Mac and soda lunch. It's about burning fucking McDonald's to the ground. But y'all just want to keep grab-assing. Eff that, I'll be over here with the "extremists", thank you very much.
Your not even making sense. Your claim was that extremest as the only ones standing up and reporting anything when in reality that not even close to true. Regular mom's next door who eat McDonald's speak out for women's rights, rights of the disabled, equal pay etc etc.
This is part of the problem with an extreme view is that you want all or nothing. Your never going to get any where with that attitude. Believe me, I thought that way for a long time. Then I accepted the fact that most people aren't ready for the radical change that needs to happen in this world to make it better (like completely eliminating places like McDonald's and Wal-Mart). You have to start small and educate people. You didn't have your views over night. They developed over time thought years of reading and studying various topics. Most people have spent their lives watching TV and working. They have no clue how bad McDonald's is for the economy or the environment. Most people don't' even know where their food comes from.
Treating them like they are idiots and telling them to Google it is not going to get them on your side.
Not trying to get anyone on my side. Anyone who needs convincing isn't worth having over here IMO. Everybody has to learn on their own. Thinking that it's going to be baby steps that get us anywhere is failure to me, as the evil is simultaneously making giant leapfrogs right over those baby steps. In other words, you don't kiss the devil's ass in order to get him to be nicer. You simply stab him in the heart and be done with it already.