Fav episode of Seinfeld



  • on the "record selling" episode you can see newman holding a cold chillin 12".

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    I like the one where Kramer buys the special work out shoes then goes to the dentist, then some dude thinks he's mentally disabled and invites him to a charity event.

  • That dude was Mel Torme. That was a good one.

  • serch4beatzserch4beatz Switzerland 521 Posts

    one of my fav. moments

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Also the whole story arc where Kramer moves to California:

  • Da Vinylmentalist said:
    Feldman said:
    for a soulstrut-related pick, I love when Newman and Kramer decide to start selling used records, especially when they are in the old mans house digging through his collection all giddy, Kramer knows the deal about sergio mendes raers too

    Which episode is that?

    episode is called 'the old man', can't find the clip i want to post with it (when they get to the old mans house and start poking through his records), but in searching for it i was reminded of another great moment, when kramer decides to take dog medicine because he has the same symptoms as a dog he came across (smuckers)

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    DJ_Enki said:

    "I've never seen you smoke."
    "Oh yeah...big smoker."
    "I don't like this one bit."
    "I can't stop now! I'm addicted! They've got a hold of me!"

    Ha! Well then that's where it's from! I've seen about five episodes of this show, I miss out on a lot of references people make at work. And in rap, too, apparently.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    An impossible question to answer. So many great ones. Just to hear the library cop call Jerry "Joy Boy" always struck me as hilarious. That, and "Tippy Toe, Tippy Toe, Lemon Tree" when they're trying to switch the answering machine tape. Or "Look away, I'm hideous"? Just like someone said, the one-liners are too numerous to even rank. That show was clever and absurd all at the same time, not to mention :post_modern:

  • Like many have submitted already, The Opposite is definitely my favorite, but another close one is the Puffy Shirt, especially with George becoming a hand model. That shot of him prancing down the street with the oven mitts on just kills.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    waxjunky said:
    An impossible question to answer. So many great ones. Just to hear the library cop call Jerry "Joy Boy" always struck me as hilarious. That, and "Tippy Toe, Tippy Toe, Lemon Tree" when they're trying to switch the answering machine tape. Or "Look away, I'm hideous"? Just like someone said, the one-liners are too numerous to even rank. That show was clever and absurd all at the same time, not to mention :post_modern:

    That it's Philip Baker Hall doing the collaring makes it all the better.

    Also, I am not sure the world is ready for "Seinfeld" in Blu-ray. No one needs that kind of resolution on Jerry's billowy shirts tucked into tight jeans.

  • Thanks for all these suggestions, which I'm going straight to, one by one, to view. Loved 'Opposite'.
    A fave of mine is 'Busboy'.

    The weirdest aspect of the earlier episodes is the fashion, particularly Elaine's hair, which is so... extensive.

    Not sure Seinfeld will ever make BluRay. It will have been shot on SD video so both the aspect ratio and the picture resolution won't be improved (actually will be made worse) by a HD reversion.
    Same with The Wire.

    I do judge a person on their attitude to Seinfeld. As in, if they talk about disliking the slap bass interlude/ links (obviously a DX keyboard preset and not a bass at all) then I'll consider them idiots. The same people tend to consider the humour old fashioned. The haircuts, ok, I'll give you that. But the rest is golden. So much going on with the acting and writing.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    granjero said:
    the slap bass interlude/ links (obviously a DX keyboard preset and not a bass at all)

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Want to feel old? Julia Louis Dreyfus was visibly pregnant in much of the 3rd season of Seinfeld, you can see it in episodes like the Keith Hernandez 2 parter and the Nazi Limo. That kid is now 21 years old. She's still a fox though:

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    are people going to start talking about Seinfeld shirts the way they talk about Cosby sweaters?

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Odd tidbit about fashion and "Seinfeld": As a freshman in high school, I coincidentally sported the same blue Eastpack as George as well as a strikingly similar forest green coat with a brown leather collar. I was a yung Constanza.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    bassie said:
    DJ_Enki said:

    "I've never seen you smoke."
    "Oh yeah...big smoker."
    "I don't like this one bit."
    "I can't stop now! I'm addicted! They've got a hold of me!"

    Ha! Well then that's where it's from! I've seen about five episodes of this show, I miss out on a lot of references people make at work. And in rap, too, apparently.

    For future reference, here's the whole scene. It's hilarious.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Bubble Boy.

    "Oh, no!. I'm sorry, the correct answer is: the Moops".

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Special shoutout to Jackie Chiles

    "Jackie's cashin' in on your wretched disfigurement!"

  • edubedub 715 Posts
    "The Boyfriend" pt. 1 &2

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts
    haha forgot about Jackie Chiles.
    But Puddy takes top billing as secondary character for me. Even more so than Newman.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    mattB said:
    haha forgot about Jackie Chiles.
    But Puddy takes top billing as secondary character for me. Even more so than Newman.

    Oh yeah, Puddy's the fuckin' king.

    "Feels like an Arby's night."

    "You got a question...you ask the 8-Ball!"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Always loved the back story to The Parking Garage!

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts

  • 'The Red Dot', for Kramer doing a fictitious Hennigan's commercial.
    And 'The Letter', purely for Catherine Keener

  • Machu Picchu

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    spirit_of_66 said:
    Maybe I'm the only one but I've always loved the Kenny Rogers Roasters episode.

    As for quotes, there are just so many greats but for me one of the best is:

    "We're collectors. We see things of great beauty and...we must have them."

    that is my fave, apartment switch, rat hat, "cosssstanZA", Apocalypse Now parody

    the keys and festivus are also up there (& the opposite & the jimmy)

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    granjero said:
    'The Red Dot', for Kramer doing a fictitious Hennigan's commercial.

    "is that cashmere?"

    "Of course, it's cashmere."

    "What's that red dot?"

  • 'The Cheever Letters' had me cracking up so bad last night. Jerry's attempt at talking dirty ("the panties your mother laid out for you?") and the gay letter itself. Crazy to think this was pre-watershed, primetime viewing.
    Elaine totally 0wned Jerry with that cheque move.

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Damn, I haven't watched Seinfeld in some years!
    There are two episodes that come to mind as I think.

    The episode where the guy named "Jimmy" is speaking in third person.
    The episode where Jerry gives his girlfriend sleeping pills so him & George can play with her amazing toy collection.
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