Fav episode of Seinfeld



  • Am I crazy to say that this show has gotten painful for me to watch, and feels super dated? Don't know, in the last five years, it's just gotten a little painful. Maybe, not coincidentally, since I moved to NYC, and everyone here quotes it constantly.

    Julia Louis-Dreyfuss is incredible on Veep, though. My favorite current funny television show.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    A few days ago, I caught various parts of the story arc where they go to LA...what a delightfully weird couple of episodes.

  • I feel the need to add:

    I rode the elevator with Jerry Seinfeld last week.


    I feel the exact opposite about how the Simpsons have aged, and have been binge watching old seasons on DVD with commentary, and it's kind of frightening the influence that show had on my life and sensibility.

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts
    gareth said:
    I rode the elevator with Jerry Seinfeld last week.
    Cool. But I hope he didnt say "You know, I'm the one responsible for those crop circles in England" to you.

    gareth said:
    I feel the exact opposite about how the Simpsons have aged, and have been binge watching old seasons on DVD with commentary, and it's kind of frightening the influence that show had on my life and sensibility.
    For me, Seinfeld has aged incredibly well. Over time, Id watched all nine series again recently and it was as funny as ever. I think it's been as much an influence on me as the Simpsons, if not more.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Started watching in the 2nd or 3rd season and enjoyed.
    Way better than other sitcoms of the time.
    Elaine and Kramer were great physical comedians, something I don't see much.

    Recently watched the series Bored To Death.
    I wish everyone knew this series so I could constantly reference it.

  • serch4beatzserch4beatz Switzerland 521 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Started watching in the 2nd or 3rd season and enjoyed.
    Recently watched the series Bored To Death.
    I wish everyone knew this series so I could constantly reference it.
    Too bad they were abruptly cancelled

  • Moving through seasons 4 and 5 a few things have occurred to me:
    1. Jerry is a Godawful actor. I can imagine it's hard keeping a straight face around the others, but still. He's just a total joke; his facial expressions and intonation are shot.
    2. Kramer is becoming less weird. It's only his tics that mark him as an outsider. Otherrwise he's transforming into a kind of guru.
    3. I prefer George losing outright, all the time. When even slightly winning, he's unbearable.
    4. Raincoats in season 5 is an extended episode of genius. It has everything. Strikes me how similar to Curb Seinfeld already is.
    5 The DX7 slap bass interludes get more insane as we progress. Pitch-bend making an appearance.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    What struck me about the later seasons is how kinetic they were.

    Early on they were going for the about nothing thing; waiting for a table, looking for a parking place. Just one story line.

    Later in the series each character gets their own story line each week.

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    Do you guys watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?


    Perfect viewing for slow days at work. The Bob Einstein and Brian Regan episodes are pretty funny.

  • Although I'd agree that the Simpsons has dated much better than Seinfeld, it certainly has had it's moments and was awesome at the time.
    "Killing Independent George" was a funny one from memory

  • serch4beatzserch4beatz Switzerland 521 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    What struck me about the later seasons is how kinetic they were.

    Early on they were going for the about nothing thing; waiting for a table, looking for a parking place. Just one story line.

    Later in the series each character gets their own story line each week.
    Larry David said in an interview that the actors were getting kinda mad when they didn't appear in an episode, so he always wrote a storyline for each of the 4 main characters later

  • the series of episodes of George pretending to be disabled to get a job and the aftermath of that...those might be my favorites.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    the series of episodes of George pretending to be disabled to get a job and the aftermath of that...those might be my favorites.

    "Jerry, let's face it: I've always been handicapped. I'm just now getting the recognition for it."

    The escalating war between George and PlayNow was great.
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