Toronto International Film Fest 2012 Strut

Didn't see a thread for this yet... just arrived in Toronto in time to grab tickets for the Orioles vs. Blue Jays tonight, and then tomorrow I'll jump in with a projected 43 movies from 25 countries over 11 days.
I have tickets for Malick's booed-at-Venice TO THE WONDER, Baumbach's FRANCES HA, and, uh, Korine's SPRING BREAKERS -- but mostly I'll be checking out world cinema titles from young directors that don't yet have distribution, as well as some new films from intl' veterans like Michael Haneke, Tsai Ming-liang, and Apichatpong Weerasethakul.
I did aim to see THE MASTER in 70mm, but was denied. Luckily, a theater near me back home has it in the same format a few weeks from now.
Usually there are a few other strutters attending... who's seeing what? What tickets were you shooting for that proved a tough pull?
I know the city fairly well, but always eager to hear about new spots for coffee, drinks, and veggie-friendly eats that may have popped up in the last year.
I have tickets for Malick's booed-at-Venice TO THE WONDER, Baumbach's FRANCES HA, and, uh, Korine's SPRING BREAKERS -- but mostly I'll be checking out world cinema titles from young directors that don't yet have distribution, as well as some new films from intl' veterans like Michael Haneke, Tsai Ming-liang, and Apichatpong Weerasethakul.
I did aim to see THE MASTER in 70mm, but was denied. Luckily, a theater near me back home has it in the same format a few weeks from now.
Usually there are a few other strutters attending... who's seeing what? What tickets were you shooting for that proved a tough pull?
I know the city fairly well, but always eager to hear about new spots for coffee, drinks, and veggie-friendly eats that may have popped up in the last year.
Where are you staying?
When are you leaving?
Let's figure out a time to meet!!
This is my list - mind you, I haven't checked days, times or tickets just yet. I'll be glad if I can get to two or three of these.
Rust and Bone
Beyond The Hills
At Any Price
Berberian Sound Studio
Burn It Up
How to Make Money Selling Drugs
Iceberg Slim doc
Something in the Air
We overlap on at least two films. I've got RUST AND BONE at the Ryerson tomorrow at noon, and BERBERIAN Monday, 6pm at Hot Docs. (How big is that venue, BTW?)
I'm here through the film fest and staying a day after. Hope we can catch up and/or catch a film.
Anyone else doing TIFF this year?
As a footnote, I was baffled that they didn't have Leos Carax's HOLY MOTORS in the line-up. That's my most anticipated film of the season, and seemed like a natural fit for them.
These are some of the flicks not mentioned above that I was interested in - if any of you see them, please report back!
Would love to see The Master in 70mm - hope TIFF brings it back in that format post-festival.
If you have questions about food do ask. There are quite a few high profile restaurant openings since last year. Most are in the west side of town.
Go to Bellwoods Brewery to have the witchshark ipa. Thank me later.
BERBERIAN SOUND STUDIO should interest people here. It's set in the 70s, a claustrophobic tale of madness and obsession about a UK sound engineer hired by an Italian horror director to perfect the sound effects and mix. Major nods to Argento and Fulci, even if the film is much more restrained than you'd imagine. Bonus points to the director for citing the Nurse With Wound list during the Q+A.
Haneke's AMOUR was quite good. Tread very similar ground to the recent Icelandic film VOLCANO, if anyone here's seen that.
James Franco's performance in Harmony Korine's SPRING BREAKERS is something else... that film would pair well with Herzog's BAD LIEUTENANT, btw.
No, I didn't. What have you heard?
Standouts so far for me:
POST TENEBRAS LUX -- New Carlos Reygadas movie about class, family, sex, and animal cruelty. Totally unique visual style. Audiences will be puzzling through this one for years to come.
PARADISE: LOVE -- Dark comedy about a middle-aged Austrian woman who engages in sexual tourism in Kenya. Vicious by most standards, the film is a bit more gentle by director Ulrich Seidl's... this is as close to Solondz or Alexander Payne as it is Bruno Dumont or Seidl's devastating IMPORT/EXPORT.
IN ANOTHER COUNTRY -- Hong Sang-soo brings Isabelle Huppert into his unique comic fold with this story of three French women, all named Anne and all played by Huppert, who visit a small coastal village in S. Korea and encounter the same offbeat characters. One of the three characters is a French film director, apparently modeled after frequent Huppert director Claire Denis.