RIP civility on soulstrut

BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
edited April 2013 in Strut Central
i got swore at and insulted more yesterday than i have for my total soulstrut existence. can't we have discussions here without resorting to such behavior? is this really what it's come to?


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Why do we have to have civil RIPs?

    And only a couple of people swore at you. Most were swearing at a cunt. A dead cunt, granted.

    You were either trolling, or you fall way short of the well-versed internationalist politically savvy analyst that you believed you were.


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i don't think i've ever claimed to be anything savvy but please point that out.

    i'm just asking, does it accomplish anything and is it necessary to display such behavior?

  • you started a thread meant to honor someone that made the REAL lives of board members and their families very unlivable. fall back.

  • I've never sworn on teh stroot.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    you started a thread meant to honor someone that made the REAL lives of board members and their families very unlivable. fall back.
    i don't think anyone mentioned anything about that at all

  • J i m s t e r said:
    I grew up in the North West of England and spent my formative years under her reign. It's hard to put into words the hatred that most of the country has for this woman.

    There have always been historic wealth and class divisions in this country, but in our humble day-to-day lives of financial Snakes and Ladders, she moved the counters of the poorest onto snakes the length of which approach infinity. It sucked the f*cking life out of our region for sure. I lived on an estate where only my dad seemed to have a job.

    I am seeing some folk on FB talmbout her "Backbone" and "Depth of conviction" but, y'know, you could have said the same about that Third Reich dude. For me, her lack of compassion for humanity is right up there with that guy.

    If she was Compton, I would be her Tim Dog.

  • rip guy who invented putting smallpox on blankets and giving them to natives. your legacy lives on.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Brian, it seems you have difficulty with admitting to yourself that sometimes you are wrong, or sometimes it's ok to back down, or sometimes there are arguments that can't be won.

    Doing any of these things are not a sign of weakness; in fact they are a sign of strength: awareness of fallibility.

    Embrace your inner zen.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    that must have been after i stopped reading the thread due to the hostility in it. and that was one out of how many posts in that thread? and strange, the one person who was able to articulate things and explain their personal experience did not feel the need to insult me.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    skel said:
    Brian, it seems you have difficulty with admitting to yourself that sometimes you are wrong, or sometimes it's ok to back down, or sometimes there are arguments that can't be won.

    Doing any of these things are not a sign of weakness; in fact they are a sign of strength: awareness of fallibility.

    Embrace your inner zen.
    where was i arguing anything?

  • I think this is the most overly sensitive place I've ever visited on the Internet.

  • when you say something that angers otherwise rational and balanced people to the point of vitriol, do you REALLY feel like the play is to fight for your right to do so?

    poor judge of climate.

  • b/w

    "'those internet meanies are picking on me"

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    when you say something that angers otherwise rational and balanced people to the point of vitriol, do you REALLY feel like the play is to fight for your right to do so?

    poor judge of climate.
    i'm not fighting for the right for anything. i merely posted a thread with virtually nothing in it, got swore at, and asked why? i stated no opinion on the lady herself. if you guys are saying i'm clearly missing something, i'm not going to clearly understand something when it's not explained by anything except insults.

  • here is why.

    Flomotion said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    wow, great to see people rejoicing over someone's death. soulstrut once again proving that it's the bastion of tolerance.

    That's right because all dead people are good people and their sins are washed away the moment they pass on.

    Fuck her and fuck you.

    you implicated people as intolerant for enjoying someone ruining lives dying.

    why does this need to be pointed out to you?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    when all that i read in that thread is fuck you fuck her cunt cunt cunt, what else am i supposed to conclude?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    is there a preapproved list of threads where i can swear at people for no reason or does it need to be be approved by a soulstrut majority first?

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    when all that i read in that thread is fuck you fuck her cunt cunt cunt, what else am i supposed to conclude?

    that you made an error in judgement by honoring someone despised by most of the board for very real reasons.

    as stated above.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    is there a preapproved list of threads where i can swear at people for no reason or does it need to be be approved by a soulstrut majority first?

    yeah, this thread. at me if you like. I don't give a fuck, it's the internet. grow up.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    when all that i read in that thread is fuck you fuck her cunt cunt cunt, what else am i supposed to conclude?

    that you made an error in judgement by honoring someone despised by most of the board for very real reasons.

    as stated above.
    don't think i honored anyone, just posted a thread. if RIP was taken as me "honoring" her, i can see how that was misconstrued but i literally posted the thread right as the news broke. if i posted about how great of a woman she was and how much she accomplished, i can see that type of reaction.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    My Mom passed away exactly two weeks ago yesterday and I returned from her funeral this past week, so when I read the bile and venom aimed at a deceased woman in the Thatcher RIP thread it did come across as disrespectful and I'll admit my circumstance caused me to see it that way. I didn't whine or bitch about it...if we have an "anything goes" policy where in the name of politics we can call a woman the nastiest, most misogynist names imaginable, no problem.

    Understand, this is a site/community that in the past has attacked people for making "disrespectful" posts in the RIP threads of a convicted murderer gang leader and an accused child molester. So there is some "sanctity of the RIP thread" precedent set here, as bizarre as it might be.

    But then to see a bunch of you, just hours later, say "ZOMG Harvey called Obama a Negro" and tear into him, the hypocrisy and double standards here really stood out. If somehow I'm the only one to see it that way, so be it, but I think it's pretty obvious and blatant.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    We're all very sorry to have offended you.

  • you are correct sit. you sat right there on the fence. bi-partisan to a fault. except when other chose not to mourn her death, you called them intolerant. clearly upsetting them.

    which brings us here.


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i'm not offended by anything on this board. i'm just wondering why people have such violent reactions to things but feel like it's okay to call people out when they do the same.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    you are correct sit. you sat right there on the fence. bi-partisan to a fault. except when other chose not to mourn her death, you called them intolerant. clearly upsetting them.

    which brings us here.

    i didn't ask anyone to mourn anyone. don't care if anyone does. however, given the reaction in that thread and the lack of explanation given, that was the only conclusion i was able to come up with. i mean, i must really have a different view of death than the rest here. i don't see any reason to celebrate anyone's death or find joy in death. it's quite disturbing.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    LOL Soulstrut.

    B/w If it's not totally obvious anyway, while the meaning is basically the same, Cunt isn't generally used as a misogynistic put down in the UK - a cunt is a cunt based on their action and outlook, not because they're a woman. You could say that being a cunt transcends gender - it's a a unifying concept to be embraced.


  • read also: acting like you've never read a kala post.

    can you believe we have things called FANNY PACKS?


  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    when all that i read in that thread is fuck you fuck her cunt cunt cunt, what else am i supposed to conclude?



    how's that ?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Junior said:
    B/w If it's not totally obvious anyway, while the meaning is basically the same, Cunt isn't generally used as a misogynistic put down in the UK - a cunt is a cunt based on their action and outlook, not because they're a woman. You could say that being a cunt transcends gender - it's a a unifying concept to be embraced.
    aware of this and thought of it but also very rarely see the UK posters using it on the board at all so it stood out

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    Junior said:
    B/w If it's not totally obvious anyway, while the meaning is basically the same, Cunt isn't generally used as a misogynistic put down in the UK - a cunt is a cunt based on their action and outlook, not because they're a woman. You could say that being a cunt transcends gender - it's a a unifying concept to be embraced.
    aware of this and thought of it but also very rarely see the UK posters using it on the board at all so it stood out

    see that brits? YOUR FAULT
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