"I Can't Wait"/"Just Buggin" vocal samples

IndianaCornikovaIndianaCornikova 13 Posts
edited June 2013 in Strut Central
Hey, all...I've been curious to know if anyone has any insight regarding these two particular sounds/tones. Both the Nu Shooz and Whistle songs debuted in 1985, and each of their unmistakable vocal sounds appeared on at least one release in the previous year. The Nu Shooz "aaah" on Nuance's "Loveride" and Whistle's "bug voice" on The Buggers "Bugger Groove", both from 1984.

A knowledgeable friend said he believed they were both stock sounds on the same synth. Any ideas?




  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    http://www.synthmania.com/Famous Sounds.htm

    A clue there, but what I heard wasn't convincing.

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    Fairlight fairvoice? Seems to be fairlight for sure. Looks there's an iPad emulator with the sounds now.

    Peter vogel cmi

    That seems to be it and the te are quite a few other famous sounds.

  • Yo, Tommy...I had read the synthmania thing before but wasn't convinced either. I had also read about the possibility of it being a Fairlight. That app seems pretty cool actually. Thanks for your help, though, player.
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