malcolm mclaren HOBO SCRATCH sample ID
2,443 Posts
can someone tell the "whaaaaaaaaaa" and "looking like a hobo" sample?
peace, stein...
peace, stein...
Trevor Horn "One thing I did do that was interesting, a lot of the stuff I???d recorded in South Africa, ???cause I was aware of copyright even then, I cut onto vinyl. All that (sings) ???Looking like a hobo,??? is the Zulu people from South Africa. That little noise at the front, that (sings), that???s the Zulu woman who said Malcolm couldn???t sing. That???s the Zulu war cry that Zulu women make when they???re killing somebody. That???s what she told me anyway"
i'm having a hard time comprehending this. if it's true i'd love to hear those "tribal people" records trevor made.
peace, stein. . .
the horse doesn't always utter the truth
Strange rip off of a World's Famous Supreme Team classic.
peace, stein. . .
the supreme team got back to me. they said that trevor did certainly cut that record in Soweto.
they said he only had 2 copies with him at the studio for the scratches. and they don't have the record.
peace, stein. . .
Because Trevor Horn mentions his awareness regarding the copyrights, I would bet that the "aaah" screams that are credited to be from a Hugo Montenegro record are also on those 2 dubplates and were also done by the Zulus.
At sec. 0.03
I was always not convinced that this was from Hugo, it sounds similar, but not 100%
peace, stein. . .
this is why i love the strut.