Paging current and former comics heads

I just recently bought an iPad and got the Comixology app at the recommendation of a buddy. The app's great but I haven't paid attention to comics in years and definitely missed a lot. I've bought a few "collections" but would like to get into some stories that are still coming out too.
Looking for recommended story arcs or series/volumes that are easy to jump into. Apparently there's a new X-Men that just started? What is House of M? Is there an easy way to read the Civil War story? Plaese to halp.
Looking for recommended story arcs or series/volumes that are easy to jump into. Apparently there's a new X-Men that just started? What is House of M? Is there an easy way to read the Civil War story? Plaese to halp.
y the last man
the boys
all can be torrented and transferred via dropbox
you're looking for anything in a .cbr or .cbz format if i'm not mistaken. i use the comicZeal app and love it as well.
Iron Fist by Matt Fraction
Hawkeye by Matt Fraction
The Authority
100 Bullets
^ Took me a bit to get into this but it's a good read.
new52 Animal man is cool haven't read a lot but I dig the psychedelic art. Weird story, written by the same guy as Sweet Tooth.
I like the new52 Batman too..
So good. Steve Dillon is a god.
Invincible (Better than any current superhero book)
100 Bullets(Co-sign)
Skull Kickers
Is Dropbox a way around the apps? I assume you download PDFs of the comics and open em up through Dropbox?
Like the teenager VintageInfants said, you need to look for .cbr & .cbz files. Alternately you can use a .zip file containing .jpgs, although they're generally larger in size than the comic book specific compression files.
The latest version of the ComicZeal app has dropped Dropbox support and now you just upload through iTunes. I'm not familiar with the app you mentioned, but it's maybe worth noting that comiczeal is just a reader, there's no library or purchasable catalogue connected.
^ BBC Radio drama of Neil Gamiens Neverwhere, great to listen at work
.cbz extension can be renamed .zip and extract as jpegs
my cousin draws for vertigo infact his wife is executive editor for vertigo
60 dollars for one year......access to the Marvel library.
World War Hulk with Romita Jr. Pencils is good.
i currently follow Nightwing on the DC App.
Got rid of Comixology.
Avengers vs X-Men had a good buildup with terrible ending.
Im ignoring Batmans Death In The Family.
The Van Sciver Green Lantern and Flash ressurections were cool.
Dont fusk with that Love And Rockets non super hero comics stuff.
PM meh
What are some good books/series for a 15 year old laid up in the hospital? Obviously not xxx, adult, super-violent, etc.
In the empowering, inspiring, hero vein would be great.
I am familiar only with Love&Rockets;, Joe Sacco, Chester Brown and all the regular Batman/superhero stuff....I really need help with a wider range.
Sorry if the criteria is vague.
No sex, it would be weird for me to be giving him that material.
No violence given the circumstances.
But, if there are choices out there that do keep both to a minimum and within a reasonable context, please give me some titles. I can leaf through and figure it out that way. Is Beguiling still around or am I looking at Silver Snail?
i'd say silver snail is your best bet. bear in mind, they also changed locations. they're no longer across from the black bull on queen, they're at yonge and dundas square now beside the HMV. threw me for a loop too.
i'll say Y The Last Man again... and tack on The Underwater Welder [Lemire] or The Making Of [Evans]
I dont think a 15 year old is interested in a whole bunch of dialogue w/ no action. Drawn Soap Operas?
Just give him a regular ass book then.
Like I basically said - action is fine, no over the top violence.
Underwater Welder looks great!
I didn't know it had moved, but Yonge and Dundas is by my work so that makes life a lot easier!
Are you familiar with Ichiro? Thoughts?
Thanks so much for the help!
anyone read millar's "nemesis"? i thumbed through it at the shop and the sweaty guy behind the counter said something like "i cant waaiit until sam raimi directs the movie...." and there was no discernable way to tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
the tagline bills it as "what if batman was the joker?" seemed tempting enough