
  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Herm said:

    I don't buy this:

    "I do my job, go home watch TV, and go on the internet. I just like riling people up in my spare time."

    He's a master troll, but If you've ever come across him on reddit as I have, you'll see he's a sick fuck. I don't believe dude just trolls 24/7 and doesn't believe or actually enjoy some of the things he says and posts. He did a whole post about having sex with his step daughter so...yeah, I dunno.

    His whole free speech defense is akin to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. I bet he's shitting bricks after all the things he's posted.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Yeah, eff this dude and all the people defending his right to anonymity. They mention the stepdaughter thing in this article. Apparently it's true. His whole family seems to be a bunch of weirdo creepy folk. I hope his employer fires his ass, if anything for his internet usage at work. (If he's posting THAT much he's gotta be doing it during office hours.) At my old job there was a very strict policy against using the internet for personal use. Back in the "Soulstrut Golden Era" I used to wonder how so many Strutters with jobs were able to post all day long.

    Anyways, I may have said this here before, I've always hated when people have a different online persona than they do in the real world. I have more respect for someone who's a jerk online AND a jerk in the real world than someone who's a jerk online and a nice guy in the real world (or vice versa).

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    If a person wants to be a real parent then; step-daughter=daughter.

  • I am so out of the loop on all this Internet stuff. It's terrifying. Someone posted a RIP Amanda Todd thing on Facebook and I had never heard anything about that. Even after she killed herself people are saying all of this foul shit. Ive got two kids under 3 and I don't want them growing up in this kind of world. People have always been mean, but everything is so permanent now. I know it's an old question, but were people always this rotten or does the Internet just make everyone rotten or give them a pass to be rotten?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    I am so out of the loop on all this Internet stuff. It's terrifying. Someone posted a RIP Amanda Todd thing on Facebook and I had never heard anything about that. Even after she killed herself people are saying all of this foul shit. Ive got two kids under 3 and I don't want them growing up in this kind of world. People have always been mean, but everything is so permanent now. I know it's an old question, but were people always this rotten or does the Internet just make everyone rotten or give them a pass to be rotten?

    I'm out the door (late acutaly) - but I'll say 2 things re. Amanda Todd and the interwebs.

    1. People have always been mean but the internet and the anonymity that comes with it have opened up new levels of cruelty without fear of reprocussion (hence my lack of empathy for dude being outed in the article above)

    2. Teach your kids about what to do and what not to do. Unfortunately it's just the way it is now. And re. Amanda Todd - don't let them post pictures of themselves unless they're ready for them to be in front of the world permanently. That whole story is terrible.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I think we all read the short story The Lottery (Shirley Jackson) in middle school.
    It is about mob mentality and cruelty.

    It is much easier being mean to someone the farther you are removed from them.
    Ever cussed out another driver? Would you have cussed them out if you standing nose to nose?
    Telephone customer service takes more abuse than the in store customer service counter.

    The internet seems to multiply all these effects.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,899 Posts
    I never even heard of the sub reddit being talked about. I have mixed feelings about the whole situation.

    But in all honesty. The hypocrisy of Gawker is on such a mind blowing level. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

  • Welcome to...

    Source: Penny Arcade

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Dude is a creepy fucking deviant for sure, but I've been on Reddit for quite a while and whilst I'm aware of him, mainly from his creepy AmA, I've found it easy enough to avoid most of his 'contributions' to the site. That's not a defense of him in any way, just there are people with wider agendas than outing obvious trolls.

    This article takes a wider look at the situation -

    Personally I never really understood why something like r/jailbait was allowed to exist in the first place, posting sexualised pictures of underage girls is something that most rational people agree just plain wrong. Conversely I'm not sure what I think about this r/creepshots thing.
    When shit started kicking off about it, thanks to r/shitredditsays (whose self imposed role as internet police I find almost equally troubling) I went and looked to see what all the fuss was about, but most of it seemed just like dudes taking photos of cute girls they saw on the street. Whilst this is ethically questionable, I don't see it as the heinous crime that some are intent on making it. We live in a over exposed culture, where it's considered ok for National publications to pap 'celebrities' naked in their homes, or take upskirts shots of them leaving cars, then for everybody to then repost those shots all over the internet. Most of what I saw on the front page of creepshots was much tamer and none of it pornographic, yet there are websites set up to out it's users as sexual predators and identify them to the authorities. Now that shit could potentially ruin a innocent person's life, so I find it confusing as to who the trolls are in that situation.

    Yes there is a case for exposing the more seriously offensive trolls who hide behind the anonymity of the internet, all that 'an hero', facebook grief trolling is sickening, but there's a thin line between that, internet vigilantism and the erosion of free speech on the internet.

    Here's an interesting story about one journalist's experience of being abused/trolled over the internet -

    And this is the rather troubling story of a young guy who said some dumb shit and copied and pasted a bad taste joke to his own facebook page, which was then linked by someone to a page set up about a missing girl, which lead to a 50 strong mob at his front door and resulted in him getting 12 weeks in prison. -

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Herm said:

    Anyways, I may have said this here before, I've always hated when people have a different online persona than they do in the real world. I have more respect for someone who's a jerk online AND a jerk in the real world than someone who's a jerk online and a nice guy in the real world (or vice versa).

    Aka the Faux Rillz paradox.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    Okem said:
    Dude is a creepy fucking deviant for sure, but I've been on Reddit for quite a while and whilst I'm aware of him, mainly from his creepy AmA, I've found it easy enough to avoid most of his 'contributions' to the site. That's not a defense of him in any way, just there are people with wider agendas than outing obvious trolls.

    This article takes a wider look at the situation -

    Personally I never really understood why something like r/jailbait was allowed to exist in the first place...

    Nothing drives traffic like controversy. Reddit knew what the game was and this fuckwad was a key moderator - I'm just surprised that the focus is that Reddit itself hasn't come under fire more.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Flomotion said:
    Okem said:
    Dude is a creepy fucking deviant for sure, but I've been on Reddit for quite a while and whilst I'm aware of him, mainly from his creepy AmA, I've found it easy enough to avoid most of his 'contributions' to the site. That's not a defense of him in any way, just there are people with wider agendas than outing obvious trolls.

    This article takes a wider look at the situation -

    Personally I never really understood why something like r/jailbait was allowed to exist in the first place...

    Nothing drives traffic like controversy. Reddit knew what the game was and this fuckwad was a key moderator - I'm just surprised that the focus is that Reddit itself hasn't come under fire more.
    We're talking about the web forum that the President of the United States decided to 'Salma' on. I don't think they need, or want, the kind of trafic this kind of controversy brings. This guy at Gawker has a hard-on for reddit and as DOR pointed out, it's hardly a bastion of morality itself.

    I don't know, or understand, why Reddit decided to turn a blind eye, or why so many users accepted his behaviour, but then I'm not of the same generation as the majority of their user base. I don't really understand a lot of the behaviour that seems to have spawned from the 4chan generation and spewed across the rest of the internet. But since the original controversy Reddit has (at least) banned all sexually suggestive content featuring minors.

    Maybe people don't understand how Reddit works? There is 100,000 sub forums, 10.000 of which are considered active. They're not centrally controlled like SS, they're user created and user moderated. As a user you can subscribe to whatever forums interests you, if there isn't a forum for it already, you're free to start one. They can be reported and closed down, but it doesn't work like your standard forum.
    The main reason a lot of this has come out is because one of those 10.000 forums (SRS) has been running a PR campaign to bring down what it sees as over privileged, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, white men running wild. That forum even has many subject specific sub forums, where everything from Politics to Anime is discussed and moderated by those who subscribe to the rhetoric, ideologies and agenda of the main SRS forum. So to call 'Reddit' out for this isn't so simple.

    You could spend all day on reddit, subscribed to only subs specific to your interests - lets pick 6 by clicking the random button;,,,,, - and be completely oblivious to all this 'controversy'.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Whoa, you think this is offensive?
    I don't think it is offensive.
    Let me ask a bunch of guys who are just like me if it is offensive.
    You were wrong, I asked a bunch of guys and they all said it wasn't offensive.
    All of your kind of people are too sensitive.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    ^ha ha!^

  • And that was quick...

    The internets is forever! Don't post what you don't want to haunt you later.

  • I thought I followed to some extent what goes on in the world but I don't think I have ever even heard of Reddit.

  • it's astonishing to me that people are protesting his firing using the defense of free speech.

    Employment with private companies is almost always an at-will contract. If you are a Nazi in your spare time, or you frequent child porn sites (which is, btw, an activity to which VA seemed dangerously close) and the company finds out, they can fire you for it.

    On another note, I think it's pretty funny that D****l hasn't posted on this site in months (can it have been a year?!? search tells me so) and dudes are still hott for him. Consider yourselves trolled.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    day said:
    re. Amanda Todd and the interwebs.

    Anonymous claims it has found Amanda Todd's tormentor

    "Amanda Todd, 15, committed suicide on Wednesday, weeks after posting on YouTube a video detailing years of bullying. Part of the video told of a moment of indiscretion ??? flashing her breasts on a webcam in Grade 7 ??? and an unknown male who threatened to send images of that moment to Amanda???s friends, family and schoolmates if she didn???t ???put on a show??? for him. She didn???t, and he did."

  • somebody anonymous once sent me mlj's real name and contact information but i deleted it right away. i can't even fathom how many internet/real world enemies that mlj troll has created..can he be next?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    somebody anonymous once sent me mlj's real name and contact information but i deleted it right away. i can't even fathom how many internet/real world enemies that mlj troll has created..can he be next?

    I know folks who know him, but what would be the point? Dude is annoying, but he's not really bullying anyone or advocating pedophilia, spousal abuse, etc. Better just to ignore him until he gets out of hand, then drop the banhammer.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    crabmongerfunk said:
    somebody anonymous once sent me mlj's real name and contact information but i deleted it right away. i can't even fathom how many internet/real world enemies that mlj troll has created..can he be next?

    I know folks who know him, but what would be the point? Dude is annoying, but he's not really bullying anyone or advocating pedophilia, spousal abuse, etc. Better just to ignore him until he gets out of hand, then drop the banhammer.
    Yer, there's a big difference between someone saying shit you don't like, even if it is ad nauseum, and this creepy fuck on reddit.

  • a troll is a troll is a troll - some are worse than others. good riddance to all of them.



  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    On another note, I think it's pretty funny that D****l hasn't posted on this site in months (can it have been a year?!? search tells me so) and dudes are still hott for him. Consider yourselves trolled.

    Ah, the Anthony Pearson Paradigm.

  • skel said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    On another note, I think it's pretty funny that D****l hasn't posted on this site in months (can it have been a year?!? search tells me so) and dudes are still hott for him. Consider yourselves trolled.

    Ah, the Anthony Pearson Paradigm.

    in the words of that great internet sage, you must deal
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